View Full Version : sunken tummy
Fri Jun 02, 2006, 06:57 PM
Hey you guys/gals. One of my discus has a sunken tummy and swims gingerly. Not eating as far as I can tell. I just noticed it yesterday.
I searched in the forum but can not find anything for sunken tummies??
I did find similiar syptoms and the recommendation was basically a salt bath???
Could someone please confirm or recommed a treatment??
Thanks ya all.
Sat Jun 03, 2006, 03:32 AM
Upon further inspection,,, Both sides of the tummy, just under the gills, he is bloated??? He swims a little funny and is tippy.
Sat Jun 03, 2006, 10:42 PM
Here's a few possible thoughts on what it could be
I'm not sure if discus get impacted very easy. If food has too much soy or proties for that kind of fish it might cause constipation. I would not imagine this would be a problem with discus though. I suggest feeding bring shrimp at three day intervles and raising the temperature.
Inflamation cause by bacterial infection. This would be hard to treat but if you can get it to take some medicated foods it might help.
Internal inflamation due to a growth would be another possability. Cancer on the intestine walls can cause backing up. This is a genetic disorder found in fish. There is no known cure and usually will kill the fish in a matter of months ~ weeks after being diagnosed.
It is also possible that it is a female that is holding (gravid with eggs) put a male in with a few danio's and let them go at it.
Keep us informed.
Sun Jun 04, 2006, 03:59 AM
Thank you Waldo. I'll raise the temp and feed the brine shrimp 3x's a day for 3 days.
Should I do some kind of salt bath?
The fish is still a juvenile (should have mention that) he/she is about 4cm.
Thanks again Waldo.
Mon Jun 05, 2006, 04:59 AM
You could try Epsom salts at a rate of 1 teaspoon per 40 litres.. they act as a laxative and will help the fish to pass anything if they have a digestive upset or constipation....
You should have a result within 24 hours if that is the problem... ie. poohs.. :-)
Mon Jun 05, 2006, 12:51 PM
Thank you Sammi!!!!
I'm doing the brime shrimp (Waldo's response)
I'll try the epson salt tonight (Yours Sammi)
And then Metro if the above fails???? (comment from A 1)
Please let me know if I'm off track, otherwise, I'll treat as indicated/recommeded.
Thank you!!!!!!
Tue Jun 06, 2006, 01:22 PM
I am not sure about Metro... is it possible to take a photo of him....
Is he showing any other symptoms of illness other that the tummy... as being a baby he could look abit bloated if he has just had a feed and had a full tummy... He might not be sick??
Maybe some more description of how he is acting... ie.. is he hiding? is he being bullied? is he dark and pinched looking?
when you say swimming gingerly... what do you mean... is he having trouble staying upright? is he clamping his pectoral fins against the side of him and only using one at a time?
Lots of questions I know but they may help with diagnosis... I wouldnt use metro until you know more of what the problem is... JMO
Tue Jun 06, 2006, 03:25 PM
Thanks for your response Sammi!
He seems better after a bit of salt added to tank.
I've also been feeding 2 of three times a day with the brine shrimp (flake in early am.?)
His appetite (noticed yeasterday) has been good.
He's been bullied a little, He's not dark, been hiding until feeding time, semi clamped fins, can stay upright but is shaky in his swimming (almost jerky), swims with short jerky strides, his swollen tummy has gone down yesterday (salt helped??), still seems to have a dent middle to rear of body in the middle?
Sorry about the lack of pictures (hope to have a bunch soon). I've got great digital cameras but can't seem to figure out how to get the size down to get on the forum?? Worked on it a few hours once and gave up. :? Will try again.
Thank you very much for your help and concern!!!!!!!!!!
Tue Jun 06, 2006, 03:30 PM
i dont know what you have on your computer.
but when you go to the file it is in you right click on the picture you want and find edit.
and it will probably take you to a paint program.
then you click on image
then stretch/skew.
and you will only have to change stretch.
change both horozontal and ,vertical to 50% just by replacing 100%-50%
i hope i helped somewhat.
Wed Jun 07, 2006, 03:24 AM
Mark, Try downloading this program Pixresizer.. it automatically resizes your pics for you to what is recommended web size...
here is the link
You should have pics up in no time!! :D
If your bub is eating happily his "dent" may just be a natural part of his body....
I would maintain regular w/c and lots of small feeds and keep an eye on him.... Does he seem to have any fin issues that are causing him to swim jerkily? Maybe its just because he is small..??
Hopefully someone more experienced with young discus may be able to help you... keep us updated.... Good luck!!
Bill T.
Wed Jun 07, 2006, 11:45 AM
I've seen this "pinched gut" look before, with my own fish as a matter of fact. I got these from a backyard deal & it turned out they had heavy intestinal worm infestations. Once I blitzed their worms they made dramatic recoveries and are now healthy and happy - going on for three years old.
Wed Jun 07, 2006, 01:36 PM
Thank you for your continued response Sammi!!
Thank you all, including you Bill T.
I hope I'm in the clear,,, he's is doing better. Still small dent but much better. I think??, the extra salt added helped and brine shrimp diet has him on the upswing.
Sammi, I'm going to try your link for the pictures. Thank you. Hope to have some pictures soon. They are always fun to view when you guys/girls post. So, hope to provide some fun/interesting pic's soon.
Again,, thank you all very much for your recommended treatments and responses!!! You guys/gals are awesome!!
Bill T.
Thu Jun 08, 2006, 06:53 AM
Glas to hear the little critter is getting back on it's legs - figuratively speaking.
Where abouts do you live, by the way? If in the Melbourne region, I could suggest an alternative, if you are interested, & particularly if the fish continues to have problems.
Thu Jun 08, 2006, 10:08 AM
Sounds like he is on the improve.... Fantastic!!!!
Bill that Alternative sounds ominous....Id love to know what it is....:-) ???
Thu Jun 08, 2006, 04:45 PM
Thanks you two for your help and responses.
Bill T. I live in the US (don't hold that against me :) ) in Minnesota. Small town north of the Twin Cities about 45 miles. You Aussie's are awesome!!! Maybe some day I could get down that way.
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