Mon Jun 05, 2006, 11:43 AM
:shock: found a fish with camallanus in one of my tanks the other day, the day before hand i had just cleaned that tank and then without washing anything, cleaned the discus tank :( now i have learnt my lesson and am getting seperate equip for each tank and a bucket to sterilise any nets in etc. i have read this is very contagious.
my question is- can i treat the discus tank as a precautionary? im getting levamisole from the vet asap and will treat the tank that had the fish with the worm (has since been moved to a quarentine), the discus tank, and the quarentine tank- i am unsure if the other tanks may have it but i will get enough to treat all my tanks (around 1000L or so) three times just to be sure, if i dont end up needing it all i have a few people who need some themselves but cant get it.
i have read a few dosages so far, and a few methods. it seems the 2mg/L and 1ml/7L are the most common. what percentage are they talking about also? i have read that you should do as bigger water change as poss after 24 hours doing a very through gravel siphon (sand in this case) to remove any worms/eggs on the bottom, but on doing searches on here it says leave it in for 3 days and then do a water change? i will do another treatment 3 weeks after the first treatment either way.
it seems to be early days for the other fish (no signs at all) but i want to get rid of this before it even has a chance to get bigger and damage my fish, all tanks have gone into quarentine to stop any further possible spreading and im just going to be hoping for the best, its bad enough having one tank with it, but the possibility of havign 5 with it scares me something big :(
also- how long on average does it take on average for the young to fall from the parent, (dont understand the next part about copepods or something) and then get into the fish and start producing its own young?
if its going to be too hard to eradicate in a planted tank is it worth me moving them to a BB to treat and leaving that tank emtpy for as long as possible? the discus are already in a BB so if they had any it would be easier to clean up.
i have already started feeding all fish on food soaked in febendazole, it hasnt worked on the angel i had about 4 months ago with camallanus (still alive in the quarentine), i am unsure why i didnt have an outbreak then but i figure with the feeding of febendazole and a dose of levamisole (or two) this will hopefully get everything under control. before i use the L and F together- it isnt going to harm the fish is it being used together?
thanks guys
my question is- can i treat the discus tank as a precautionary? im getting levamisole from the vet asap and will treat the tank that had the fish with the worm (has since been moved to a quarentine), the discus tank, and the quarentine tank- i am unsure if the other tanks may have it but i will get enough to treat all my tanks (around 1000L or so) three times just to be sure, if i dont end up needing it all i have a few people who need some themselves but cant get it.
i have read a few dosages so far, and a few methods. it seems the 2mg/L and 1ml/7L are the most common. what percentage are they talking about also? i have read that you should do as bigger water change as poss after 24 hours doing a very through gravel siphon (sand in this case) to remove any worms/eggs on the bottom, but on doing searches on here it says leave it in for 3 days and then do a water change? i will do another treatment 3 weeks after the first treatment either way.
it seems to be early days for the other fish (no signs at all) but i want to get rid of this before it even has a chance to get bigger and damage my fish, all tanks have gone into quarentine to stop any further possible spreading and im just going to be hoping for the best, its bad enough having one tank with it, but the possibility of havign 5 with it scares me something big :(
also- how long on average does it take on average for the young to fall from the parent, (dont understand the next part about copepods or something) and then get into the fish and start producing its own young?
if its going to be too hard to eradicate in a planted tank is it worth me moving them to a BB to treat and leaving that tank emtpy for as long as possible? the discus are already in a BB so if they had any it would be easier to clean up.
i have already started feeding all fish on food soaked in febendazole, it hasnt worked on the angel i had about 4 months ago with camallanus (still alive in the quarentine), i am unsure why i didnt have an outbreak then but i figure with the feeding of febendazole and a dose of levamisole (or two) this will hopefully get everything under control. before i use the L and F together- it isnt going to harm the fish is it being used together?
thanks guys