View Full Version : 6x2x2 tankmates
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 04:22 AM
Hey, I've been on a few forums lately trying to make a decision on what I'm gonna put in my new 6x2x2 tank, and I realised that by the time it's done cycling I'll have enough money to put some discus in it! So I've scrapped the other tank I was keeping for them, and I've given up on rainbowfish and I've given up on African Cichlids for this tank.
This is the list of fish I've got so far...
5 Discus
1 Raphael Catfish
5 Clown Loaches
2 Angelfish
1 Male Betta
5 Glass Catfish
3 Kissing Gouramis
I am aware that this is only just cutting it in terms of stocking levels, but the tank's going to have some pretty good filteration.
Can anyone suggest some other tankmates? Big enough for the BGK to NOT eat, and small enough to school and look pretty in my tank for some variety!
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 04:53 AM
columbian tetras, bleeding heart tetras, black widow tetras.... they are some of the bigger tetras that might not get eaten by your bgk if it is not a huge one....Im not really sure though.. just some ideas....
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 06:04 AM
I think they'll still get eaten when he grows to his full size... Then again, I could always move them. I don't know how fast growing BGK are.
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 06:21 AM
mate in that size tank you could have 10 or more discus...!!!
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 06:34 AM
I am aware of that, pigeon.
I'm also aware of the fact that discus cost $100 each!! At this stage, I don't really want to spend $1000+ on discus!! If I don't end up fully stocking the tank before my NEXT pay (isn't it pathetic that everything seems to revolve around getting paid?) then I'll purchase more discus, over time.
I'd love to keep a ton in there! But I also can't resist the charm of a BGK and other gorgeous fish.
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 06:48 AM
where do you live lexie? discus shouldnt cost you $100 each. especially if they are young.
the BGK will not eat the larger tetras. you could also have some apistogrammas in the tank too.
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 08:08 AM
I actually live 40 minutes away from you, goldenpigeon. The only cheaper discus I have found are at TERRIBLE LFS that I would never buy from. Where do you get yours?
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 08:25 AM
I've had my ghosty for 2 1/2 years now and he is about 25cm long. Neons would be a fairly cheap formof food for a larger one compared to the cardinals that mine regularly enjoys.
Rummynose are a bit bigger but then still not guaranteed to avoid the chomp.
Don't forget that the kissing gourami get up to a ft long and have a bigger mouth than any ghost knife.
As long as your ghosty is well fed he shouldn't bother the others too much :wink: :wink:
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 08:37 AM
Oh, sorry, I meant Balloon Kissing Gouramis - they only get to 6inches in a home aquarium.
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 08:38 AM
Oh, sorry, I meant Balloon Kissing Gouramis - they only get to 6inches in a home aquarium. Plus, they're not theones I have my heart set on, I can do without them. I can't do without a BGK!
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 08:39 AM
hey Lexie,
i get my discus from private breeders, G and S aquarium (sponsor) and just around the place. you have several breeders up your way who can sell you some of the best quality discus and it wont cost you near $100.
give Rod from sunshine discus a pm (member of forum - user name is sunshinediscus). he usually has discus in stock.
i have a few im selling atm that start at $60 if your interested.
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 08:53 AM
I just pm'd you David, thanks for the help.
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 08:58 AM
i just pm'd you back.
no problem! im only here to help!
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 03:21 PM
Forgive my ignorance but whats a BGK?
Mon Jun 12, 2006, 09:52 PM
BGK is a Black Ghost Knifefish.
Lexie a school of about 10 Rummynose would go great in your tank - they hang together and zip around in a little gang and look really great with Discus. Black Widows look good too - I have a friend who has 4 in his Discus tank and they get on well with the Discus.
I don't know if I'd have 5 Clown Loaches though - they can be real greedy guts' and don't give the Discus much peace at feeding time. One or two would be o.k. - I have one big one and one big BGK in my Community tank, together with 4 Black Widows, 6 Rummynose, 5 Corys', 8 Bristlenose and 6 Bolivian Butterflies. The Corys' and the Bristlenose do a good job of cleaning up any scraps that end up on the bottom of the tank and around the base of the plants.
Hope this helps.,
Tue Jun 13, 2006, 11:58 AM
apparently clowns do best in groups of 3+, i have never kept them but thats what i have read?
Tue Jun 13, 2006, 12:15 PM
I would avoid Clowns with Discus altogether, they are too boistrous for Discus and may deprive them of food. The other main problem with the Clowns is that if you need to medicate the tank for some Discus problem, the Clowns wont tolerate the medication at all well, an annoying aspect of Loaches :?
Tue Jun 13, 2006, 12:24 PM
Ah, okay, I'll leave out the loaches. They do better in groups of 3+, that was the reason for having a large number of them.
I'd love some rummynose, but again, the BGK would make a quick lunch of them. Same with the cories... Right??? I'd be worried if the BGK DIDN'T eat the tetras! Do honey gouramis school?
Or would Giant Danios or Rainbowfish be suitable tankmates??
Tue Jun 13, 2006, 12:27 PM
I'd go for the Rainbows or Giant Danios, they are pretty nice schooling fish
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 02:20 AM
I was worried Giant Danios may be a bit too active for the discus and the BGK, but I'll throw in a school of Rainbowfish if they'll be good tankmates (They should be ok, right?)
Also, I'll scrap the kissing gouramis...
Could I have a few blue rams in this tank? Is there anything i should know about aggression to avoid it?
I didn't know those tetras grew so big, forgive my ignorance!
How about a school of 20? Bleeding Heart Tetras?
5-7 Discus
5 Glass Catfish
1 Male Betta
3 Blue Rams ??
20 Bleeding Heart Tetras
10 Rainbowfish (Threadfin)
2 BN Plecos
1 Common Pleco/Some other catfish
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 08:48 AM
I'm thinkin' your BGK will like to snack on Bleeding Heart Tetras once it grows, the Tetras dont get too big. I think your Blue Rams would be Ok, or Bolivain Butterflys, Balloon Rams and the like. Some Gongo Tetra would be good, they are too big for the BGK and look great with their flashy coloured sides. Like the Giant Danios they are active fish, and care must be taken they dont jump out, but should be OK with Discus, most fish will compete for food and that can sometimes be a Discus downfall as most Discus are picky and shy eaters.
Thu Jun 15, 2006, 12:33 AM
Oh, cool, I'll replace 20 Bleeding hearts with 10 Congo Tetras.
I'll make sure the lid's secure, but that shouldn't be too hard.
Can someone help me with...
Bolivain Butterflies
Balloon Rams
Blue Rams
How many could I have in this tank whilst avoiding agression? Do they school? Do I need to keep an eye on sexes so that I can keep males apart?
Sun Sep 17, 2006, 11:22 PM
Hey Lexie,
Info on Rams? Read through the dwarf cichlid thread available on discusforums. Many enthusiasts there and plenty of threads on Rams.
To answer your questions:
a) aggression wise, i would say all show no go. They love chasing, but don't do any damage.
b) They do show schooling behaviour, but not to the degree that tetras display.
c) If you check the dwarf thread i'm sure someone can answer this better :)
Unsure if you mentioned having the tank heavily planted or not, but this gives good coverage for them, and i think it would look awesome for a 6ft (personal taste :)) + they are quick, so if your BGK is lookin for a snack they can zoom off to a hiding place
Rams are not shy. I've found that once they are comfortable and recognise you they will hover at the top of the tank. Especially when it comes to feeding time :lol: and the colours they display are beautiful.
In a tank your size i would look at possibly 5. You could definately go more but with the other stock you are after i think 2M & 3F would be nice. I have 3atm (1M 2F) in a 4ft and they add alot of character to my tank.
See you in dwarf talk :wink:
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