View Full Version : Discus Colour Change and Other Problems
Fri May 12, 2006, 05:22 AM
Hi Guys,
** im not sure which thread this is suppose to be in**
I'm fairly new on this forum and newb to Discus.
Got my self 4 Discus from DiscusMan the other day "beautiful".
At this moment they are not eating much (when I'm not around or not at all when I'm around), hide a lot and also changes colour from darker to lighter "visa-verse".
Any idea why this is happening?
Also can you advise me on how to identify when they are scared, happy?, normal and sick?.
Fri May 12, 2006, 06:10 AM
Hi Ken, and welcome to the forum.
You'll discover a lot of things are unique to discus, and hiding, refusing to eat, and changing colours are just some of them :wink:
This is fairly normal behaviour for discus that have recently been moved. They have very good eyesight, and they are well aware that not only is their tank different, but the surroundings are different too, and so is the person offering them food.
Give them a little while to settle in, or add some cardinals to their tank as dither fish. When they see the little fish swimming around safely, they assume that all must be well with the world, and it's safe for them to come out too.
I think you'll find time will sort things out.
Keep up your water quality, with frequent (at least twice weekly) waterchanges and keep an eye on all the water parameters.
Sat May 13, 2006, 09:02 AM
Hi, XPLOSV, welcome to the forum,
Obviously i'm not the most experienced here, but I'd just like to add that with my discus, if they are stressed/frightened, they'll turn a darker colour and back to light when they're fine. I agree with Ladyred, they just need to settle down and get used to their tank.
Keep offering them food, and siphon off anything uneaten. Also, keep watching them and let them get to know you. Try to offer them a small amount of food each time you see them, so they associate you with this.
Other than that, keep up water changes and you should be fine.
Sun May 14, 2006, 05:08 AM
Thanks for the advise guys much appreciate.
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