View Full Version : Metro is hard to get!

Sat Jul 08, 2006, 10:58 PM
I live in California and it's hard for me to get metro. I've told some vets about my problem with the discus and it's suffering my hex, they don't even want to help me. So, is there anything alternative to metro that treats hex? A guy from the LFS told me to get hydroplex and treat the discus with it. Has anyone here work with hydroplex before?

Sun Jul 09, 2006, 06:50 AM
Hello Williamvo,

I was always under the perception that in the USA metro can be bought over the counter at LFS and Chemists (Pharmacy's).

See if you can go to your pharmacy and buy Flagyl, that is Metro. If not, there are online places to buy Metro in the US.

If you go to www.simplydiscus.com, some of the members there will definatley be able to point you in the right direction, best of luck.




Sun Jul 09, 2006, 08:41 AM
thanks for the reply

Sun Jul 09, 2006, 09:56 AM
metronidazol is not regulated by prescription laws in the USA
it is available freely as metrozol marketed by aquatrol USA , it is also in general cure with other products manufactured by aquarium usa and also that i know paragon II by aquatronics


Sun Jul 09, 2006, 07:48 PM
So, I can just go to a Sav-on or CVS/Pharmacy and look for metrozol, or flagyl, or paragon II?

Wed Jul 12, 2006, 06:51 AM
I do not know what a sav-on is , the products i listed are aqurium products and i would assume that they are available where most fish and such are available
any americans want to chip in

in my mind(and often that is scrammbled) i would also think they you should be ale to walk into a pharmacy and request the medication over the counter aswell
though you would have to try that , if it works please let me know


Thu Jul 20, 2006, 02:14 PM
Go Amozon.com and search for it. You can buy them cheap on line.

You don't need prescription for that. I bought a 250ml 100 tab bottle for less than $10 few months ago.