View Full Version : Whats the best Discus pellet food ?
Wed Aug 11, 2004, 02:18 PM
Hi All,
whats the opinion on the best pellet food for Discus ? I want to get some Tetra Colour Bits, but thought id ask before ordering.
Wed Aug 11, 2004, 02:54 PM
i have heard that sera discus granules are very good also. i was able to get an early sample of discus breeders premium not long ago which all my discus love. i personally feed tetra bits, hikari granules, and what's left of my discus premium.
you can get more info on discus breeders premium from:
Wed Aug 11, 2004, 02:58 PM
Ive heard stories that tetra bits expand in the fish's stomach if not pre-soaked, although i havent had this happen first hand it was enough to scare me away from it. Now iam using Diskus pellets but i am looking to get a hold of some of that Breeders Premium.
Then again tetra bits are widley used and i havent heard of too many people actually reporting trouble with their fish from them. I hear every now and then they make the fish skittish but iam not sure if a food would be the reason behind something like that.
If i was looking for something too start with id be trying discus premium, only because ive only heard good things about it.
Again these are all just things i have heard, so i guess its up too you.
Wed Aug 11, 2004, 03:05 PM
yeah if you feed your fish too much of any granuled food they may get bloated. just think about it. granuled food is dried so when you add moisture of course it id goping to expand. this goes for pretty much all granule food. if you food it to your fish in small doses then you will be fine. tetra bits are commonly used world wide so they are a safe bet to use. always look at the contents analysis. look for protien as close to 50% as you can get with minimal fat, fibre, moisture etc
Wed Aug 11, 2004, 03:19 PM
Hi Flukes and Mattzilla :)
Thanks for the info, yeah i read the thread about Breeders Premium a while back ... Looks Good ! can't find it anywhere though ... (in melbourne anyway). i will keep looking, if not i will grab some tetra colour bits. For now Hikari Blood Worms, Live Brine Shrimp and Beef Heart will have to do :wink: and a little flake here and there !
Thanks again !
D :)
Wed Aug 11, 2004, 07:26 PM
Can you folks get Dainichi ( down there? I've had most excellent success with my africans with it. I don't see a specific *blend* for discus, but I would think the Ultima or Color Supreme would work well. I test all my foods for expandability and moisture uptake. The nice thing about Dainichi is that it doesn't expand at all, it actually is an encapsulated powder that after a few minutes in water the outer coating (supposedly vitamin enriched) dissolves away and the *food* powder is released. No expansion like with compressed pellets and/or flake.
Just a disclaimer, I have never had, or have discus. Only an observation :wink:
Thu Aug 12, 2004, 08:10 AM
Has anyone found a supplier of Breeders Premium in Melbourne. Hey Scott how about your mate at Mentone Aquarium?
Thu Aug 12, 2004, 01:29 PM
Ill give him a ring tommorow, I know i can get it interstate and i have some fish coming down soon so if i cant find it in melbourne ill get some down with the fish.
Thu Aug 12, 2004, 03:17 PM
Oooow luverly - can I get some off you Pleease.
Fri Aug 13, 2004, 01:01 AM
Rang him this morning, he can get it but he has to order it in. They did have it in stock but has run out and they havent replaced it yet. If you like i will get some down later this month.
Pyrowolf - i dont think we can get divinchi down here, although i havent gone to great lengths too find it, i asked a couple of lfs's and no go.
Fri Aug 13, 2004, 09:14 AM
Thanks Scott - if you can get some from interstate I would really appreciate it. PM me when you have got some and I will arrange to pick it up. BTW how's your hand healing up?
Thanks .... Merrilyn
Fri Aug 13, 2004, 10:34 AM
Just want to know if any one knows where I can get one of those discus breeders premium here in Sydney?
Do you think SLS might have one?
Fri Aug 13, 2004, 12:35 PM
Sure, wont be getting it till the end of the month but it is coming. I think from memory it was about $35 for 250grams. Could be wrong as my memory is in the same state as a 90year old.
Sun Aug 15, 2004, 11:28 AM
HI All
I can get you Discus Premium!!. I live in Melbourne and will be receiving a shipment for myself and friends shortly.
It comes in two packets 550 grams and 250 grams
Its about $55 buks for the 550 gram packet. I personally wouldnt waste my money on a small packet. I have been using it for several weeks now and its great!. Far superior than tetra bit IMO. The pellets are allot smaller and dont expand like tetra bit does. It has a strong odour to it and floats for awhile prior to slowly sinking which i prefer actually. Im now considering using it for my beef heart mix.
My discus had never been fed it before and once they took to it , they go at it like its frozen worm.
Anyone keen just pm me or post a message feel free.
please let us know as ill hold up my order so members can jump on board.
NIck :D :D
Sun Aug 15, 2004, 12:07 PM
You'll have to contact Nick as iam not getting it anymore. I would have been going through him anyway so you might aswell get it from him.
Sun Aug 15, 2004, 12:54 PM
ive got stuff coming in a few days so if you want !
drop a note
Chris McMahon
Mon Aug 16, 2004, 01:47 AM
Its about $55 buks for the 550 gram packet.$100 per kg? Isn't that a little excessive?
Mon Aug 16, 2004, 06:37 AM
crazier things have happened... e.g spending stupid amounts of cash on discus lol
no shot gun to anyones head, but its great stuff IMO
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