View Full Version : Discus guts coming out!!!
Wed Jul 12, 2006, 02:42 AM
I really don't know how else to explain this, but my discus' guts (intestines) seem to be coming out of his anus. I noticed that this morning, he seemed VERY blouted. Around his anus, there was a "skin bubble". By this, I mean a semi-transparent membrane with veins around it. It looked as though it was filled with air. He is very inactive and dark in color. I checked on him after work just a few minutes ago.....he doesn't have the skin bubble anymore and he is a little less bloated. I still don't know what I should do.
I have him in a 90 gallon tank with four other discus. I've had these fish for about nine months now and I have never seen anything like this. The night before, I feed them freeze-dried blood worms like I've done several times in the past. He seemed fine at the time of the feeding.
Please help. I'll answer any questions I can to help solve this problem.
Wed Jul 12, 2006, 07:00 AM
yohan have a look at any search articles that come up on this site under either constipation - epsom salts - tapeworm - praziquantel
enter anyone of those words in the top right hand box and you should have heaps of information to start with
hth andrew
Wed Jul 12, 2006, 10:43 AM
im unsure if discus can get it (axies acn get it and this is where i first heard of it) but perhaps a prolapse? this is where their intestines come out and normally a vet is needed to do anything to it as if it bursts the fish can pretty much be pronounced 'passed on'. i hope this isnt it and it probably isnt but thats what sprung to mind
Wed Jul 12, 2006, 12:20 PM
lmao, sorry, i think humans get prolapsed anus, its like from getting the roids... lol hard poop etc poor diet etc.
never heard of a fish getting prolapsed anus before
Wed Jul 12, 2006, 02:41 PM
Good news.....but I'm still confused. Yesterday morning, it looked as though his intestines were coming out. Last night they weren't, but he was still really bloated and dark in color. Now, he looks absolutely normal. His color is back and he is very active again. He didn't eat anything this morning, but I hope that will later today. I just wonder what the heck happened to him yesterday and why?
Wed Jul 12, 2006, 03:01 PM
im unsure if discus can get it (axies acn get it and this is where i first heard of it) but perhaps a prolapse? this is where their intestines come out and normally a vet is needed to do anything to it as if it bursts the fish can pretty much be pronounced 'passed on'. i hope this isnt it and it probably isnt but thats what sprung to mind
was going to say the same thing :) as iv'e also seen this here
and it sounds like the same thing happening
Hi Sharn "it's Rob here" from :)
Wed Jul 12, 2006, 06:27 PM
My discus seems to be doing much better now....he is even eating. I'm still wondering what was wrong with him. Do you guys think that the semi-transparent bubble with veins was his intestines? If so, how in the world did they get back into his anus? Also, I would like to know why he was so bloated from this. His stomach was about four times as large as usual.
Thu Jul 13, 2006, 12:07 AM
what did you feed him? sometimes food can expand...
Thu Jul 13, 2006, 03:34 AM
The night before my discus got sick, they were eating freeze-dried bloodworms. The bloodworms float at the surface, so my discus could have possibly ingesteed some air bubbles.
Thu Jul 13, 2006, 09:56 AM
i dont think it was a prolapse then (its not only humans that get this) as it doesnt normally go back in itself. like i said, i was unsure if fish can get it but amphibians can. be interesting to find out if they could.
it may just be those bloodworms did give him air pockets somehow. the freeze dried foods often soak up a bit and swell once theyre left for a while so if he gobbled it it may have swelled in his tummy. i am unsure how it could cause your bubble though :S
is he ok now?
hey rob :)
Thu Jul 13, 2006, 02:23 PM
My discus is doing great now. He color is back and he is eating normally again. To be on the safe side, I have been pre-soaking the boodworms so that they won't simply float at the surface. I might even switch to frozen bloodworms instead. It will be just another addition to the pile of frozen fish foods.
mistakes r crucial
Fri Jul 14, 2006, 09:50 AM
I've never seen live worms float, you sure they're live?
Sat Jul 15, 2006, 12:08 PM
i beleive hes using freeze dried at present MRC :)
yohann- you can never have too many frozen fish foods lol. ive taken of the top half of our freezer!
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