View Full Version : Stocking a 72...
Thu Jun 29, 2006, 08:12 PM
Well I have a 72 Gallon... I was thinking of going with the following...
20-30 small shoaling fish (either cardinal, rummynose, black neon)
2 pairs of German Blue Rams
2 Trios of Cockato
2 Angle Pairs
6 cories
Is that good? German Rams do Pair's were cockato's do trios right?
Any shrimp I can add in with them?
Can an oscar go in with those any of those cichlids mentioned? X the other things?
Fri Jun 30, 2006, 06:48 AM
lots of possible issue there, not to say you cant do it
cory's and dwarf cichlids compete for floor space though as long as there is enough then not an issue
dwarfs and corys prefer differing temperature ranges a compromise of 25 celsius would be ok
most small tetra's will predate dwarf cichlid fry very well once they get to free swimming stage, if you are no breeding then that does not matter
most cory's will eat egg's and wrigglers aswell
angels can be very large and sometimes aggressive they are cichlids
they have been known to eat small tetra on occasion
shrimp maybe ok though they would likely be food for the anges and also the warf cichlids would have a go at any smaller one's, this would just mean you wont see them out and the numbers would likely dwindle rather than increase
the oscar is a no no in this set up
too big and too boisterous
Fri Jun 30, 2006, 08:50 AM
Totally agree with Andrew on the oscar in that kind of setup.
Oscar will be more than please to be in a tank like that, and soon you'll find there's no other but a big fat oscar left in the tank.
Fri Jun 30, 2006, 01:41 PM
I figured as much..
ok.. so no shrimp and I don;t really have to worry unless I want to breed..
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