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uh oh discus
Fri Aug 11, 2006, 08:37 PM
hey readers. thanks for giving me some helpful info on my last topic. well as i said i will get a new tank for my discus. since i am new to the discus community, i surely need more tips on how to keep them. so i am thinking of getting a 20 gal tank. i read that 1 adult discus needs about ten gal of space. so i think i will get another discus to accompany the one i already have. It will be a bare tank set up with heater, a submersible mechanical/bio filter. are there any tips or comments that might help me to make the new tank a happy home for my discus? btw my first discus is doing fine in the six gallon tank :oops: its eatting but doesnt eat much at a time so i feed 2-3 times a day.

Sat Aug 12, 2006, 12:51 AM
i wouldnt be using the internal filters as they create a big ammount of current an discus hate a high current.

id be using this IMO

Wed Aug 16, 2006, 02:43 PM
Even an air driven sponge filter will be adequate for two discus in a twenty gallon tank, so long as you keep up with regular water changes.

All my breeding tanks are 80 litres, and pairs are quite happy in that size.