View Full Version : Had Africans... Getting into Discus!
Mon Aug 07, 2006, 06:33 PM
Okay, so I have kept and bred african cichlids now for almost 3 years. I have a very successfull breeding colony in a 55 gal, and a 40 gal grow out tank. I really like discus, and previously kept a few in the 40 gal, but now I have an idea. I have a 20 gal tank that is actually a mantis shrimp/reef tank. If you have never heard of a mantis shrimp, do some research!! I know how to plumb tanks up, and I would like to make a Calfo style overflow in my 55, have it drain into the 40, and use the 40 as a sump/refugium type system. I would of course have a 800 gal per hour pump on the end returning the water back up. My main question is, what kind of filter media should I get for in there? I don't really like Bio-Balls at all, and want to stay away from them if possible. I would of course run a little carbon in the system, and I would like to have a planted tank. I would like to have some plants in the 40 gal which would help in the filtration. Are there any that I should get? Would having those plants down there be redundant? I like the fact that I would have about 75-80 gallons of water going through the 55. Having this extra water would allow me to have a better way of keeping the water parameters in check without having huge swings in it. Guys, I know A LOT about fish, both fresh and salt, and I know enough about Discus to be dangerous, but I want to get the best info that I can from the experts out there!!
Mon Aug 07, 2006, 06:34 PM
Sorry about the double post!
Mon Aug 07, 2006, 08:58 PM
Fixed, and welcome to
Tue Aug 08, 2006, 12:28 AM
Anyone have opinions? Any help is appreciated!! I did do some research, and I was thinking about getting some peatmoss to put in the bottom tank. I have some lighting to go over top of it, so it will be okay
Tue Aug 08, 2006, 03:19 PM
I'm no expert. Carbon filter media is not good for Discus tank. Use it only after med.
As for filter medias, I only use some fine fiber pads, plus the bio rings in my Fluval 304 and 404 set up for the 125 g tank. Nothing else is needed.
I think the major thing for you is to test your water parms, make sure they are OK.
Peat can be expensive if you have hard water.
Just be careful with the sump set up. If there is a power outage, you don't want all 75 to 80 g of water on your floor, plus the dead fish in the tank.
I swiched from Aferican cichlids about a year ago and found out these are the few things I need to watch for:
1. pH levels
2. water temp
3. more W/C
4. feeding
5. UV if possible
6. Have some common med ready
The major trouble I have is the pH level since my tap water comes out at 7.5 and goes to 8.3 after 24 hours. That made my W/C more difficult because I have to treat the water in a container before I can add it to the tank. If you have access to RO water, then it is much easier to adjust the pH level.
Tue Aug 08, 2006, 03:28 PM
Thanks FishLover. I will stay away from the carbon then, and run the Biorings and the filter pads. I actually work part time at a LFS, so getting anything for cheap is easy for me. The Peat will be down in the sump area, and yes, the water is hard. I have access to RO, but I only use it for my Saltwater tank. I may end up getting more, and using some for W/C. Not a problem. As far as a UV goes, I can get one for relatively cheap. So, I will run one. And as for pwer outages... I know how a sump works, and I have a DIY sump on my 20 gal mantis tank. I know that if the power goes out, I need to compensate for some water coming down. It will not be a siphon overflow, it will be set up so that when the pump comes back on, the overflow starts up with it. I will have a spray bar in the back to lessen the flow of the 633 gal. per hour pump, b/c I know discus like slow currents in the water. I will be getting a PH controller/monitor, for the tank. My temp will be controlled in the sump as well with a temp monitor and good heater. Will be kept around 80 degree F. Like I said before, I know enough about them to be dangerous, just want to get more knowlegable before jumping in! I will have the tank set up right before I even think about getting Discus in there.
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