View Full Version : Price lists
Wed Jul 19, 2006, 05:11 AM
Hey all,
I personaly hate buying discus some times cause the prices are
so different from shop to shop.
I would like to see a list on here saying what prices should
be as a guideline only..
i know that same strians will very due to breeding
but if we had a ruff ball park figure on them i think it would help alot of
people. Ill do this if people will tell me. Maybee a min price and a max
price you should pay.
this would also help people sell there discus..
Intrested to here what you think. Like i said ill do this and keep updated
or change something if its wrong and its all about helping people not
get ripped off.
Wed Jul 19, 2006, 05:23 AM
It really wouldnt work.
A lot comes down to where the fish have been sourced from, varied quality levels, etc etc.
I have seen the same type of Discus at one store for $35 and another of lesser quality at a store which doesnt really deal with Discus for $120.
Others factors such as shipping, and wholesale costs need to be looked at as well. Obviously a store that can hold several hundred Discus will have more flexibility than a store who has only one tank of Discus.
My suggestion is to shop and ring around....
Wed Jul 19, 2006, 05:29 AM
Gday mate
I wish it was so simple.
There are many many factors that dictate what we pay and what we can use as a guide. In my opinion there is no general rule. Somthings that come to mind ....
Are you willing to pay big bucks from an importer who has "the goods" or will you be satisfied with the "steal" from a local hobbyist breeder. But then are you satisfied with the LFS and his prices but can you tell the diffrence between his good fish and his crap?
What are you willing to pay and what are your standards! determines your guidline. :wink:
redghan on a personal note if you would like to send me a pm and let me know what you are being priced at Ill give you a better indication
Wed Jul 19, 2006, 05:31 AM
What can i say to that..
Not to much. I hate the price difference from store to store.
Oh well thought id try.
Thanks Nicolas ill keep that in mind.
Just hard sometimes as im from the country and the LFS's wont keeep discus so i have to travel to the city shops.. And well ive wasted days driving from one to another just looking and comparing prices before i buy..
Wed Jul 19, 2006, 05:34 AM
I've seen some of my mates fry ( that he was selling at $20 a pop in the trade post ) for $90 dollars each in a local LFS a week later.
price / quality / availability / are all variable factors that dictate what we pay :)
Wed Jul 19, 2006, 06:13 AM
Hi Redghan,
What I find is that I have a few favourite LFS that I always target as I know they specifically stock a good variety, quantity and quality of discus - and generally therefore have reasonable prices.
I know that $$$$ are important, but I'd rather pay a little extra and know I am getting variety and quality stock.
I hope this helps :D
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