View Full Version : Interesting Facts
Mon Aug 09, 2004, 03:56 PM
2nd biggest,? Never new facts about city sizes Melbourne would be up their but i know perth is big aswell, well not as much big but their city is spread out.
Come on Ryan give me some intresting facts...
(in reply to)
just think how bad it is down thier. your dam is at 45%ish (i think) we had our dam down to 28% and once it hit 26% we went to stand pipes. that means we had our water TURNED OFF except for an allocated time each day.
just goes to show that we all need to be as careful as possible with ALL our water use, bad enough losing our "friends" to such bad water problems, but imagine if we were never able to keep them in the first place due to such stringent water conditions.
Did you know that the Great Barrier reef requires a certain amount of fresh water relaesed from the queensland river system every year just to keep it functioning in the correct fashion. The DPI in QLD has studied this and have found that we draw more water out of our rivers in QLD than the recommed rate just in DOMESTIC water use, this does not include any COMMERCIAL or RURAL use. They have said that technically we should think of shutting down a major part of unviable rural and commercial businesses and destroy half the small rural dams which stops runoff.
And just think by 2026 Brisbane will be the second biggest city in OZ
If anyone thinks water is gonna get better soon think again. If it isn't already water will become the greatest bain in our hobby and our country.
Tue Aug 10, 2004, 12:12 AM
o.k flukes,
Brisbane has the only specific desiginated industrial zoneing in OZ( not ind 1, ind 2, ind 3) called the yatala precint, it now houses Carlton united brewiers which has expanded to incorporate the old sydney depot. This is the bigest water user in Qld for the square metres of land they occupie.
They dump down our storm water the equililent of my fish tank 37,777 times over EACH DAY.
this does not included what they reuse and usein beer!
South east queensland is growing at the fastest rate of any state in OZ, we are the third biggest state by population with 19.5% of the oz Total.
the the year till June we had a population in crease of over 86,000 people with 68,700 moving to south east qld this accounted for over 26.5% of Australia over all growth. This was larger than Vic and Nsw put together.
over the past year QLDs population growth was more the ACT, South OZ, Nth Terriorty and tas combined.
Over 2,300 people moved to qld each week 1550 people left which leaves a growth of 750 people EACH WEEK
and yet we don't build more dams?
we still don't enforce manditory grey water use and water saving tequnices
We still allow innafiecent prawn farms and sugar cane to be grown which the government suppliments and then we spend billons fixing the salt levels as they affect our major torist industry (Great Barrier Reef) which turns over more money than all rural areas put together. why?
Hows that Flukes, want more? :wink:
Tue Aug 10, 2004, 12:16 AM
might change my name to the "Michael Morre" of the discus hobby
what do you think?
Tue Aug 10, 2004, 12:22 AM
was that meant to be "Michael Moron"
oops, I meant Moore...
dont do that PLEEEZE... I dont have time for him.
I respect peoples opinions, always, but dont like someone as unpatriotic as him, and no, I dont think the Bush government is all rosy...
and to think, it is the Beer drinkers that are running our dams dry :P
Tue Aug 10, 2004, 02:08 AM
Ill give you some facts -
The first latin name given to Wile E. Coyote was 'Accelerati Incribulos' in the first WB's episode called 'Fast and Furry-ous'
Coffee mug's have a world of information :lol:
All i could come up with in my desperate attempt too lot half intelligent.. :wink:
Tue Aug 10, 2004, 02:49 AM
i just find it very interesting that we are some of the heaviest water users IN THE WORLD, we even outuse per population America.
and we are the driest country in the world.
and you should have heard me SCREAM at my neighbour last night when he hosed off his driveway..................
i agree with your michael moore comment except to say even if i don't igree with all he says, at least he says it.
Wille e Coyote, learn somthing new every day
Tue Aug 10, 2004, 07:38 AM
i messed up one statement before,
over the past year QLDs population growth was more the ACT, South OZ, Nth Terriorty and tas combined.
we outgrew ACT, sth OZ, Nth Terr, Tas and NEW SOUTH WALES combined
Tue Aug 10, 2004, 09:30 AM
Sorry Proteus,
Have to disagree about michael moore, I am not always interested in what he is doing, but he really insists on an answer to a question, and really gets around.
It really drives me mad to watch a program with a reporter pussyfooting around letting the person he/she is interviewing drive the interview and never asking the in depth questions.
(hope I'm not banned from the forum now!)
you have an impressive knowledge of your state (you must be smart 'cause you barrack for the Lions, ?) Your'e right about the way we use water for sure, as one who has to exist on tank water, I shudder when I see the way people with piped in water leave the tap running.
Tue Aug 10, 2004, 09:46 AM
Yes baricking for the lions makes you VERY VERY smart.
yeah i have to know this sort of stuff, comes with the job.
we can use over 77,000 litres of water a day in my job.
beauty is we recycle everything we can and proud of it.
Michael moore, touchy
as i say with everything "listen to everyone, then make up your own mind"
everyones makes mistakes (some presidents make ALOT more than others), including Michael moore
i do admire him for speaking out and pointing out, pitty he comes across so idealistic yet he has had major problems with own attiude within and toward his staff
somtimes we idealise what we should just listen too.
i think i will call my self (spelling) confususs
Tue Aug 10, 2004, 11:55 AM
Here is an interesting fact regarding Michael Moore...
why is it, in his last 2 movies, the International versions are up to 23 minutes longer???
because, U.S. slander and defamation laws make it that way, as that is the amount of time Michael Moron wanted to spread scandalous lies (as has been proven in court).
I appreciate someone wanting to speak up, but doing it by fabricating facts is not on, and hence why I feel he is a lost cause. If he stuck with documentaries, in there raw and true form (like Columbine documentary) he would be 100 times more popular, but he got greedy and started to fabricate things to suit him.
If only I knew the name of the interviewer who confronted him recently and was aired on TV... Michael Moron was made to be the person he really is... Nothing, he was confronted with the facts that were omitted from the U.S. release of Farenheit 9/11, and his reply... nothing, he couldnt counter any of the facts brought against him.
BTW lesley, everybody is entitled to an opinion, and there aint no banning going on here for saying what you feel :P
I do feel however if you knew a lot of what is going on stateside, you may feel a little differently, I once thought of MM the way you did... but not anymore...
Wed Aug 11, 2004, 08:01 AM
again i say
"listen to everyone then make up your own mind"
no ones perfect, NO ONE
hence the reason i like talking here, you hear so many opions that you have to be abel to make an informed decsion......... once you listen to everyone
Wed Aug 11, 2004, 08:52 AM
good call ryan....
Wed Aug 11, 2004, 09:13 AM
and by the way how did we get off the subject of how good Queensland is and onto some dick
ohhh thats right it was me........... lol
Wed Aug 11, 2004, 01:10 PM
Let me preface by saying I take no party affiliation, but tend to be moderate-conservative. The biggest problem in *this* country is that people don't bother doing their own research. Michael Moore is a flat out liar. He not only spins snippits in F-9/11, he blatently cuts the segments in a way, some were the very next sentence out of their mouth contradicts what he's trying to say!
Do I think some of what was said in that movie was true? Of course I do! Lots of tidbits were absolutely true, and labeling Bush the Devine president who can do no wrong is absurd. I freely bash both sides :wink:.
BUT, Michael Moore, what a pig of a director. Documentary my arse! Some bias, even in a documentary is to be expected, it's human nature. But what he did shoulda been called propoganda!
Want a more in-depth combing of F-9/11 lies or deceptions?
... Nuff said
Wed Aug 11, 2004, 11:57 PM
my sentiments exactly...
as I said, he is totally unpatriotic, and this is coming from a Non-American...
a true redneck...
Thu Aug 12, 2004, 12:41 AM
... redneck *LOL*... I'd call him a foo-foo-fat-boy... :wink:
Thu Aug 12, 2004, 07:26 AM
all i have to say is
QLD rocks
Micheal moore dosn't
and i have stirred a can of worms
Thu Aug 12, 2004, 08:29 AM
cans of worms are kool....
and QLD does rock... (although they were robbed in the State of Origin series).
Fri Aug 13, 2004, 09:29 AM
(sigh) you city boys .................... :roll:
Fri Aug 13, 2004, 09:45 AM
robbed is right proteus
although i only follow the NRL during state of orign just so i can stick it to the NSW people
i love how they can change the rules in the 30min before a game to suit
anyway "go loins for 4 years running"
qld rocks
Fri Aug 13, 2004, 02:10 PM
Lions have only won the past 3 years because of the larger salary caps they get compared to Victorian teams, and then Victorian teams get fined because the go over their caps, i wonder why how can you compete when interstate teams get an extra 2-5 hundred thousand.
If the Lions were in victoria they couldnt afford to pay for Voss, Aka, or black., It was supposed to be support to give them help for getting started but now the interstate teams are finishing in the 8 every year and it needs to be an equal playing field.
.......And Lee mathews, dont get me started on him. Everyone raves on about how good of a coach his is, but he walks into teams that are already built, he went into collingwood with a team that was already final material and then he goes into brisbane and does the same. Kevin Sheedy built essendon up from the ground and made a premiership team, as well as Mick Malthouse. I could have coach Bribane and won a premiership with the player and staff he had.
...ok better stop.....
Bye Bye Frawley and hello Terry wallace for the Tigers (I hope), if the hawks dont grab him.!
Fri Aug 13, 2004, 10:04 PM
ahhhh flukes
we now get the same cash as everyone other than sydney
voss aka lappin black leppa power bradshaw and lynch all resigned contracts under the new salary cap
our boys are just Loyal, to the club and coach.
Plus did you ever think that up until last couple of years all these guys were utterly unkonw in thier state, yet they still stayed.
Vic-y boys all complain about the extra we used to get - most of the guys playing for us played with fitsroy and the bears - i don't know about you but i would have rather have played for a winning Vic team than play for the wooden spooners every year, even is i did get extra.
level playing feild now, and we still win and win well
kouter from carlton is one of the highest payed players ever, but he has palyed less games will being captain than anyone ever. if i was from vic i'd complain about that
as for lee matthews he IS the best motivational speaker in the southern hemisphere at the moment, he gets paid more for 30mins coporate speaking than he does in a week at the lions.
guess he is just loyal as well
go lions and stop complaining about salarys
theirs better things in the AFL than that crap
Tue Aug 17, 2004, 12:05 AM
Question 1
You knew a women who was pregnant, had 8 kids already, 3 deaf, 2blind, 1 mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recomend she had an abortion ?.
Qusestion 2
Time to elect a world leader and your vote counts, these are the facts about the leading 3 candidates:
a: associates with crooked politicians, consults astrologists, has had 2 mistresses, chain smokes, and has 8 - 10 Martinis a day.
b: was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college, drinks a quart of whisky every evening.
c: decorated war hero, vegetarian, doesnt smoke, drinks occasional beer, no extramarital affairs
Post you answers and we will see what happens (will post the real names later) :shock:
Tue Aug 17, 2004, 02:14 AM
On question 2.
I would pick (b) because no one is perfect and he seems more human. (c) would be lying..
Tue Aug 17, 2004, 09:23 AM
On question 1 - so long as it was not life threatening, I would NOT advise abortion. That child may grow to become a great doctor or scientist and save thousands of lives.
On question 2 - its a toss up between a and b. Probably go with b. C just seems too good to be true (could that be Hitler)
Thu Aug 19, 2004, 09:50 AM
question a. is not for me to decide her body her choice, all i can offer is surport and advice.
question b. you can never answer until you know thier party line. Past actions mean shit, its what they are saying they will do in the future that counts ( weather they do it or not you have to show some trust)
probably destorys the story but i never said i was here to please :wink:
Fri Aug 20, 2004, 08:57 AM
Okaaay I had better post some answers - if you advised the lady to have an abortion then we would not be listening to Beethoven and as for our politicians
A-Franklin D Roosevelt
B-Winston Churchill
C-Adolf Hitler (we know his party line)
Fri Aug 20, 2004, 09:23 AM
thats funny,
and kind of scary
guess my post killed your humor!
did you know that Sadum Hussen (is that how you spell it) was given his first hand gun at the age of 8, he was never bullied after this!
Sat Aug 21, 2004, 09:59 AM
That figures can you imagine an 8 yo with a gun and no boundries - cowboys and indians anyone ! :shock:
Sat Aug 21, 2004, 11:02 AM
Now that really is scarey :shock:
Sat Aug 21, 2004, 11:05 PM
he was a scrawney bullied kid with broken glasses, his Dad beat him when he came home beaten by others becuase he was weak.
so his Dad got him a gun
TOP STUFF! :cry:
Mon Jun 27, 2005, 04:43 AM
On question 1 - so long as it was not life threatening, I would NOT advise abortion. That child may grow to become a great doctor or scientist and save thousands of lives.
Completly agreed!!!
For the comment of HER BODY HER CHOICE, no that is NOT her body, that is the CHILDS HOST!... a fetus is an unborn child that is NOT DEVELOPED!!! IT is STILL A HUMAN and could very well grow up to be a wonderful doctor/scientist or who know what!
A fetus is still a baby!
ok, lets see... What do you call a baby frog? a TadPole right?... or Pollywog?... or both.. anyway, you give it a name other than a baby frog... the same is true with a baby child (human) its a fetus... not developed the same with the pollywog not being a developed adult frog... its still a baby! and the Fetus is STILL HUMAN! and still has life, and it is helpless in its mothers womb... for someone to go grab it and jab a pair of sissors into its neck is INHUMAIN! and sick and every doctor who does it is going to have to give account for what they have done one day!!!
thats my outlook on it!
BTW: I am American... I HAVE NO idea WHO this Michael Morre or moron or whatever his name is..... and I dont think the Bush administration is all what its cracked up to be either!!! OH and I didnt watch F9/11... and I DIDNT want to either.. I dont like the idea of having a movie about war... esspecially if its REAL.. the fact is, is that every day millions of people die.. either from war or from natural death or whatever.. but a million more are BORN to take their place!
Mon Jun 27, 2005, 10:30 AM
I really don't want this debate so i will state somthing quickly
if we can keep it friendly and express an personal opion only i will allow it to continue (this is not having a go at you or your opion's i just know that this may get out of control because it is such a passionate topic :wink: )
Me personally.............
I believe it is far to a personal and emotional decsion to for anyone to try and make lightly
I will never have to make the choice, i will never be in a position to have to make the choice, but i could never blaket condem the practise
you just can't have black and white, they tend to mix and give a little grey
for example
heres a pic of a little boy my sister found in Africa
her mother could not afford an abortion (or food) so she left the baby on the side of the road to die
my sister brought the baby to the orphanage she was helping to build
all his family are now dead
he will die
he has aids
my sister could only carry the one baby back
she had to leave others there on the side of the road ........................................
Its just never a simple yes / no answer
Wed Jul 06, 2005, 01:45 PM
Why does everyone knock Michael Moore!!
He makes very valid points in his movies. People are calling him a "flat out liar" Well what the hell do you call George Bush????
We are on a slippery slide down hill with Bush, Blair and Howard steering the ship. Look at the state of Iraq and Africa. Do not tell me that the only reason he went into Iraq was for the oil.
We could go on all night but sleep calls and it will be a good nights sleep considering the mighty Blues whipped the maroons.
Wed Jul 06, 2005, 03:51 PM
He does make very valid points in his movies, but he also spins like a top, every piece of media he weaves in his propoganda. The topic was Michael Moore, not George Bush - nobody made comments to the like.
In regards to abortion, a new blood test came out today that allows you to determine the sex of the baby at 5 weeks. So, explain to me this - we can determine the sex at 5 weeks - but it's not a living sentient being till it's born? Science & society are so messed up.
Ryan, please give your sister thanks from me for doing what she had the courage to do. We need a lot more people like her in this world.
Wed Jul 06, 2005, 08:58 PM
In regards to abortion, a new blood test came out today that allows you to determine the sex of the baby at 5 weeks. So, explain to me this - we can determine the sex at 5 weeks - but it's not a living sentient being till it's born? Science & society are so messed up.
The $275 test works by detecting and analyzing fetal DNA floating in the mother's blood, a method that researchers say holds promise for serious clinical uses, from cancer testing to prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome.
This is a DNA test.
DNA tests can be done on living AND non living organisms.
Thu Jul 07, 2005, 01:23 AM
Ok... and? ;)
Thu Jul 07, 2005, 01:37 AM
Just that the fact that it is a DNA test, doesn't do anything to prove there is a "life" involved.
That's all :wink:
Thu Jul 07, 2005, 01:52 AM
i know a girl, who was openly told by her parents she was a mistake, her parents divorced and she was treated like cr@p her whole life....
i dont believe that any non aborted child that is put down and treated like its worthless its whole life, is going to ever aspire to be a scientist or doctor or whatever, im sure with the anommalies there will be one or two here and there but on the whole if u are treated like that your whole life, or are worse yet abaondoned, the kid isnt going to end up anywhere but with a need for alot of psychiatric help, and an inferiority complex their whole lives...
I think abortion is the right of the mother, because if they are unfit to keep a child, its a greater tragedy for the child to live life knowing it was an accident feeling unwanted etc., then if it is destroyed before it can even think for itself?!
Thu Jul 07, 2005, 06:52 AM
Where there is life, there is hope =)
Your sister is very inspiring, Ryan.
Thu Jul 07, 2005, 07:15 AM
Just stumbled onto this, but would like to make a comment.
with regards to your comment Benny where you state :
"i dont believe that any non aborted child that is put down and treated like its worthless its whole life, is going to ever aspire to be a scientist or doctor or whatever, im sure with the anommalies there will be one or two here and there but on the whole if u are treated like that your whole life, or are worse yet abaondoned, the kid isnt going to end up anywhere but with a need for alot of psychiatric help, and an inferiority complex their whole lives..."
I have just finished reading a series of three books written by a man called Dave Pelzer. The first in the series is called "A Child Called It".
His mother was an absolute maniac - an alcoholic, used beat him senseless (I am a really big reader and my favorite types of books are true crime, and I have never read anything as shocking as the cruelty that this man endured)- his father was a total wimp (mother also stood over him too) - Dave's mother called him "It" and taught the other children in the family to hate him - he wasn't allowed to speak and was treated as a slave - forced him to live in the basement - he ate table scraps and dog food - one form of punishment that she meted out was forcing Tabasco sauce down his throat for small misdemeanors - I am truly not making this up (the Books are available at Angus & Robertson). When he was 12 years old the Police removed him from the household.
If you are for Abortion for unwanted children, then you would think that this fellow would have been better off aborted - well believe it or not Dave survived all of this, grew up and became a really well respected membeer of the community and a Policeman.
Thu Jul 07, 2005, 08:07 AM
i agree that there will be annomalies from the circumstances, but 12 yrs of torture....? i think thats more barbaric then aborting the kid in the firstplace..
but thats my own opinion....
Thu Jul 07, 2005, 09:05 AM
the problem with most things we don't like in this world is that people want to change the world to suit them, not change to suit the world
its a sad fact
the only thing in this world you can change is in your mind, thats the only constant
unfortunatley abortion will always have right and wrong uses, and the only time i will truly have control over the issue is when it will affect me
i would love to say no abortions ever but there will always be a grey area
there are poor people all over the world pumping out kids, and for those who say thats beacuse there bored and have nothing better to do are just dumb, they do it because they realise that 60% of there children will die before them
that in itself is disgusting
but they keep on having kids beacuse they relaise that if they don't when they get old there will be no one to look after them!
no old age pension over there, no retirement villas
you a breed to look after your parents, then you breed to get looked after and along the way watch your children die, your friends die, and your parents die
and with the aids problem far to many kids are being born with no chance at life
this in my books is a sadly justified reason for abortion.
Did you know that most Drug companies complan that they can't cheapen prices beacuse of the R & D required to produce these drugs
yet they spend 8% Grossprofit on R & D and over 30% on marketing
that stinks, we should all be able to have all the drugs we need, especially those who can't afford it, its just the right thing to do
some more interesting facts
Did you know that australia spends more on the institue of sport than timor has on ALL there roads, schools, hospitals, defence, blah blah blah
America subsidises there cotton farmers 10 times the amount of there entire african aid pacakge
Did you know that if every rock star in live 8 gave up all the money they ever ernt including all the money they had already spent in there entire life time they would pay 2% of the intrest owed by the struggling african countrys for one year!
truly we are greedly selfish beings, after reading my own words i feel ashamed
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