View Full Version : FS: Large Tanks & Furniture (prices reduced - again)
Sat Jul 01, 2006, 11:50 PM
Most of these are available now, or in the next 2 weeks.
(pics will be added soon)
1, 6x2x2 Tank, with lids and left rear weir (overflow) (Display quality)
All bulkheads & Pipework, some hosing
2.5ft sump with spinning arm, over 700 high quality bioballs
6ft reinforced custom cabinet (extra bracing & supports) stained in Mahogony/Walnut gloss stain. (900 high)
Now includes a 6ft twin light reflector & ballasts. Brand new light tubes as well
$1100 (retail value over well over $2000 especially given the quality of the custom built cabinet)
NOW $900 - SOLD
2, 5x2x2 Tank, with lids and left rear weir (overflow) (Display quality)
All bulkheads & Pipework, Rainbar, some hosing
2ft sump with spinning arm, inc bioballs
5ft reinforced custom cabinet (extra bracing & supports) Raw Pine. (900 high)
3, 4x2x19" Tank, with lids and left rear weir (overflow) (Display quality)
All bulkheads, Pipework, hosing, pre-filter sponge for weir
2ft sump with spinning arm, over 400 high quality bioballs, biomat, fine filter matting + 4500lph water pump
4ft reinforced custom cabinet (extra bracing & supports) Raw Pine. (900 high)
AquaOne 4ft twin light reflector with tubes
$400 SOLD
4, 5ft x 2ft reinforced custom cabinet (extra bracing & supports) Raw Pine. (900 high)
NOW $350
5, 5ft x 2.5ft reinforced custom cabinet. Commercially stained in matt walnut colour. Suitable for left, centre or right overflow. (750 high)
A quality piece of furniture
(pick up preferred, Sutherland Shire Sydney)
Sun Jul 02, 2006, 12:16 AM
6, Brand New AquaOne Windsor 88 Corner tank
Latex rock background
NOW $900
Sun Jul 02, 2006, 01:11 AM
consider mine sold mate...:)
Sun Jul 02, 2006, 01:16 AM
By the way, i have seen all these tanks and they are outstanding quality!! all perfect for display tanks. i only wish i had more room for the bigger ones
Sun Jul 02, 2006, 02:20 AM
Thanks Matt...
I really didnt want to sell any of them, however space dictates, and they just dont all fit in the area I have.
Sun Jul 02, 2006, 10:11 AM
Pro, do you have any standard 3ft or 4ft + stand ?
Sun Jul 02, 2006, 10:15 AM
Sorry Dr.V... I did have a 4x18x18 with stand, hood and lights but gave that to a friend...
Sun Jul 02, 2006, 10:54 AM
Ok No problem.
Sun Jul 02, 2006, 12:26 PM
This will be available in late August:
7, 6x2.5x2.5 Tank, with lids and left rear weir (overflow) (Brand New, Display quality)
All bulkheads, pipework, air control device and hosing
6ft reinforced custom cabinet. Commercially stained in matt walnut colour (750 high)
$1600 or make an offer
I have removed the sump and reduced the price SIGNIFICANTLY
NOW - $950
Sun Jul 02, 2006, 11:01 PM
Proteus, whats going on mate?
Am i right that most those tanks were purchased just recently?
And your even selling your giant gorami's tank! :shock:
Sun Jul 02, 2006, 11:05 PM
One was just purchased, plus a couple of new cabinets which are not required.
The GG's tank isnt for sale, the 6ft one was for the Bala Sharks but they are going to go into something bigger.
I have lots of tanks... lol :wink:
Sun Jul 02, 2006, 11:22 PM
Are you a tank maker? Do you always have stock available? I'm thinking of getting a 5x2x2 few months down the track.
Sun Jul 02, 2006, 11:29 PM
No, I do not make the tanks.
They are built by one of the sponsors here, Xtreme Aquariums
Mon Jul 03, 2006, 12:37 PM
Proteus - do you have any pics of the sump under the 6x2x2?
Is it still for sale?
Mon Jul 03, 2006, 12:46 PM
the only pic I have on hand is when it was cycling on a 4 ft tank a while back...
The 6x2x2 will be available late next week as it is being used for a photo/video shoot next Monday. I will get some pics then of the whole unit, although the sump wont be used as it is being set up for a day only.
Mon Jul 03, 2006, 12:49 PM
Here is a close up of the stain colour, and the fishy door handles (on the 6x2x2)
Mon Jul 03, 2006, 01:17 PM
that black cabinet and 95G tank combo look remarkably familiar!!! :D
Pro's tanks are of the highest quality, i bought his old 4 x 19x 24 a year ago, and its a brilliantly built tank.
Xtreme rulz :)
Mon Jul 03, 2006, 11:03 PM
Hi Proteus,
have sent you a pm.
Elvip :D
Wed Jul 05, 2006, 01:49 AM
All tanks aside from the 4ft are still available
Wed Jul 05, 2006, 03:11 AM
as it is being used for a photo/video shoot
OK I'll bite. What's this all about?
Wed Jul 05, 2006, 06:04 AM
FYI, the 6x2x2 tank & cabinet are currently set up in our store. The video shoot is being done by a production company for commercial purposes (relaxation DVD, screensaver type application).
The tank is now full of water and heavily planted, with fish to be introduced prior to next Monday.
Photos will be loaded over the next day or so for your viewing pleasure.
For interested parties, we are more than happy to put together a package on top of what Proteus is offering to sell all the plants that are currently occupying that tank.
Wed Jul 05, 2006, 06:28 AM
Here are a few pics to start off with
Wed Jul 05, 2006, 07:17 AM
looks awesome!
Thu Jul 06, 2006, 09:56 AM
looks awesome!
Looks better in the flesh
Thu Jul 06, 2006, 10:04 AM
That's the 6x2x2 yeah?
Any pics of the 6x2.5x2.5?
Thu Jul 06, 2006, 10:06 AM
Sorry, just re-read the previous posts.
Fri Jul 07, 2006, 10:53 AM
All prices reduced
Fri Jul 07, 2006, 01:16 PM
any pics of the 5x2?
Fri Jul 07, 2006, 10:57 PM
any pics of the 5x2?
I will try and take some pics over the weekend
Sat Jul 08, 2006, 08:15 AM
pics of the 5x2x2 as requested
Sun Jul 09, 2006, 08:43 AM
where abouts is pickup for the 5 footer?
Sun Jul 09, 2006, 08:48 AM
everything looks like its really good quality. must make a detour to xtreme on my next fishing trip...
Wed Jul 19, 2006, 06:28 AM
All prices reduced significantly.
Wed Jul 19, 2006, 05:20 PM
So for the 6x2.5 it's $1000 for tank & stand only and $1600 with the sump right??
Wed Jul 19, 2006, 10:33 PM
So for the 6x2.5 it's $1000 for tank & stand only and $1600 with the sump right??
Tank, Lids, Bulkheads, Cabinet.
I am keeping the sump to use on another tank.
I can organise to get another sump built at a good price, maybe not as big as what is in there now, but that was overkill.
Thu Jul 20, 2006, 07:38 AM
pics of the 5x2x2 as requested
how much is this 5x2x2?
Thu Jul 20, 2006, 11:02 AM
I'll take the 6x2x2 with all its stuff for $900
I've sent you a pm but its still in my outbox so maybe your inbox is full
Thu Jul 20, 2006, 11:05 AM
6x2x2 SOLD
Thu Jul 20, 2006, 11:16 AM
how much is this 5x2x2?
2, 5x2x2 Tank, with lids and left rear weir (overflow) (Display quality)
All bulkheads & Pipework, Rainbar, some hosing
2ft sump with spinning arm, inc bioballs
5ft reinforced custom cabinet (extra bracing & supports) Raw Pine. (900 high)
NOW $750
I did have it listed as sold but have not heard back from the person who wanted it... now for sale again
Fri Jul 21, 2006, 12:11 AM
To make it easier, this is what is left...
2, 5x2x2 Tank, with lids and left rear weir (overflow) (Display quality)
All bulkheads & Pipework, Rainbar, some hosing
2ft sump with spinning arm, inc bioballs
5ft reinforced custom cabinet (extra bracing & supports) Raw Pine. (900 high)
4, 5ft x 2ft reinforced custom cabinet (extra bracing & supports) Raw Pine. (900 high)
NOW $350
5, 5ft x 2.5ft reinforced custom cabinet. Commercially stained in matt walnut colour. Suitable for left, centre or right overflow. (750 high)
A quality piece of furniture
NOW $600
6, Brand New AquaOne Windsor 88 Corner tank
Including 3ft twin light reflector
Latex rock background
CF1200 Canister filter
NOW $1000
7, 6x2.5x2.5 Tank, with lids and left rear weir (overflow) (Brand New, Display quality)
All bulkheads, pipework, air control device and hosing
6ft reinforced custom cabinet. Commercially stained in matt walnut colour (750 high)
$1600 or make an offer
I have removed the sump and reduced the price SIGNIFICANTLY
NOW - $1000
Tunnel Rat
Sun Jul 23, 2006, 01:47 AM
To make it easier, this is what is left...
2, 5x2x2 Tank, with lids and left rear weir (overflow) (Display quality)
All bulkheads & Pipework, Rainbar, some hosing
2ft sump with spinning arm, inc bioballs
5ft reinforced custom cabinet (extra bracing & supports) Raw Pine. (900 high)
NOW $750
I will take the 5x2x2 with all the gear thanks
pm sent yesterday
Sun Jul 23, 2006, 01:58 AM
5x2x2 On Hold...
will reply to PM later
Now sold
Wed Jul 26, 2006, 07:30 AM
4, 5ft x 2ft reinforced custom cabinet (extra bracing & supports) Raw Pine. (900 high)
NOW $350
6, Brand New AquaOne Windsor 88 Corner tank
Including 3ft twin light reflector
Latex rock background
CF1200 Canister filter
NOW $1000
7, 6x2.5x2.5 Tank, with lids and left rear weir (overflow) (Brand New, Display quality)
All bulkheads, pipework, air control device and hosing
6ft reinforced custom cabinet. Commercially stained in matt walnut colour (750 high)
$1600 or make an offer
I have removed the sump and reduced the price SIGNIFICANTLY
NOW - $1000
(if a sump is required a new one can be arranged at a discounted price)
Wed Jul 26, 2006, 10:56 AM
What kind of prices are we talking about for a brand new sump?? What size/capacity is needed?
Wed Jul 26, 2006, 11:02 AM
What kind of prices are we talking about for a brand new sump?? What size/capacity is needed?
I am in the process of getting some prices for both a matrix style and spinning arm type sump. Should know more tomorrow
Sat Aug 05, 2006, 09:33 PM
a new custom sump would cost less than $300 without media
Sat Aug 05, 2006, 09:35 PM
Remaining items, and further price reductions:
4, 5ft x 2ft reinforced custom cabinet (extra bracing & supports) Raw Pine. (900 high)
NOW $350
6, Brand New AquaOne Windsor 88 Corner tank
Including 3ft twin light reflector
Latex rock background
CF1200 Canister filter
NOW $900
7, 6x2.5x2.5 Tank, with lids and left rear weir (overflow) (Brand New, Display quality)
All bulkheads, pipework, air control device and hosing
6ft reinforced custom cabinet. Commercially stained in matt walnut colour (750 high)
$1600 or make an offer
I have removed the sump and reduced the price SIGNIFICANTLY
NOW - $950
(if a sump is required a new one can be arranged at a discounted price)
Sun Aug 06, 2006, 01:42 AM
"4, 5ft x 2ft reinforced custom cabinet (extra bracing & supports) Raw Pine. (900 high) "
Hi Proteus
do u have picture for above setup?
where about are u in sydney?
Sun Aug 06, 2006, 02:23 AM
Go to page two of this thread there are pics there, he is located in Miranda, about 25mins from bankstown.
Wed Aug 09, 2006, 09:52 AM
Would that windsor 880 be able to be changed to a black one
Wed Aug 09, 2006, 10:09 AM
Would that windsor 880 be able to be changed to a black one
Not unless you paid the $1500'ish for a new one.
This is assembled and brand new (hasnt even had water in it yet)
Wed Aug 09, 2006, 10:15 AM
ohh fair enuf then I have just been snooping around for one of those in black
Thu Aug 10, 2006, 01:59 AM
These are crazy prices people, you are getting a bargain!
Thu Aug 10, 2006, 04:15 AM
I know :roll: I've been wishing I lived in Sydney!!! :(
So who in Canberra is moving and having crazy prices?
Thu Aug 10, 2006, 05:18 AM
Free shipping to Perth?
haha! sorry, just joking. Great setup though, would be a great feature display in any house.
Thu Aug 10, 2006, 06:52 AM
Serkan sydney is only 3 hours drive from sydney. even thoagh fuel is expensive it would still be a bagain for one of the tanks!
Tue Oct 31, 2006, 09:28 AM
These items must go... prices reduced even further
4, 5ft x 2ft reinforced custom cabinet (extra bracing & supports) Raw Pine. (900 high)
This cabinet would normally sell for over $700
NOW $300
6, Brand New AquaOne Windsor 88 Corner tank
Including 3ft twin light reflector
Latex rock background
(no canister filter)
The price of this unit in shops is over $1500, plus the background is worth over $100...
NOW $750
Pickup from Taren Point only, ensure you have help, this is a very heavy unit.
Tue Oct 31, 2006, 09:41 PM
i'll take the 5x2x2 cabinet mate
(i'm going a little crazy today)
Wed Nov 08, 2006, 07:08 AM
Dang, so cheap! Anyone will to carry these up to the Darwin for me??? Jokes! Good luck with the sale!
Tunnel Rat
Wed Nov 08, 2006, 08:13 AM
Dang, so cheap! Anyone will to carry these up to the Darwin for me??? Jokes! Good luck with the sale!
Hey xzbit
I will be coming up to Darwin again soon as I try to pop up a few times a year.I could only find the Aquarium on Bagot rd is this the best one or is there a better one ?
thx for any help
Tue Nov 14, 2006, 09:43 AM
6, Brand New AquaOne Windsor 88 Corner tank
Including 3ft twin light reflector
Latex rock background
(no canister filter)
The price of this unit in shops is over $1500, plus the background is worth over $100...
NOW $750
Pickup only, ensure you have help, this is a very heavy unit.
Still available
Wed Dec 06, 2006, 11:27 AM
Still available...
Thu Dec 28, 2006, 03:13 AM
This is still available.
6, Brand New AquaOne Windsor 88 Corner tank
Including 3ft twin light reflector
Latex rock background
(no canister filter)
The price of this unit in shops is over $1500, plus the background is worth over $100...
Pickup only, ensure you have help, this is a very heavy unit.
If it isnt gone by early next week I will just use it to age water in.... lol
Thu Dec 28, 2006, 05:40 AM
The 3ft light is a standard twin aqua one reflector, which has been used for the past 5-6 months on another tank.
Dimensions Aquarium
88 W x 88 D x 70 H
Dimensions Cabinet
88 W x 88 D x 76 H
Height Aquarium, Cabinet & Hood: 148 cm
12mm glass
This tank has never been used - Brand new
Sat Dec 30, 2006, 10:18 PM
Last chance to get a bargain if anybody is interested...
discus lover01
Sun Dec 31, 2006, 12:02 AM
very nice tank proteus and it's a bargain for what your selling at cant believe you havent sold
Sun Dec 31, 2006, 12:09 AM
Maybe people dont have corners in their houses anymore... I dont anyway (bought this tank a week before being advised we had to move out of a place so the owner could move in.... now we have no corners that are suitable... bugga)
discus lover01
Sun Dec 31, 2006, 12:11 AM
That sucks mate and as i said it's a bargain for the price and if i was closer my brother wanted one of those tanks to setup as a marine tank.
and he would of snapped it up just to hard to move it without being damaged or being charged same amount for freight.
scott bowler
Sun Dec 31, 2006, 12:16 AM
i have look around my house and i dont have sute able corner other wise it would be gone .lol
Sun Dec 31, 2006, 05:54 AM
and looking round my bank i dont have any money to fit for it ;)
Sun Dec 31, 2006, 06:24 AM
and looking round my bank i dont have any money to fit for it ;)
Yeah well you live underground and that would mean the tank needs to be carried down stairs.... yippee :P
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