Sat Jul 29, 2006, 12:43 AM
Hi, just thought that I would introduce myself. I am from Illinois in the U.S. and I have been fishkeeping for a little more than ten years now.I have seven tanks with six of them being freshwater and one of them is a saltwater reef. Presently I have a 46 gallon tank that is fully planted and fully established for my Discus. I have had Discus before but because my heater malfuntionedand heated the tank to 110 degrees, I lost everyting in the tank. That was two months ago and since then I ordered some new Discus from a breeder and I just got them home last night.There are five of them and they are about four and a half inches in diameter. That is a little bigger than I thought that they would be but they are all so beautiful and very healthy. They all are out and about and exploring thier new home. Eventually I would like to move them to a bigger tank. Maybe at least a 125 gallon or bigger. That will be whatever I can talk my husband in to. Well, that is enough about me. See you all around in the forums.