View Full Version : Hex .... Still :cry:
Sat Jun 24, 2006, 02:17 PM
It looks like my remaining discus 5 of 12 are still suffering from Hex.
I managed to snap a shot of one of my larger ones with white poo - I have already done a 3 day course of metro 250mg per 40L with the temp @ 30degrees but I didn't turn the lights off - didn't see that bit somehow.
Now they are still eating - only just and I am doing 30% WC every 2 days atm what should I do - I can go back to the vet and get some more metro
should I go 400mg /40L ?
Am I doing the right thing ????
Sat Jun 24, 2006, 02:34 PM
To get the most out of metro - you need to put it in their food mate !
Your dose rate is correct, but the old analogy of having a panadol with a headache is far better than taking a panadol bath you know ?
They arent showing signs of hex IMO - most likely early stage so you should be fine.
Dose rate in food is 1g per 100 g food.
Sat Jun 24, 2006, 06:06 PM
I concure. With our stingrays we inject it into worms with a syringe however for you it might be easier to stick some on a blood worm and dangle it above the water with a tooth pick or feeding prongs. hopefully your discus wont spook.
Sun Jun 25, 2006, 12:16 AM
would you make it up as a liquid at the rate 1g per 100g and inject it into the bloodworms
Sun Jun 25, 2006, 02:23 AM
Tom - you can use this thread I wrote on HITH/Hex. Dont worry about dimetronidazole, plain metro is fine.
Sun Jun 25, 2006, 07:15 AM
I read his article and I'm going to tell you the same thing.
Tue Jun 27, 2006, 08:46 AM
Thanks for the info - I have done that but most are still not eating. Today my largest (180mm discus 6 years old) is showing signs of hex - dark, in the top corner not eating - if he dies I will be shattered.
Desperate times call for desperate measures - I have moved my 5 remaining discus incuding my oldest and dearest into my 70L hospital tank.
I am doing 500mg/ 40L metro + G-1000's metro medicated food and waterchanges every 8 or so hours. They have two sponge filters going in there and it is a cycled tank amonia 0, nitrite 0, ph 7.0
I only had enough metro for another two days on the 125g tank - this way I have days upon days of supply at 500mg
Will they be alright all in there with 2-3 daily water changes ? I am worried about them :(
Thanks again for your help guys
I have had discus for 6 or so years and never had hex - makes me sad and disapointed - I feel like I have let my fish down
Tue Jun 27, 2006, 05:51 PM
would you make it up as a liquid at the rate 1g per 100g and inject it into the bloodworms
LOL we have so IV stuff at work works a treat
Wed Jun 28, 2006, 10:05 AM
It is great that you have 5 fish eating the mix. For the one that isnt - it might be a stubborn case of hex.
For stubborn cases I usually skip the higher dose of metro and go straight to the big guns (Tetracylcline tablets). I find that metro baths are next to pointless and I have had better results in the past with tetracycline baths. However if the sick fish EATS the metro - then stick with that.
Wed Jun 28, 2006, 10:53 AM
Thanks G
Amazingly I have Tetracycline bought it the other day at my local supplier because it was cheap (embarassing I know but $12 for 25 tablets next to the cost of metro )
I will have a look around for a recommended dosage etc, I have 2 out of 5 that are going really well - nice dark poo, 2 that are getting there - still a stringy bit of white poo and 1 that probably won't make it - I didn't have metro in time to treat him.
May I just say this - in future I will not wait like I did this time - this has cost me 7 discus and I will not be treating them in a 125gallon tank - if they even look a bit down and start hiding in corners I will whip them out and put them straight into the hospital tank.
I am still running with 500mg/40L every 8 or so hours in my small tank and doing 30% change each time and vacuuming up all the uneaten food and hex waste. They are mostly eating - only one that is just picking at it and the one that isn't at all - other 3 are going well.
I made your mix up with only metro and hikari bloodworms - I just made a paste out of 1g for the tray and thawed it out spread it evenly mixed it all through and then refroze - hope that is ok - didn't have time to get the other stuff but I will next time.
Funny how tetracycline is better and you can buy it over the counter - what is the down side - does it knock the fish around ?
Thanks again G
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