View Full Version : Discus friend
Sun May 07, 2006, 10:12 PM
Hi everyone im new to discus i have 4 now for 3 months they are thriving
but i have this Silver dollar with them he thinks hes a Discus he follow them every where and hangs out with them.
every thing seem ok ,but people have told not to put a Silver Doller with Discus becouse they are to skittish he seems to only get skittish at feeding time or if they swim away with out him i dont think he bothers them but im not sure.
Mon May 08, 2006, 09:46 AM
Do not put silver dollars with discus.
Discus will do better if in a species tank.
Mon May 08, 2006, 10:32 AM
yea i wouldnt put a sliver dollar with them either, i may be wrong but cant silver dollars get a bit agressive aswel?
Mon May 08, 2006, 11:39 AM
There are always exceptions..
By the sound of it, your silver dollar has grown up with the discus? And there has been no obvious signs of aggressive?
I'd say it depends and if there are no nipped fins, etc you should be fine.... :P
Mon May 08, 2006, 09:39 PM
I have not had silver dollars with discus but with an angle who keeps the 4 silver dollars in there place. he has half the tank and the 4 silver dollars have the rest.
but I have bristlenose catfish witch I need to ask the group about as I saw the other night jumping on the side of my adult disuc and the discus racing and trying to shake them off..
Is it normal for bristlenose to do this.
Mon May 08, 2006, 11:58 PM
Usually Bristlenose & Discus can live together happily and the Bristlenoses don't usually bother the Discus - but I have heard that occasionally Bristlenoses can get a taste for the Discus' Slime Coat.
I have a little colony of Bristlenoses in my Community tank together with my Discus', Clown Loach, Knife Fish, Rams and Tetra's and have never had any worries however if I were having this problem with my Bristlenoses I would remove the culprits asap.,
Tue May 09, 2006, 12:59 AM
Marg is right, the bristlenose can get a taste of the slime coat, the bristlenose eating the slime coat wont kill the discus the stress of the bristlenose will, so im with marg, if i was you id remove them.
Thu May 11, 2006, 07:54 PM
all our fish, at one point or another, have thought they were a pleco:) They all hung out with Suckface (he's a 4 year old, 7 inch Common Leopard Pleco) for a good few months.
It's a per fish thing. Most people say that Three Dot Gouramis are very aggressive and shouldn't be kept with smaller fish...ours is Big Brother...seriously, he's the sweetest fish in the tank, eats out of my hand and hasn't EVER nipped anyone (though he grew up with my Parrots so... :roll: )
I'd just say keep an eye on them :)
Fri May 12, 2006, 05:45 AM
It really does depend how they're raised.
Fish that grow up together are usually very tolerant of their tankmates. But even so, problems can develop as they reach maturity.
Just keep an eye on things, and be prepared to separate them at the first sign of any trouble.
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