View Full Version : Could be sick or i'm just being worried about nothing..
Tue Jul 25, 2006, 06:48 AM
hi guys sorry to ask another question about my discus as it must get anoying :oops:
I have RT's and i moved them into a new tank 4 out of the 5 have been perfectly fine not a thing wrong with them but the most Dominant/bossiest and would chase the others away when food time now is hiding all the time but he isn't cramped up in a corner or anything just sitting at the back of the tank or might be right at the front but his colour won't change he hasn't eaten in about 4 days now and i'm getting a little worried as the others are eating swimming chasing my angel :lol: :lol: :lol: etc etc
So if has me stumped whats wrong with him the only thing i could put it down to is that he might be pi$$ed becuase he is now got a large angel to contend with and all the other fish..
Like i said i'm most likely worried about nothing but won't your oppions on what you guys think...
Here are some pics
PS: look at his head looks like a yellow colour while his body is darkish colour :o ( ( (
Tue Jul 25, 2006, 07:01 AM
1. Fins are nice and erect no issue there!
2. despite being a tad stunted ( big eye for that body shape ) he is displaying his stress bars which is normal.
3. dark in colour which can mean many things despite sikness
Id say you have pis%d off the former boss of the tank.
observations are required let us know if he starts pooing white coloured stools.
give it time and try live brime shrimp to egg him on to eat.
nice fishy bud
Tue Jul 25, 2006, 07:16 AM
Will do mate and yeah i know all my fish are stunted and trying to get them all to turn out good :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
I'll keep you guys posted :D
Tue Jul 25, 2006, 07:24 AM
dont stress bud,
it aint over till its over ,, once he starts feeding more go for broke ! Fatten the sucker and lets evaluate it in 12 months time!
ive seen duds and he aint that bad a fish.
Tue Jul 25, 2006, 08:04 AM
omg he looks heaps worse now have a look looks like he has black spots now?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he is swimming into a plant and won't stop and scaring the living $#% out of me
It looks like there all getting peppering or something on there body as well..
And sorry for sounding bad but he swimming around fast into plants etc and won't stop.... :cry: :cry:
it seems like he is blind or something or druged! :cry: :cry: ( (
Thanks guys need help asap thank you!
Tue Jul 25, 2006, 11:10 AM
that strain of discus dosent get peppering??
what do you mean dots, are they white??
did it get startled , what are the others doing?
check your water parameters mate what are they??
update us
Wed Jul 26, 2006, 02:32 AM
All the other fish are fine eating swimming around got all there colour etc.
The black dots i'll try get a pic of them pretty hard to but i'll try there is like 4 of them but there not huge and it's not peppering becuase it looks nothing like it. :)
He looks the same yesterday now just sitting up the back of the tank doing nothing and won't eat :? :?
The water parm are
5ppm nitrate
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
ph 7.5
Temp 29.3 i brought he temp up from 28.5 to that over the last few days..
i haven't seen any poo but all the others have normall poo..
Only thing i can put it down to is that he might be a little annoyed at not be the boss anymore maybe :ug
One thing it feels like he is doing... you now those days when ur tired and can't be bothered to do anything and just feel like sleeping on the couch well that's what this fish seemed like he just was swimming normally into a plants for like 30 secs then would swim into the glass etc but not fast just at a cassual rate :|
Wed Jul 26, 2006, 09:29 AM
Rick it's usually connected to a water problem of some kind. If you can't find any other reason for a problem then the first thing I do is a big water change.
Very often that seems to fix whatever the problem may have been.
Try it and see if that makes any difference.
Wed Jul 26, 2006, 10:30 AM
Ok i'll do one tommrow how big do u suggest %?
My tank is pretty planted and i'm been doing my w/c straight from the tap and adding water conditioner as water is getting added i'm on tank water so need to worry about clorine just heavy metals..
Thanks Merrilyn and everybody else for your help...
Wed Jul 26, 2006, 12:06 PM
Well i have been doing some research and i have come up with this outcome... I think my fish may have been lacking of calcium/phosphorus which i had noticed the laterial line on my fish that is the only one that's sick at the moment so instead of jumping in the deep end and throwing chemicals everywere i rather try do it more natural and see how i go.
This is what i have planned:
1. Add some Seachem Equilbrium to the water which contains lots of minerals.
2. Now i have to add some vitamin C and D how will i do this whats the best wat to deliver that to the discus?
I might be all wrong but what i'm doing can't harm the fish if i'm wrong right :lol:
Cheers guys
Hope Merrilyn gets back to me about what size w/c but if now no probs at all i'll start with a 40%..
Thanks guys and Merrilyn!
Mon Jul 31, 2006, 02:25 AM
When I do Big water changes, I go all out with 50% day1, 50% day 2, 50% day3 - I'm careful to not add anything but aged water at this time - we want to flush the tank out and completly dilute the water in there. So, no medications, no vitamins etc - I'm not clever enough to guarantee what chemical rections I may be causing with the different things being added and this is more important if you dont know what has caused the problem - I have heard stories of flyspray, deodorant, perfumes, room air fresheners etc getting into the tank in very small amounts and making it toxic for fish. SO flush it as clean as you can and then give the fish a chance to recover - Day 5 you should see some improvement, that is, if its possible to fix whatever is wrong with the fish.
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