View Full Version : White Diamond with little white dots on tail
Taz Devil
Tue Aug 01, 2006, 11:21 AM
I am hoping that this is just a case of me being over cautious, however my white diamond seems to have little white dots on his tail (please see pic, best i could get). On the fins located near his gills (pectorial?) there seems to be a few white dots as well. :o
Water parameters are:
PH 6.8
Temp 28c
W/C 25% every 4 days
nitrite 0
ammonia 0
My other discus (blue diamond) has none on him :D
Could someone please tell me if this is normal or is it something that needs to be fixed.
Slighty concerned
Tue Aug 01, 2006, 12:08 PM
its ich, add 1 tsp of salt per 40 litres an raise the water temp to 30.
try to use cooking salt or rock salt, table salt has a other things added to it which arent great for your fish.
you dont need to be overly worried but it does need to be fixed.
if your able to put it in a hospital tank thatd be great as the salt wont be the best for your plants an if you have any catfish or bristlenose either.
have a look at this link
Tue Aug 01, 2006, 12:36 PM
Are there dots over his body as well, like small pimples?
White spot can be pretty hard to shift. Some of the strains about now are immune to the salt and high temperature treatment and need something stronger.
Discus don't usually get white spot, because of the high temperatures we keep them in, so is it possible you had a temperature drop in your tank recently?
More photos would be good. If it is white spot, then you need to treat the whole tank. What else have you got in there, other than discus?
Taz Devil
Tue Aug 01, 2006, 12:55 PM
Nathan Thanks for that.
Ladyred - I can not see them on his body but he is a fairly white, white diamond. I also have 4 rams, 5 cardinals and a jingli (spelling?) catfish. The others do not have any of the spots on them. I have not had a major temp drop of late as even at 2 in the morning the temp seems to still be around 27c degress.
I have had white spot on clown loaches before but I am not sure that this is the same as the spots are not as white.
All help is very much appreciated. I will try and get some more pictures and post them tomorrow.
Adam :(
Tue Aug 01, 2006, 04:47 PM
lymphocytocis? though the spots on fins should be progressive and coalesce
often take a similar colour to fish so whit inyour case
mistakes r crucial
Tue Aug 01, 2006, 07:50 PM
Hi Taz,
IMO you are being over cautious, which is usually a good thing but it doesn't look like ich to me. What it does look like is what I call freckles and I've seen them come and go in quite a few Discus, especially the lighter coloured strains with clear fins. I don't know what causes them but IME they cause no harm whatsoever and disappear as quickly as they appear.
Wed Aug 02, 2006, 01:25 AM
I also dont think it is whitespot, not sure what causes them, but a number of my other fish develope them as well, in particular long finned whiteish species. It is more noticeable in fish with very clear or fins, this is common amoung some of my more elaborate Angels, never seems to be a problem, just a little defect...........I wouldn't be too concerned yet unless it spreads to othert fish or parts of the body.
As was suggested if your Discus are in a temp of about 30oC then you should never have a problem with whitespot, I keep most of my fish of most species at around 30oC these days to keep whitespot away......I HOPE 8-)
Taz Devil
Wed Aug 02, 2006, 08:27 AM
Hi to everyone
thankyou very much for the replies. It makes me happier after hearing thatI am being over cautious. I have posted a couple of more pics just as I said I would. It is very hard to take pics as they keep moving their tail fin.
Again everyone thankyou. I might sleep easier tonight.
Adam :D
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