Tue May 09, 2006, 01:20 AM
I have recently started keeping discus and came a long way. I have 6 right now and 4 of them seem really healthy. The two smaller ones have been getting picked on quite a bit and although one has some nip marks on his top fin and looks a little skinny, he has been sticking to the two docile guys and feeding quite regularly but hides most of the time. The other smaller guy has been hiding in the bushes for days now. I had trouble finding him until today. Brave little guy came out today to feed first time in over a week and looks horrible. I seperated him into a hospital tank but don't know what else I can do to help him.
He looks pretty bad, I hope he makes it! Here's a pic! Like i said the other 5 seems to be doing great, one of them is a bit smaller but seems to be holding his own. The small ones are just about an inch and a half while the bigger 4 are about 2 and a half to three inches adn are doing GREAT
this breaks my heart... :/
He looks pretty bad, I hope he makes it! Here's a pic! Like i said the other 5 seems to be doing great, one of them is a bit smaller but seems to be holding his own. The small ones are just about an inch and a half while the bigger 4 are about 2 and a half to three inches adn are doing GREAT
this breaks my heart... :/