View Full Version : Is this okay for discus?
Tue Jun 20, 2006, 11:27 AM
Hey guys, im setting up my discus tank, just thought i'd double check that all my fish will be fine together.
There are khuli loaches, a couple of corys, clown loaches, yoyo loaches. Spiney eel, 1 blue ram. 1 bolivian ram. Also have a angel fish and a mono argentus (finger angel).
Plenty of plants, more driftwood will be added shortly to make the tank more "vertical"
Red Dragons
Wed Jun 21, 2006, 12:45 PM
Hi :lol:
The blue ram is fine.
Khuli loach are fine but I am not sure what temp they are to be and my not tolerate the high temp.
Cory’s are fine.
The spiny eel may be ok as it can tolerate high temps up to 27.
The others I don’t know sorry.
I hope this helps.
But if in doubt don’t.
Wed Jun 21, 2006, 12:53 PM
I think I saw that the Mono Argentus (Finger Angel, Mono Argent) is a brackish-water, as such, it probably won't look the happiest in a Discus tank. I know they're related to the Mono Sebaes, but are regarded as generally more sedate and less aggressive, which is a good thing!
looking at
I'd suggest that these fish aren't for a Discus tank, they want harder water than Discus like, and their lower pH threshold is higher than discus prefer.
Mono Argents are a beautiful looking fish, but I think if you want them you're better off with a separate tank, -perhaps- mix them with Mono Sebaes and other Brackish-water fish, but definitely, if you want Argents or Sebaes, separate from discus.
I've had people recommend cories and clown loaches, not to mention any Rams to me as tankmates, and the advice I've seen on the forum suggests Angels aren't the best tankmate for Discus, the generally accepted reasons are that Angels may carry parasites which they can deal with fine, but Discus can't, and also that Angels are more aggressive and Faster than Discus, and therefore outcompete them for food etc.
Thu Jun 22, 2006, 05:16 AM
ahh okay! thanks for your help guys!
i'll move the mono angel into the cichlid tank (which has no cichlids in there).
The temp is already high and all the fish are surviving and not looking stressed so no problems there!
The angel i have is big and slow, he cant chase anything!
Thu Jun 22, 2006, 05:22 AM
Re: your Argent, can I suggest going to the and looking at their brackish water Boards... They've been saying Monos need approx 15G each as adults, they get up to 10" big, and eventually need to be in a totally marine environment... just be aware that you're gonna have to deal with that eventually. All Monos are equally vicious, according to what I've seen. Just be aware that you're going to need to add salt to your aquarium as time goes buy, and eventually invest in making it a fully marine setup.
Thu Jun 22, 2006, 09:28 AM
yeah yeah, i was planning to sell him on eventually cos marine is too expensive for me! haha
Thanks for the heads up though
Sun Jun 25, 2006, 12:06 PM
Just an update so maybe people can learn from my mistake..
Once i'd let the discus out in the tank, my angelfish started sussing them out (but there was no aggressive behaviour). The discus seemed harassed so i removed the angel and its in another tank now.
The discus still remained hidden in the bottom corner, so i removed the mono angel as well.. and now they are out and about!
Sun Jun 25, 2006, 12:21 PM
How is the Mono Argent doing? I think they're gorgeous fish, but they're oh so nasty when they're big!
Mon Jun 26, 2006, 11:05 AM
yeah he's doing fine. Funny little fish, will get itself stressed out for no reason, then the next minute its fine!
he's prowling around the 4 footer. i think he'll be fine, quick and hard to catch he was!
Sun Aug 06, 2006, 03:30 PM
i have keepen angel fish with discus before and they seem fine together thouhg some times the angels might peck at the discus, but not alot any way in my case
Mon Nov 20, 2006, 08:50 AM
I had a couple of the Mono's in with my discus, they grew quite big and ended up pis*ing of the discus so much I had to move them out, they move to quick.... discus were fine with them when they were small though and were never agressive towards them, just didnt like them hacking it about the tank all the time !!
Beautiful fish to have though, and if I didnt have discus I think I would have a lot more of them as they are fascinating to wacth , a real explorer fish , will go look at anything or anyone no matter how big it is !!!!
I also was told they were a brackish fish , but the ones I bought lived in fresh water before hand and I too kept them in fresh water, they were absolutely fine in there, always bright silver and bright yellow tails , only went dark when stressed out , but seeing as they are a pretty happy go lucky kinda fish, that didn't happen very often!
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