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Thu May 11, 2006, 12:23 PM
Yes - although small in numbers but she did manage to nurse some of them to free swimmer!! Unfortunately she has them in a flower pot and I'm unable to take a good shot of them.

They fry are smaller than baenschi (comparing at first time free swimmer stage) and have more black patterns.

Hopefully some clear photo can be taken tomorrow.


Thu May 11, 2006, 12:46 PM
Wow Thomas..congrats again.

Thu May 11, 2006, 01:13 PM
Thanks Mike.

I knew she has been up to something as I've observed her guarding the same site as last time again. But this time, it has been much longer (I've reduced some predators from the tank). Although I've been trying hard to get a sneak look with a torch but the anubias growth is just too thick.

So she finally brought some hope out to surprise me this evening. I'll give her another day or two, and might need to pull the fry out due to other predators in the tank.

Before they go for it again next time, I'll have a new home ready for them.


Added photos: a pic with mum in the way while there other one I've circled the fry (only two visible) in red.

Fri May 12, 2006, 10:56 AM
I bet that was a tough photo to take

Those guys look like miniature's of there mum.
Well done


Sat May 13, 2006, 12:14 PM
Sheesh Thomas... what are you putting in their water !! :wink:

Congrats on the fry, seems like you may need a few more tanks to raise them all in.



Sat May 13, 2006, 01:45 PM
Thanks Steph, am looking for ways to increase capacity at home with minimal disturbance. I've not done anything special with the tank water, just the same old way I've been keeping the cories (but trifasciata definitely aren't compatible).

There aren't many fry around. I once was able to account for 3, and today only one. Not sure exactly what's going on but will definitely move the pair before their next go (and if I can get a clear view of where the fry is, I'll pull them out to raise seperately as the tank has too many other fish - 15+ cories, 1 SAE and another pair of pucallpaensis).

As for the photo, I only manage those two with a reasonable view of them after taking 20 shots.


Sat May 13, 2006, 01:55 PM
Thats great news Thomas!

well done mate! please
keep us posted as they grow!
and thanks for the photo's!

please keep them comming!


Sat May 13, 2006, 06:08 PM
cories are likely to get wrigglers quite well

Sun May 14, 2006, 12:50 AM
cories are likely to get wrigglers quite well

Yeah - cories love fry, even their own one can't escape.


Tue May 16, 2006, 04:21 PM
Any casualties yet or are they coming along?

Tue May 16, 2006, 11:15 PM
I think the cories finally got to the fry and the female has started to wander about over the last two days and planning on her next brood with the male (was still able to locate the fry on Sunday).

It's now up to me to find the time to move the pair out into their own tank - at least to give the fry a go.

Well this proof the pucallpaensis are fertile and the water I've placed them in is perfect for them (spawn and hatching fry).


Tue May 16, 2006, 11:42 PM
hey Thomas ...

sorry for your loss ... i've been trying myself to breed my pucallpaensis as well as my trifasciata ... but so far nothing happen ...

my pucallpaensis ... one of them interested but the other one seems to be wander around ...

but for my trifasciata ... the female is very interested ... can see that she will drop the eggs wherever the male wants ... but unfortunately the male kept on running away from the female ...

hopefully things will work out well between the two .... :?


Wed May 24, 2006, 08:25 AM
I think I've worked out the reason for the small number of pucallpaensis fry making free swimmer stage - corydora metae fry!!

It was only aparent to me last night that my metae colony has started to breed again (after a nice long break). Obviously with so many predetors in the tanks before, most fry wouldn't survive after they swam out of their hiding spot. However when the cory fry are being hatched in in the same location where the pucallpaensis eggs is laid, the pucallpaensis wiggler will soon become food for the cory fry as the spot is really dense and dark (metae fry is lot bigger than pucallpaensis wiggler).

Now all removed unwanted predators (SAEs) and relocated all the pucallpaensis, I was able to harvest a good number of cory egg from last night's spawning frenzy. Now have to wait for the next attempt by the pucallpaensis.


Fri Jun 16, 2006, 04:08 PM
After weeks of waiting, they've finally done it again - the same pair has spawned again (and the female is chasing the spare pair as well as the father like crazy).

Not certain if this happened on Thursday or Friday. Eggs are good, no fungus so far. More fingers crossed.


Sat Jun 17, 2006, 11:59 AM
I love it,
nothing, nothing, nothing, and then ....
when it rains, it pours, and then you're stuck for growout tanks ... ;)
good work, Thomas and good luck to you and your fry!

Sat Jun 17, 2006, 01:30 PM
And they've hatched today.

Initial count shows around 30 wigglers - which isn't too bad given they're smaller than the baenschi.

Will post a photo tonight (taken on Saturday).


Adding photos - taken Saturday and tonight.

Tue Jun 20, 2006, 02:22 PM
Just to bump the post, edit does not change the date nor bump it up.


Wed Jul 26, 2006, 01:57 PM
After the last lot have grown a bit (slowly) and most got snacked off by the spare pair when they wander away from mum, she has decided there's too much time and started on the second lot and they've just hatched today.

Only 4 survived from the last lot, and they were taken away on Sunday.


Wed Jul 26, 2006, 03:22 PM
I thought 2 of those photos were the same. In the last two she is in the exact same position. Well done again mate

Mon Jul 16, 2007, 02:28 AM
Tried to take some clear shots of the juveniles - but they've all gone into hiding.

After loosing the breeding female, I've tossed the male into the grow out tank. Have managed to take a nice clear shot of this old male, hopefully this will provide some indication of what the juvenile will grow into.....