View Full Version : Need a USA source for Flubendazole and Levamisole
Sun Jun 18, 2006, 09:15 PM
Under a microscope, I have positively found Capillaria eggs in the feces of one discus. I need Flubendazole or Flubenol.
I have a second discus that may have threadworms (see my other posts) so I need Levamisole for him.
I am looking to buy both of these meds in powder form but can't find them in the USA. Does anyone know where they are sold?
Thanks, Kevin.
Mon Jun 19, 2006, 06:26 AM
Kevin have you tried to contact your vet?
He should have access to those drugs.
Every sheep, cattle and pig farmer would have need of them.
I know there have been a lot of restrictions since 9/11 (something about the ingredients being used to make explosives) but the drugs should still be available in genuine cases.
The other place to look would be some online retailers of aquarium supplies, both in and outside the States.
Good luck
Mon Jul 03, 2006, 10:10 PM
a bit late
flubendazol will kill nematodes's round worms
flenbendazol is sold as panacur granules for use in small animals and is readily available in the usa , flubenal is a similar family of drugs that seems to be used a lot less widely in both the usa and uk
fenbendazol needs to be used(active ingredient - i write this because i have seen so many people discussing dose's with the total product weight) 2mg/l as a permanent bath repeat 3 times every 7 days
or use at 50mgs(of active ingredient)/kg(of fish treated) orally or mixed in fed 2 days running and repeat in a fortnight
capillaria is a round worm or nematode
levamisol is routinely used in large animals/agriculture in usa
Tue Jul 04, 2006, 04:29 AM
Mathew and Lady Red:
I still need help!
I have managed to find pure fenbendazole powder from a fish supplier in Florida, so I'm OK on that drug.
However, the ONLY levamisole that I can find inthe USA is contained pig and sheep dewormer. The product is called Levasole, by Shering-Plough Animal Health Corp. IT HAS LACTOSE and I killed most of my Discus when I used it as a bath (bateria outbreak). Everybody says avoid Glucose and Dextrose, nobody included Lactose in the list of "Don't Use"... Well, now I know !
MY VET CANNOT FIND A SOURCE for flubendazole or levamisole. Many people on this forum have been helpful in suggesting these meds, but I need a source in the USA for the pure form of these meds. They seem un-obtainable in the USA !!!
Tue Jul 04, 2006, 01:16 PM
levacide will be the equivalent of levasol, it is a injectable rather than an oral drench and subsequently no sugar products
i can link pharmaceutical dispensry's in the uk, though maybe a wait
i believe it is called tramisol in canada , so another search option
i have only seen flubenol available in the U.K as a chicken wormer!, like i said not commonly used here or there
basically though these are all drugs from the same family , benzimadol derivates with very similar mechanisms of action and efficacy
you really shouldn't need to use both
Mon Jul 10, 2006, 06:01 PM
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