View Full Version : Help with sickie please!

Sun May 28, 2006, 09:08 AM
Hi all
one of my babies is under the weather, hovering near the surface, rapid and big gill movements. Upper fin is clamped, head is facing down. Didn't show any interest in the worms I gave them tonight. Everyone else seems fine, ph is about 7.1, kh 2 and nitrates 10 - 20. Did a water change but didn't seem to help. I do have an airstone in the tank. Should I treat for something (gill flukes???) or wait and see??

HAN 'd' Aquariums
Sun May 28, 2006, 11:13 AM
Hi penstar1000
It certainly wouldn't hurt treating your fish for gill flukes, body flukes and tapeworm. You can do this with a drug called Prazaquantel. Your local fish shop will sell it as CPV Worm Rid Tablets or Aqua Master Fluke & Tapeworm Tablets.