View Full Version : Would angels mix with apistos?
Wed May 31, 2006, 01:34 AM
Hi all,
Reading all these posts makes me want to give a couple of dwarfs a go. I got a 4 footer I would like to set-up as semi planted tank to house some dwarfs.
My better half is interested in Angels so I would like to get 6-8 young ones to grow out initially; later on I'll reduce their numbers.
I was wondering if I can keep these mix of fish in partially planted tank:
*6-8 young angels
*~pairs of rams
*2prs of apistos (either 2pairs of same species or a pair each from 2 different species from different species groups)
*I'll definetely have surface dwelling killifish from Epiplatys or Aplocheilus genera as they get along with any fish and hang at the surface like hatchet fishes.
*One or two groups of cories
*a few ottos
Any problems you can foresee regarding dwarfs getting along with others or viceversa?
Wed May 31, 2006, 02:00 AM
angels go well with killies, they very much leave each other alone.
instead of getting 2 pairs of apistos, you might consider getting a male and 2 or 3 females of one species. If you divide the tank with visual markers like driftwood rocks or plants, and provide caves, they will each set up a territory and the male will go visit each one in turn to see if they're ready to spawn ... and do so if they are.
I have in my 4 ft tank 6 angels, 4 A. cacatuoides, 4 brochis cats, a pair of golden panchax, a quartet of black widow tetras, 4 emerald brochis, a female peckoltia L168 and a baby ghost knife. They all live happily together.
Wed May 31, 2006, 03:10 AM
I've kept angels and apisto's together for a long time. I do have a large tank though so they never run into each other. But generally speaking, the apisto a low-mid water swimmers and the angels are mid-high mid water, so there's not much direct interaction.
The only time they really run into each other is if one of the apisto's is swimming through some plants at the same level as the angels or at feeding time. I've never had a problem. Usually I've found that the angels pick on angels and apisto's pick on apisto's.
My current two silver angels largely ignore everything else in the tank (I have about 5-7 different species of apistogramma's/apistogrammoides in my display tank). The only time there's any real chasing one or the other is when the angels lay eggs.
Wed May 31, 2006, 03:38 AM
Thank you both :D
It is going to be quite fun trying to decide what apisto to get, but I'll be limited with what's available in Canberra. A local shop had 4 species of apistos when I dropped in last week so might drop in there soon again.
I will be creating as many territories as I can with pots and rocks. Below is the sort of pots I use to breed Betta channoides and make sure the pot entrances never face each other.
The pots are parts of the "terracotta man" that those 'el cheapo' stores sell. I find them very useful. Now I also attached anubias plants on each one of my pots which makes them look tiny bit more attractive.
I would be inclined to get the wild type (striped) angels, but since they are going to be my fiancees I'll get her to pick what she likes.
Wed May 31, 2006, 05:10 AM
Hey Serkan,
I've had both before, and never had problem between the two of them. Your 4ft tank is more than enough for 2 prs of apisto.
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 05:48 AM
Hi all,
Well I started getting the fish in; I got:
6 silver (wild type) angels - between 20 and 50 cent coin body size
4 leopard angels - around 50 cent coin body size
5 rams - not sure about the sexes yet, will watch them tonight :wave2 :blob got my first dwarfs!!! I just wanted to give these rams a go (don't know the origin) before I got some wild pairs.
In addition the tank has 3 corys, 2 clown loaches, 1 kuhli loach, 1 bristlenose
I'll let this lot settle in and see how they go before I get some apistos I think.
I got plenty of space in other tanks, so if any compatability issues arise I can remove the offenders into another tank; though I rather use the tanks for killies :wink:
Wed Jun 14, 2006, 10:09 PM
Well done Serkin.
I love rams. They have some absolutely beautiful colouration. When the flouro lights hit my pair just right, their iridescent blue spots look amazing.
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