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View Full Version : *** Seachem pH Alerts - IN STOCK NOW ***

Mon Jul 24, 2006, 07:52 AM
Be one of the first in Australia to use the all new Seachem pH Alert

No Batteries Required, No Strips, No Tests, Just Constant Readings

http://www.aquariumproductswholesale.com/images/phalert.jpg (http://www.aquariumproductswholesale.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=1748)

* Seachem Sensor Technology
* Lasts 3-6 months
* Read Anytime
* Freshwater Only

Seachem pH Alert™ is a unique color device designed to be placed in the aquarium to monitor pH continuously. A sensor changes colour reversibly to alert you to shifts in pH levels between 5.8 and 8.6.

Simply place pH Alert™ visibly anywhere in the aquarium or filter. It’s that easy. No chemicals or test procedures are required. When first put in service, response time will be about 30 minutes. Thereafter, pH shifts will register within ten minutes. The life of the pH Alert™ sensor may vary depending on a variety of tank parameters. A replacement sensor is included to ensure effectiveness for 3 to 6 months. Sensor exhaustion is indicated by a visible fading or washing out of sensor colour.

To apply replacement sensor, first peel exhausted sensor from reference card. With tweezers, remove the paper backing from the new sensor to reveal adhesive. Apply new sensor to reference card. Press it firmly. Avoid touching sensor surface with fingers.

Includes 2 sensors


Don't miss out, our first stock allocation sold out in a few days

Seachem pH Alert (http://www.aquariumproductswholesale.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=1748)

Mon Jul 24, 2006, 11:48 AM
Sounds great. I've put my order in. Love their Ammo Alert thinggies, looks like I'll have to get one of these for each tank as well.

Mon Jul 24, 2006, 12:05 PM
Another great idea by Seachem!!

Mon Jul 24, 2006, 12:13 PM
These alerts have been available in the U.S. since early May and have been selling out everywhere. They are totally different to a similar product Seachem released a few years back, and have had a lot of R&D done in regards to accuracy and longevity.

They are identical to the Ammonia Alerts, and work in a similar manner.

I managed to get my hands on a few from a friend in the U.S. when first placed on sale and have one on a tank that also has a pH computer hooked up to it, both readings are always the same.

It is small and unobtrusive and if it saves just one tank of fish from a pH crash, then it is money well spent IMO

Tunnel Rat
Mon Jul 24, 2006, 03:12 PM
Just ordered one :D
Funny how I just clicked on to APW to order a $13.95 item and spent $237.00 while I was there :banghead


Mon Jul 24, 2006, 10:33 PM
Must be a subliminal message on the site...

"Your fish want more...."


Mon Jul 24, 2006, 10:43 PM
Must be a subliminal message on the site...

"Your fish want more...."


Don't worry it's sucking me as we speak :oops: :oops:

and yes that ph thingy does look KOOL :!:

Mon Jul 24, 2006, 10:55 PM
Good morning folks.....

Looks like these pH Alerts are just as popular here as they were in the U.S. when they were launched.

There is only limited stock left as over 50 have already been allocated to orders. If by chance later today we sell out, we should have more in stock later this week, early next week.

Thank you

As for subliminal messages, shhhhh that is meant for the fish :wink: