View Full Version : rate this tank (my other 125g)
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 03:02 PM
from 1-10, 10 being best, how wold you rate this one? just curious, also any suggestions for better layout, appreciated...
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 03:14 PM
No fish ??
You should put a background, it looks more tidy so we dont see those hose at the back.
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 09:39 PM
The tank looks strange with no background - even a painted background would do. Some of the plants could do with a trim also.
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 09:47 PM
Not sure what the what the name is of the long green vine plant at the back is- But you need some more of that to thicken it up IMO...
Apart from that, go get a black background or something, makes all the difference... :wink:
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 11:13 PM
Plants look pretty healthy but those ornaments (or how you call them) I personally like so much, it makes it look so artificial....
Substrat I like myself a fine sand...good thing about it is that food and poo do nog get stuck between it (and start to rot)
For the rest I go with others, something on the back would make it all look much better
I have experienced with several background, a background that is not TOO dark make the tank look deeper...
Tue Jun 13, 2006, 10:08 PM
got background. picks coming up. (does make all the difference, my friend also suggested...)
more vine plants? on the contrary, i eliminated 2/3 of those, i thought i had too much.... it's to make more room for the brown crypts in the give them space to multiply....
about the sand and poo: even better IMO is to have a carpet of live plants (more difficult) but this way together with low fish load, i could easily go on long vacation and rest assured fish will be ok (or so i read...)
anyway, i don't plan to keep more then 4 discus and a pleco in this tank besides 4 danios....
Tue Jun 13, 2006, 11:09 PM
ok, here it is w background... and yes, i think the suggestion to trim the plants on the right may be about time... coz they overshaddow the red ones, too bad i have no place to put them
update: deleted pic w no discus, posted below....
Tue Jun 13, 2006, 11:15 PM
aha, now that my cam is at the shop, the discus are out in front.... posing :evil:
Lee C
Tue Jun 13, 2006, 11:25 PM
I like your tank.
Here is a a link to mine, a 30g cube by Oceanic:
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 12:13 AM
thx. yea, that's the type of tank i appreciate, i don't want to offend the strictly discus people here, they do have advantages keeping barebottom non planted tanks, but i think the challenge is to keep a planted carpeted tank with live discus... i mean i wouldn't want to live in a cell without trees etc... it's just my opinion though, my discus arent as big as theirs so im not making something out of myself....
i would put cacomba?(front center) to the back right corner...very nice driftwood/moss combination. not sure you even need that cocomba plant...
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 12:38 AM
ok heres with the discus pair
(i wonder if they're somehow attached with a slime or some strings to each other, coz i almost never see them seperate)
i know i need to trim those yellow plants overshadowing reds in the mid right, but they're so beautiful, i don't know where to put them :(
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 12:53 AM
Look's good Rytis.
Would you ever consider pulling out the terrace ??
Just for one photo without it ?
It may give the tank a different look, who knows ?
Just a thought...
And perhaps you could run a credit card down the front to remove the black mulm from the glass..
Other than that, I think it looks bloody awesome mate, something to be really proud of :wink: :wink:
What are the species of plants you have ? A listing of them would be of much interest I think.
How many water changes do you do ? and what percentage ?
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 01:27 AM
Look's good Rytis.
Other than that, I think it looks bloody awesome mate, something to be really proud of :wink: :wink:
Would you ever consider pulling out the terrace ??
fish need it to hide underneath from bright lights which are needed for live plants. would only replace with something more natural looking, never eliminate shelter from the sun for these guys!...
And perhaps you could run a credit card down the front to remove the black mulm from the glass.. u mean white paint near the bottom?
How many water changes do you do ? and what percentage ?
about 1/week 50%, this one is very easy coz it's right near the back yard and not that big of a tank...
What are the species of plants you have ? A listing of them would be of much interest I think.
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 01:46 AM
And perhaps you could run a credit card down the front to remove the black mulm from the glass.. u mean white paint near the bottom?
I mean the black ( insert S word here ) between the gravel and the glass mate.
I know you don't wan't to vacuum as you will disturb your laterite base. Just run a credit card between the gravel and the glass to remove it !!
As for the picture and the list of plant species. Many thanks for that and taking the time to do it.
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 02:00 AM
Rytis can you get a closer shot of your lotus mate.
It looks like it may be a Nymphaea Pubescens ( a very nice variety rarely seen by me ) It's from Asia gets a pink flower. They are around the place over here...
The tiger is a Nymphaea's from West Africa and gets a white flower...
I think yours is the more solid red leaf colour...closer photo so I can drool.
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 02:19 AM
my pleasure. lights for the tank are out for the night (dont want to disturb the fish) will take tomorrow morning. yea i was always wondering if thats that lotus.... but very similar indeed...
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 03:02 PM
ok, here are close ups
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 03:23 PM
G'day Rytis,
I must say you have some challenging to grow plants in that tank and they are doing very well IMHO.
So you are doing something right with them indeed.
Your discus are looking much improved aswell.
I think you may have the Nymphaea Pubescens, an even closer shot of that would be good, if you get the time.
Some positive results are starting to occur in your aquariums.
Keep posting the pics they are really good ( a picture tells a thousand words )
And good luck with your pair mate, can't wait to see pics of them with a whole stack of fry attached, it would be a pleasure we could all share with you.
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 03:50 PM
here it is,
Wed Jun 21, 2006, 10:12 AM
Looking good mate, Mind putting up the specs of tank especially co2 rate, pH, kH,lighting times and powera and gravel. Plants look good, some ideas for design if your interested: Either utilise or remove terrace by covering with ferns(bolbitis and java fern) and creating a cave(sounds better the more i think about it) :) or pull it out and leave that side open to create impression of even longer tank. Foreground looks wicked, glosso or hairgrass mixed in can give awesome looks eh. Needs a midground of sorts, hemianthus/micramthem micramthemoides, big hygro or something else to create lead in lines for the dutch style it appears you going with. IMO keep the roatala wallichi as its a wicked plants especially if you can grow it well, and the lotus is most probably a standard one as I've had the same plant go from orange to green to red switching through my mates tanks and mine.
Apologies for errors or if it sounds to harsh
Hope it helps
EDIT: Just saw the other massive post,cbf reading through it and this one seems more on topic. PS, Visit other planted forums especially aquaticquotient and apc(aquaticplant central) just google them
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