View Full Version : My babies after a month
Sat Jun 10, 2006, 01:09 AM
Hi Everyone,
I just thought I would post a couple of new pictures of my new additions. after having them for a month, they are doing really well.
Shame about the plants! ALGAE.
Sat Jun 10, 2006, 03:49 AM
They're growing up nicely!!!
Make sure that you give them lots of good foods and qater changes to prevent stunting.. :wink:
How about a picture of the whole tank? :P
Sat Jun 10, 2006, 04:46 AM
i like the top discus them most :D
Sat Jun 10, 2006, 10:25 AM
Hi Guys
Thanks for the replys
Here is a pic of my tank,it looks pretty ordinary, as Im having a battle with algae at the moment, and my plants are suffering a bit, but I will get on top of it eventually I guess.
Sat Jun 10, 2006, 10:35 AM
Hey there,
Great looking tank, are those- babies you raised at one month or
- babies you bought a month ago? they look too large to be only a month old.
On the algae front, I can add that a similar thing occured in my tank over a short period (less than a week) when my husband pinched my flying foxes and put them into his tank. They're cleaned it up nicely and he ended up buying 4 more for me because he thought they were great - although not attractive enough as fish for his tastes! There's also a product called Phos Zorb (or similar) which filters out the phosphates and starves the algae.
HTH, love the top fish as well, I have a similar one which was called marlboro red but the other marlboro reds in forum pics look nothing like it - my other 2 are similar but the body is yellow. What strain is your (first pictured) baby? cheers Vicki
Sat Jun 10, 2006, 11:15 AM
Hi Vicki
The fish are turks I brought about a month ago from a breeder, they were a bit bigger than a 50 cent piece and the PB in the top pic is another of his fish that was some what older than the turks that I brought.
I purchased them all the same day.
If you check out my album you will see that I have some flying foxes that do a great job.
I think I'm just lacking nutrients in the water.
I'm going to add some fert spikes to the substrate to try to get them growing.
I'v tried liquid plant grow without sucsess, so I'm going to try something different.
I think the plant grow increased the algae growth so its time to add something to the substrate.
Sat Jun 10, 2006, 11:48 AM
i would highly reccomend seachem flourish and if you arent using co2 another seachem product called seachem flourish excel. Also the excel if dosed to a certain regime will kill off the algea, i really do reccomend those products.
You do have enough nutrients in the water thats why the algea is growing, its growing from excess nutrients in the water, so more w/c will help and get rid of excess nutrients.
Also you should have your lights running around 10-12 hours a day, no more other wise u will definitely get algea blooms. Another thing is if you do not have a UV sterliser it can help with algea, plus it is great for killing some of the nasties that may be introduced into your water
Sat Jun 10, 2006, 11:59 AM
Also the excel if dosed to a certain regime will kill off the algea, i really do reccomend those products.
Be very carefull Seachem do not promote this product in such a manner..
See here:
The water changes ( as suggested by Nathan ) and adding some fast growing stem plants to out compete the algae is a better method if you value your fish !!
Sat Jun 10, 2006, 01:37 PM
great looking tank Ash!
Your discus look very healthy!
Keep us updated as they grow!!
Sat Jun 10, 2006, 08:10 PM
Thanks for all your advice guys,
Will post more pics when they get a bit older, and I have more plant growth.
and have this this rotten algae under control.
Ashley :D
Sun Jun 11, 2006, 02:16 AM
adding a fair few fast growing plants will also help with ur algae problem.
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