View Full Version : Korea v's China (split from Sedra pump thread)
Fri Jun 16, 2006, 04:51 AM
Please do not confuse this brand with the Inferior Chinese copy currently available in Australia.
Made in China? Made in Korea?
No difference really
Most eheim products are made in China now, does it really matter?
Inferior Chinese copy? that is bordering on slander.
[advisor edit]several comments removed, keep it civil please[/edit]
Fri Jun 16, 2006, 05:49 AM
Made in China? Made in Korea?
No difference really
you obviously don't know what you are talking about. well you're entitled to your opinion, and you have an option not to buy. nobody is putting a gun to your head. i think the classifieds would be better served by asking questions. i agree the chinese do make some great products but they make a lot of junk as well
Fri Jun 16, 2006, 06:39 AM
koreans are just as unreliable as the worst possible manufacturers out there.
in terms of originality, koreans are far more superior in copying products. just look at Hyundai, global copy cat!
if they are the real deal, i believe they do have a little edge over copied ones!
Fri Jun 16, 2006, 07:51 AM
again if you dont want to buy one then leave it everyone copies everyone thats the way products and companies work get over it!
Fri Jun 16, 2006, 07:59 AM
yeah everyone copies each other, its becoming a really competitive market out there!
Fri Jun 16, 2006, 08:23 AM
Topic split from the AOA thread in the classifieds topic area (irrelevant replies).
After having read the original reply, I have a few issues.
Firstly it is not very wise to slander another brand or product to promote another in the way that was done (if intended or not). If commenting directly about a product, knock yourselves out, so long as there is fact behind it and no sladerous comments are made. Secondly, whilst I prsonally prefer European or Japanese made products, I have plenty of Chinese and Korean made products and have no issues with them. So as per the original post here, China? Korea? who cares.
Another point, if these Sedra pumps are so good, why are they of a higher wattage than the Pondmasters? that means they are more expensive to run and generally less efficient. (on the other hand, brands such as Laguna & AquaMedic are even twice, if not three times as efficient for the same product regarding power consumption).
FYI, a 200w Sedra pump will basically cost you between $180 & $220 a year to run, the equivalent Pondmaster (based on pump output) uses 130w, meaning a yearly cost of $110 to $150.
I am all for the promoting of a new product, but not at the expense of another brand.
Fri Jun 16, 2006, 08:41 AM
Hi All,
I was not looking to start a debate simply stating a fact. Sedra is a high end product that is widely accepted in the USA. Aqua one , Resun etc did copy Sedra 10 + years ago. This is a fact. Aqua one & Resun pumps are also good but they are copy's of the original Sedra. Moderators please edit my classifieds post as you see fit if im offending anyone.
Ben :D
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