View Full Version : Big fat white worm in feces
Fri May 05, 2006, 04:11 AM
One of my Discus excreted a fairly large white worm (eeewwww!). The circumference of the worm is basically the same as normal fecal material, and it was approx. 1/2 cm long. Would this most likely be tapeworm? Levamisol is not readily available, though I do have Prazi-pro on hand; would that work as effectively/safely?
Fri May 05, 2006, 05:27 AM
I wouldnt be reaching for the meds straight away.
Are you sure it was a worm? Could it have been mucus or part of the fishes intestine?
Is the fish eating normal and getting "fat" in the stomach region when eating ?
If it is worms and you are sure of it - then tapeworms are quite large and segmented - meaning they have bumpy look to them - treat this with prazi. If it is smaller white or red worms which are short and look almost like hairs, then you will need levamisole
Fri May 05, 2006, 06:07 AM
Great advice there from G-1000.
Can you get a pic of the 'worm'.
Fri May 05, 2006, 03:31 PM
No pic; sorry. Someone ate it before I could haul it out; and I don't have a digital camera. It definately was a worm though; watched it moving around for a bit... and it definately came out of a fish.
It didn't really look segmented, but neither did I look with a magnifying glass. It was quite stout, chunky looking, not "hair" like. Would there be any fairly good pics of parasites somewhere I could have a peek? (Can't believe I'm actually asking to look at pics of worms! eeewwww! :shock: )
Fish are eating well, though 2 tend to stay dark a lot of the time. I have been doing the salt treatement Ladyred suggested, they are perky, eating, looking healthy, etc.
Sat May 06, 2006, 03:01 AM
From the description, it sounds like a tapeworm, and yep, other fish do eat them. That's how they pass from one fish to another. Praziquantal is the treatment for that, and at this stage, I'd treat the whole tank of fish.
Your Prazipro is the right medication to use. Just follow the directions on the packet, and do a follow up treatment.
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