View Full Version : Beginning first discus tank - some opinions sought~
Wed Aug 02, 2006, 05:51 PM
I am beginning my first discus tank which has involved a lot of reading so far and the set-up of a planted tank with plants chosen specifically for discus (lots of vals, java fern, dwarf subulata etc.). The tank is a 37 gallon former Eclipse (I say former because I have had to modify it due to the lack of sufficient light for my plants). It now will have an Eheim 2213 canister filter and coralife lighting.
The tank has substrate consisting of a layer of soil, a layer of onyx sand and a layer of black aquarium gravel (I needed to add the last to keep the soil beneath the surface for the plants). There are a couple large rocks with large holes for them to swim through and driftwood in the bottom.
How many discus should be in the tank? I plan to keep them there into adulthood if possible and don't want to add too many juvies to account for their adult size. I also plan to add about 5 cherry shrimp. I have read the discus will not eat them - anyone heard anything different?
Anyone have other ideas or answers? Thanks - I've been lurking on the site reading up on discus care and this is my first post -- very informative site -- thanks so much!
mistakes r crucial
Wed Aug 02, 2006, 07:09 PM
Hi Telperion,
Welcome to the forum and congratulations on getting into Discus.
As a general rule you should have 1 adult Discus to 10 gallons of water so in your case 4 fish. However, if your filtration and water change regime is more than necessary then you can push the boat out a little. What are the dimensions of your tank?
Wed Aug 02, 2006, 07:15 PM
Be careful with your pH level. You need to make sure the substrate and rocks are inert. Otherwise you will have a very high pH, which is not good for Discus.
Wed Aug 02, 2006, 07:36 PM
sorry -double post somehow (see below please)
Wed Aug 02, 2006, 07:37 PM
Thanks - so far PH has been stable. I'll continue to check once fish are added.
Is it better to add one at a time or all 4 at once? I intend to order mine from a breeder because our LFS discus are all dark and peppered. Hmmm. Not so great. Also, is it better to get really young fish or medium sized sub-adults? Can sub-adults be sexed?
Dimensions are 30 inches in width, at least 12 inches in depth and the rest in height (forget the dimensions but standard Eclipse 37 gallon dimensions). It seems rather tall to me. Taller than my 55 goldy tank.
mistakes r crucial
Wed Aug 02, 2006, 08:04 PM
Hi Telperion,
You are better off adding all four at once. Sub adults can be sexed but not with any certainty, it is difficult at the best of times unless they are just about to spawn.
Thu Aug 03, 2006, 05:02 AM
have made the jump to discus and haven't moved from my tank in days!!!
at this rate my house will be an aquarium!
i added my first four days ago - as you have said all at once is better -
would the four days have been too long or am i being petty and paraniod!
mistakes r crucial
Thu Aug 03, 2006, 05:18 AM
Four days too long for what?
Thu Aug 03, 2006, 06:00 AM
between adding another!
(stupid question probably, apologies, just getting excited about my new collection)
may need something to help me stay calm!
mistakes r crucial
Thu Aug 03, 2006, 06:03 AM
Hahahaha, I love the enthusiasm! There isn't a stupid question apart from the one you don't ask. I'm sure 4 days will be fine. Just keep up the water changes and food and u'll be fine.
Thu Aug 03, 2006, 06:11 AM
1 hour to go till i can get to the shops.
finally took the expensive plunge on the weekend and relocated most of my old fish, just keeping some tetras and yoyo's,
have been glued to the sexy thing since....and after reading more today have to get her a friend asap!
mistakes r crucial
Thu Aug 03, 2006, 06:16 AM
You go for it sunshine, they're a great hobby.
Thu Aug 03, 2006, 04:26 PM
Thanks for the help about sexing -- anyone have an opinion as to whether I should go for juvies or sub-adults? i can see pros and cons to both. i mean with sub-adults you know they have been well-cared for if they are healthy but at the same time, its like adopting a toddler over a baby just to get a healthy-sized child :shock:
lol :D
Fri Aug 11, 2006, 05:49 PM
BOT :) Getting ready to order some discus soon, need advice on size -- so far from other forums, it looks like medium sized is best.
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