View Full Version : A Killifish Collage

Fri May 26, 2006, 06:13 AM


Fri May 26, 2006, 09:43 AM
They look like gorgeous photos Serkan, but I can't seem to get the enlargement to work.

Is anyone else having that problem, or is it just me ?

Fri May 26, 2006, 10:06 AM
Im having the same problem as you LR... :?

Fri May 26, 2006, 01:38 PM
Actually... I did not link the larger photos in :oops: It was my attempt at being artie fartie fishie with a collection of killifish images :roll:

You just have to imagine the bigger images :wink:

Fri May 26, 2006, 10:55 PM
Either way, big or small, those killies look amazing!

I *Love* the two red ones in the top right hand corner, and also the one in the bottom right hand corner with the red tail and blue/green face...


Tue Jun 13, 2006, 03:44 AM
Great pics Serkan!

Here are some pics of my Notho Palmquisti's.

I got the eggs from Dean, and these guys look stunning!

Sorry about the less than perfect photo's, i have to stop spending money on fish and buy a decent camera!!


Tue Jun 13, 2006, 04:25 AM
Hi Ben,

Not bad photos, I struggle taking pics of my nothos. By the way I try to hatch my plamqvisti eggs and nothing happened. I think I accidentally chilled the eggs (plus tried to hatch them a little too late!!!). So make sure you are trying to breed them please so that we do not loose this fish. I set mine up to breed over the weekend.

Here are some pics of mine I took last week:
The pics are are thru glass and plastic bottle where I keep the peat moss for them to spawn in.

Sat Jun 24, 2006, 02:05 PM
Serkan, i just dried out the first batch of peat with thier eggs. (been 10 days with peat in the water).

A gentle sift through the peat and there are quite a few palmq eggs!

The whitei's have done well for them selves aswell!

2 questions Serkan!

1/ what is the lowest temp before the eggs may be compromised and die?

2/On average, how long will the Palmq's keep producing eggs until they start to slow down?

Thanks for your help!


Sun Jun 25, 2006, 02:42 AM
Great News!

You should get quite a few fry of both soon.

2 questions Serkan!

1/ what is the lowest temp before the eggs may be compromised and die?

2/On average, how long will the Palmq's keep producing eggs until they start to slow down?

1/ I found keeping them below 17C will start causing problems! Around 20C is the best so that you are neot risking over heating or cooling. Just getting a plastic take away container with lid and putting the pags of peat in it and floating it over the tank that you have your annuals in is the best I've found. Assuming your tanks are in low twenties!

2/ I got PAL that are over 6 months old and they are still producing