View Full Version : Fertile Eggs???
Wed Aug 16, 2006, 10:43 PM
Hi guys,
I am so excited :wave2 :wave2 !!! I have finally had a spawn from a new pair of discus I bought a week ago and they haven't eaten the eggs!
I was just complaining the other day that I couldn't get a break - as one of my favourite discus died just the other day unexpectedly and reason unknown :cry: :cry:, and I have has a few spawns before (different pair) but eggs were all eaten straight away.
After sheer sadness there is finally utter happiness!!!!
Anyway as I am a newbie to discus breeding I would like to know if anyone out there knows how long it will be before the eggs turn white if they are not fertilised?? - as I am not sure if this batch has been fertilised.
They were laid last night (in front of my eyes!) and this morning were still a golden brown/orange colour.
The suspense is killing me and I am dying to know if they are fertile or not :?: !!!
Any help would be much appreciated.
Wed Aug 16, 2006, 11:08 PM
Congrats mate!
BUT dont get too excited,, they may still eat them!!
in relation to fertility, non fertile eggs will go tic tac white within the first 24 hours.
each fertile egg will develop a tiny black dot. If you see these dots your on a good batch :D In 48 hours time ( depending upon your tank temp ) and you will know for sure !!!!
remember to utilise a night lamp so the parents can guard the fry.
Wed Aug 16, 2006, 11:23 PM
Thanks for the advise Nicholas,
The pair are on their own - 4foot tank with divider in the middle and a pair on either side.
So do I still need to leave the light on even though the eggs haven't hatched??
Thu Aug 17, 2006, 07:14 AM
IMO Discus need to protect there eggs day and night. Without proper light they lose sight of there eggs and this creates undue stress.
stressed discus = eaten eggs.
thats just my opinoin again
I use a small night light, I know others that leave there room lights on 24/7
Thu Aug 17, 2006, 08:06 AM
Thanks for the support and info - it is much needed and appreciated.
Update: the eggs are still pink/orange in colur & see-through.
The male - which I think is still a little imature - has started to try and eat the eggs, even though I have a mesh protector over them (he still manged to get a few - damn!!). Also he has also been agressive towards the female - chasing her away when she goes near him or the eggs.
So, in the smallest chance that the eggs are fertile, and hoping that I have done the right thing - I moved the male away and have left only the female to tend the eggs. It is the only way that I think I will have half a chance of having a successful outcome.
Any thoughts on this??
Thu Aug 17, 2006, 08:26 AM
practice makes perfect. just try all these different methods, soon youl find a way that does work, time will tell mate.
but sounds like a good idea to remove the male as he may end up doing quite a bit of damage to the female.
Thu Aug 17, 2006, 08:58 AM
great idea just make sure the female is going to be alright feeding the fry when they hatch and attach lol
it may be a case of watching how many actually hatch
to many babies = stressed mum
Thu Aug 17, 2006, 09:48 AM
No issues with the eggs being that colour better than white. Started trying to eat the eggs?? mate sounds like he was just fanning the eggs with his mouth,, they both do that.
Aggressive nature is fine they will compete with one another as they both want to take care of the eggs. Its when it becomes very violent and injurys develop that you should then yank one out.
im more old school if they get eaten let them try again and again untill they get it right.
Fri Aug 18, 2006, 06:26 AM
I too have a question on fertility. My discus laid eggs nearly 3 days ago now, they are first time parents and when they were first laid they were dark red and now they are pink and only 2 have a black speck on them.
any thoughts?
Fri Aug 18, 2006, 06:50 AM
azzakat I answered your PM.
Fri Aug 18, 2006, 06:51 AM
My discus laid eggs nearly 3 days ago now
whats the temperature of your water ???
Fri Aug 18, 2006, 07:03 AM
thanks for the PM nicholas76 input appreciated.
Water temp is 28
Fri Aug 18, 2006, 07:11 AM
aah ok may explain delay.
next time whack it on 30 bud :)
Fri Aug 18, 2006, 07:18 AM
if you only get two wrigglers dont be dissapointed, at least you know you have a male and female, and there's plenty more where they came from. good luck, even if it doesn't work out the'll probably spawn again in a week or so :D
Fri Aug 18, 2006, 07:20 AM
thanks for the advice everyone!!
Fri Aug 18, 2006, 07:26 AM
occasionaly when fish come in from over seas they come into contact with either x ray or gamma rays which can make the fish sterile which is a pain in the butt
could also be a case of them being to young
got to rmember in the wild it probably takes a young fish quite a while before they find a mate , grow to breeding size ect
in the aquarium they get to there breeding size in no time and not many people only keep one discus in a tank!! so breeding partners are always available
most of ur fish are breeding well and truly before there wild counterparts would be
Thu Aug 24, 2006, 12:11 PM
Hi all,
Update: all the eggs turned white after 48 hours :cry:
As I thought, the male had not fertilsed them - he's a big boy but still a little imature I think.
Oh well, back to the drawing board - just hoping they will try again soon! One day I may be actually lucky enough to get babies!! :wink:
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