View Full Version : Do you think i'm over overweight ?

Sun Jun 18, 2006, 10:41 AM


Just thought I would run a poll to get some feedback on my fat Texan.

Positive and negative thoughts are all most welcome.

He has been overweight like this for two years now, ever since his lady friend was removed to control his aggression ( perhaps he is full of milt )

He is about 7 inch's from head to tail or 18cm.



Sun Jun 18, 2006, 11:45 AM
worms maybe?

Sun Jun 18, 2006, 11:48 AM
oscar man
i thought your asking if your overweight
not the fish lol, he he
cheers ben

Sun Jun 18, 2006, 11:49 AM
worms maybe?

Thanks Ben,

Worming won't do him any harm.

Good idea.



Sun Jun 18, 2006, 11:56 AM
oscar man
i thought your asking if your overweight
not the fish lol, he he
cheers ben

Perhaps I should have named the post with more thought...

Glad you had a laugh Ben



Sun Jun 18, 2006, 12:08 PM
Mark, i rekon a dose of worming treatment for caprillia worms and tape worms might be the go.

Tell me the out come...


Sun Jun 18, 2006, 12:08 PM
I thought the same as Ben... LOL

Nothing wrong with a little pot (belly, that is)
as long as it is nothing more sinister..lol

Sun Jun 18, 2006, 12:19 PM
I thought the same as Ben... LOL

Nah they have a special site on the web for that but i don't have the link..

I think it's called something like Hot or Not.........

Perhaps when I find the site I can post him up !!!



Sun Jun 18, 2006, 12:34 PM
maybe a little but apparently you're not alone. here's a funny article from sky news

Piranhas Put On A Diet
Updated: 18:59, Thursday May 18, 2006

A shoal of beefy piranhas have been put on a strict diet.

Half-portions are now being served up for the insatiable predators at Birmingham's Sea Life Centre after they became overweight in just a month.

Lynsey Thompson, from the centre, said the fish are capable of eating a whole pig in minutes and can literally eat themselves to death.

She said: "Each mealtime has turned into a frantic feeding frenzy as they fight for meaty chunks of trout, prawns and mussels.

"In the wild, species of piranhas can go for days without any food.

"Here, all food is soaked in vitamins to make sure that the red bellied savages are getting the nutrients they need and we will monitor their size over the next few weeks to make sure they slim down to a healthier size."

here's the other site [advisor edit]link removed[/edit]