View Full Version : Sydney water Epping Area

jim from sydney
Tue Jun 27, 2006, 03:32 AM
Hi Guys :angel

I have difficulty with the water in my area at present it seems to effect the parents forming a proper slime coating during breeding times.

Has any-one else in my area experienced the problem in the last couple of weeks?? :( :( :( :(

i get my water through the Prospect filtration plant.


Tue Jun 27, 2006, 05:30 AM
mine comes from prospect as well and they seem fine. whats the ph of the water in your breeding tank ?

Tue Jun 27, 2006, 08:35 AM
I used to live at Carlingford and always had trouble with my water. High ph and hardness. When I moved to Lane Cove, where I am now, the water seems totally different. I've been running low ph's with no effort at all. Could be the pipe work around the area. Epping and Carlo are relatively old areas whereas The Cove has a lot of new developments.
Just a theory

jim from sydney
Wed Jun 28, 2006, 01:04 AM
mine comes from prospect as well and they seem fine. whats the ph of the water in your breeding tank ?

Hi Samir

my ph is at 6.8 in the breeding tanks at present.......i have tried a variety of levels from 6.2 to tap water at 7.4.......however it made no difference

jim from sydney
Wed Jun 28, 2006, 01:08 AM
I used to live at Carlingford and always had trouble with my water. High ph and hardness. When I moved to Lane Cove, where I am now, the water seems totally different. I've been running low ph's with no effort at all. Could be the pipe work around the area. Epping and Carlo are relatively old areas whereas The Cove has a lot of new developments.
Just a theory

Hi Robdog

tap ph is 7.4 but water is very soft.....i may get the water tested independently somewhere.... i think it must be the minerals in the water.

mistakes r crucial
Sun Jul 02, 2006, 07:14 PM
Hi Jim,

An old mate of mine who has been breeding Discus for many years suggested I add salt to very young breeders when they look as though they haven't slimed up enough to support their young. Can't say I've seen a huge difference but it most certainly hasn't done them or their fry any harm.

jim from sydney
Tue Jul 04, 2006, 12:16 PM
Hi Jim,

An old mate of mine who has been breeding Discus for many years suggested I add salt to very young breeders when they look as though they haven't slimed up enough to support their young. Can't say I've seen a huge difference but it most certainly hasn't done them or their fry any harm.

Hi Mac

yes i am doing that to. I add cooking salt to the breeding tank 2 days after fertilisation, but it made no difference so far.

the latest bunch of wriggers have now left the cone and are swimming around but not going to the parents again. It is the water.. I had it tested and found out that sydney water has indeed copper trace elements in it, which is deadly to fry and the forming of a slime coat on the parents. I am now thinking of importing some water for the breeding tanks only. So here we go again.......

Tue Jul 04, 2006, 03:06 PM
Cha Ching$$$$$$$

Tue Jul 04, 2006, 03:09 PM
Would an RO system remove any of the copper trace?
Even if it didn't isn't the idea of adding things like Prime and similar products to bind metals and render them harmless?

mistakes r crucial
Tue Jul 04, 2006, 08:05 PM
Hi Jim,

I think Rob is right. Products like Prime will nullify the affects of heavy metals and they are also advertised to help with slime coast. I have had a few hassles with ammonia lately (long story) in my breeding system and had to do something about it fast with a few pairs going off at the same time. Ben from AOA sells a product called Aqua Start and after using it for just 2 weeks I swear by the stuff. It's 5 or 6 times cheaper than Prime (1ml per 70 ltrs compared with 5ml per 50 ltrs) and even though 4ltrs is $180, a big outlay, it's as cheap as chips compared to losing batches of fry.

Have you tried hand feeding with Liquifry? It's worked for me with young pairs. Feed them 4-6 times a day with it and you should bring most of them through without feeding off the parents.

jim from sydney
Fri Jul 07, 2006, 10:44 AM
Hi Jim,

Ben from AOA sells a product called Aqua Start and after using it for just 2 weeks I swear by the stuff. It's 5 or 6 times cheaper than Prime (1ml per 70 ltrs compared with 5ml per 50 ltrs) and even though 4ltrs is $180, a big outlay, it's as cheap as chips compared to losing batches of fry.


Hi Mac....

I had the water tested and found that sydney water has almost 1 ppm of copper in it at the moment. I was using super strength aqua star from Ben (AOA) and it needed more than that. A friend gave me some Prime and indeeed it made all the difference. I have now got the same pair having fry 8 days old today and even feeding from the parents. So slime coating is forming and like you said earlier prime assist in making slime coating. I am delighted with the results so far and wil get some more prime. I dont know about Aqua start, havent tried it, may do later on but i first want to have a go at Prime.

By the way the concentration for prime is liseted as below.
Seachem Prime™ is the complete and concentrated conditioner for both fresh and salt water. Prime™ removes chlorine, chloramine, ammonia and detoxify heavy metals (5ml per 200L)

so keep fingers crossed that this may have solved the problem.

thanks Pal......keep fit.

mistakes r crucial
Fri Jul 07, 2006, 08:40 PM

Glad its working out for you. My apologies for the incorrect math, I might have to go back to school or get better glasses, not sure which lol.

Fri Jul 07, 2006, 11:39 PM
Where did you end up getting your water analysed Jim and what did they sting you for the pleasure???

jim from sydney
Sat Jul 08, 2006, 11:01 AM
Where did you end up getting your water analysed Jim and what did they sting you for the pleasure???

I finished up just trying "Strictly aquariums" at first they were a bit casual about things, i.e. dirty tubes etc. but once they became aware that i wanted results there attitude changed. i was mainly interested in the checking of heavy metals as all other test i can do myself. But we did some extra tests anyway.

had them doing the tests about 3 times over to make sure and we averaged the results.

they normally charge $1 per test but i complained about that one and in the end they were getting pretty sick of me (i think) and charged me $5 for the lot. dont know how they worked that one out, but heh their maths is probably better than mine.....after all i only teach 3 unit level of math :wave2

anyway in the end i was happy with the results.

if i needed further proof that the water was the problem.....the same pair have just started to lay eggs again...9 days after the previous lot which by the way are growing like cabbages and swimming every where.

keep fit

Sat Jul 08, 2006, 10:26 PM
What exactly did they test for apart from the usual ph, ammonia because I want to get some rainwater tank water tested

Sun Jul 09, 2006, 06:09 AM
Time for some photos of those pretty babies Jim :wink:


I know how hard you worked with those fish, and I'm delighted you've finally been successful.

jim from sydney
Thu Jul 13, 2006, 11:02 AM
What exactly did they test for apart from the usual ph, ammonia because I want to get some rainwater tank water tested

Hi Robdog.........they will test amm. nitrate. nitrite. Gh. Kh. Copper and Ph
thats about all you need anyway...good luck

jim from sydney
Thu Jul 13, 2006, 11:05 AM
Time for some photos of those pretty babies Jim :wink:


I know how hard you worked with those fish, and I'm delighted you've finally been successful.

No pics yet Merrilyn......daddy decided to eat all the juvies after 13 days..............bummer again.

Fri Jul 14, 2006, 05:43 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhh Noooooooooooooooo :cry:

Were they preparing to spawn again ?????

So sorry Jim, but hey, at least you know they CAN do it. Next time you'll be successful, I'm sure.

Fingers toes and everything else crossed for you. :wink:

jim from sydney
Fri Jul 14, 2006, 10:37 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhh Noooooooooooooooo :cry:

Were they preparing to spawn again ?????

So sorry Jim, but hey, at least you know they CAN do it. Next time you'll be successful, I'm sure.

Fingers toes and everything else crossed for you. :wink:

They actually spawned 6 days after the last time of which i had the juvies....so they were feeding the juvies and had eggs again...only to eat the eggs the next morning....they continued feeding the juvies and then ate them.......who says discus are dull?????? LOL

i think the daddy became very protective of the juvies......my consistant madness with photography and the flash, has taken its toll.....flash maybe thought of as lightning i would think and scare the fish into protection of the young.

my other BIG mistake is to eye-ball them a lot....more than normal, this may scare them also i feel.

have also reduced my other activities in the fish room to give them a more private aspect.............hmmmmmm..........***** conditions?????

things we do for our little buddies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so better be a good boy next time Jimmy..... less pics sorry...... LOL