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View Full Version : Blacky- how long before he can go home to his friends

Tue Jul 18, 2006, 06:12 PM
since i started doseing with seachemmetro his colors back. no wounds, eating. not white poop. its been only a week. how long should i keep him in Qt. Hes doing real well.
im not sure at the reccomended time for taking him out.
He almost looks back to normal but i havent seen him for unblack for a month.
so any help will be appriecitated. im still doseing for a today and tomorrow then i will probably stop and see how it goes. should i be still adding salt?
should i wait 2 weeks . or should he be good to go. hes almost been in there for over three weeks-but real well for like maybe a week.
thanks in advance Jen

Tue Jul 18, 2006, 11:58 PM

If he's back to normal and eating well, then I'd say it was O.K. to put him back with his mates.

Congratulations on successfully nursing him back to health.,


Wed Jul 19, 2006, 05:58 AM
perhaps I missed it................

what are you treating for????????

If blacky is the colour black then he isnt a happy chappy , can you post a picture if possible.

Wed Jul 19, 2006, 07:31 AM
We call him BLacky because he was black - he is now back to normal.


Wed Jul 19, 2006, 08:02 AM
thank you marg. its been a few days since hes been back to normal. Lots and Lots of hard work and water changes. lots of money on meds and lots of work and even more money for a qt tank with him in it. At one point i honestly thought he wasnt going to make it. I was heart broken and my little buddy is full of color and happy And i have you all to thank for all of your help and K9outfit too. Thank you all so much and blacky thanks you too. finally he has a name.

Nicholas- ive been fighting hex for the last almost a month. its been a long hard battle. this is the post in the emergancy room and i will post a recent back to normal picture.


Wed Jul 19, 2006, 08:39 AM
aah hex is nasty , great to hear your fish is fighting the bug,

Id probably keep treating it untill all signs of white poo have gone,, for atleast a week.

hows the bulge in its gut? has it gone yet?

Wed Jul 19, 2006, 02:54 PM
he looks pretty much back to normal.
ill get a picture. it will show much better cause i never noticed untill i took that picture and still didnt.
he still looks thin. but got to fatten him up. lol poor little guy

Thu Jul 20, 2006, 01:22 AM
Since it's only been about 4 days that he's actually been eating, and only 6 days since you thought he was an absolute gonner, and he's been sick for at least a month already, I would strongly recommend that you keep treating him for at least another 5-7 days. Keep feeding him the Met. soaked food, and - I realize it's time consuming and inconvenient, and everything else - I'd keep up dosing with Met. 2X/day, again for another week or so.

I realize it's a bit extreme, but then again, he was pretty far gone. You want to cure him once and for all, not just alleviate the symptoms temporarily. Also, by only going through the treatment 1/2 way, you'll be breeding more resistant bacteria, so next time might be twice as difficult - if not impossible - to treat; and you will loose him.

Just my $0.02 worth.... :)

Edited after locating additional data...
This fish has been dark on & off for over a month (June 6 e-mail stating he's dark & hiding, also posting on the forum to the same effect) therefore more than ever I would strongly recommend to kill this bug once & for all, rather than having it re-surface again next month. At least you know you're on the right track, if he's showing definite signs of improvement. :)

Thu Jul 20, 2006, 04:47 AM
thank you for your opinion. i thought so too.
I figured its a start and to guess how long it would be until he could go home.
I agree and it doesnt take me much extra time to do him everyday.
ill keep you updated but hes still eating and still lots and lots of color :)
I just wasnt sure how long before he could go home.
Thanks again

Thu Jul 20, 2006, 05:49 AM
Hiya Jen,

The above advice is good solid advice :)

Keep up the treatement of Metro in food for another 5 or so days. IMO I would only return the fish to the community tank once he has fully regained his apetite and his poo is dark and solid, like mouse poo you could say.


