View Full Version : Help with Basic Automatic Water Changer
Thu Jul 29, 2004, 06:25 AM
New to discus, but throughly enjoying hobby.
Have noticed that these guys love water changes, and would like to automate this, especially as occasionally like to get away for a week on holidays.
I have done some research on the web, but a clear design is not obvious to me at this stage.
To keep it basic, I have thought of a simple model.
Constraints: unable to have outside unit, or drill holes in floor or walls.
3 ft tank (containing 140 litres water), 10% water change daily.
Currently thinking might need something like:
1 full bin, 140 litres, treated water for 24 hours, ready directly or soon after 7th water change, ready for beginning of cycle. Filling of the bin manual process, by grapping a hose from outside and filling it up.
1 empty bin, capacity of over 140 litres.
10% (20 litres) water 'removed' form tank, into empty bin.
20 litres of water flows from treated water bin, into tank.
Fill up bin, at end of 7th day with outside hose. Treat water for 24 hours. Empty 140 litres of "dirty water" from tank, with siphon.
Normally, gravel siphon tank atleast 2 times a week manually to clean up debri, unless on holidays.
Now, I have heard of the use of solenoids, float valves, timers although the use of these are I am not clear and am inexperienced ... I am wondering what is the best solution or even a workable solution to the above.
Many thanks in advance
Thu Jul 29, 2004, 07:26 AM
What is your filtration system?
can you post a pic of your setup (if you have a hood and stand open the doors)
how "Pretty" does it need to be.
thier are some simple soultions, just depends how hardcore you want to go.
Thu Jul 29, 2004, 08:29 AM
Thanks Ryan =)
My current filtration is a canister fluval 104, and a sponge filter (air pump attached).
Also my current setup is not a 3ft tank for discus, but smaller, a tall 2 ft tank with 4 juveniles - they all seem to be very happy. They have 3 tall fake plants to hide behind, and thin layer of gravel. Wooden hood and stand. I can include a picture, but it is not as pretty as some tanks I have seen. My only concern for the tank at the moment for them is great water conditions and food.
I will be moving towards a 3ft tank in the very near future, and am willing to do what it takes, in terms of necessary equipment to have a week-cycle daily automatic water change system (or a workable variant). If necessary I will get a hood and stand to meet the design.
The design does not have to be pretty (I will improvise to cover anything too sore on the eye).
I am excited to hear any workable design.
Thanks again.
Thu Jul 29, 2004, 09:18 AM
does it have to be daily water cahnges or can it be done every three maybe four days?
why not try this...
simply plug a pump into a digital timer (get these at target for $35.00, best thing since sliced bread), set for the amount of water you want to pump into your tank a day. you'll get this measurment by measuring how long it takes your pump to fill a 10 ltr bucket. My little pump does 9 ltrs in 2 mins. Remember that smaller amounts of water flow will be better in this situations, the spihon won't take 1000ltrs per hour so go for a little 200lts (no head) pump. you'll also need to realize that most of the water your remove will be waste, you will still remove some good water. add a couple of percent to the water change 10% should go to 12%-14% to coup with this.
now for the outlet of bad water, try a PVC spihon like the one in the pic, it will only remove water to the level of the open tee piece (does this make sense). This can flow into your second drum -or- just run the pipe our through a window or under your sink into your plumbing etc etc
this system only works as well as the person who fills the holding tank and removes the waste water.
but still you could go away and it'll do it for the weekend / week.
i hope that made sense.........................
Thu Jul 29, 2004, 01:51 PM
That is awesome, I will investigate each idea you have given ... I am checking the, pdf catalog which you showed in your own post ... I think I am catching the DIY bug.
I might change the water changes to 2 times a week, 25% water change. This way I will only need 50% of tank water in each bin, filling and drain bin.
However if you can bear with me, I have quite a few questions:
- the digital timer you mention, is that a sprinkler timer ?
- Also could you pls reference a pump suitable for this, as an example only. I am keen too learn, but am a complete newbie to this.
- ALso, I think I basically understand the PVC tee siphon, but not sure what starts the water from draining. Is it possible to start the water draining (based on a timer), when it hits the planned level, the tank refills via a pump ?
Thanks in advance.
My current tank is not what I plan to have at the end, which is atleast a 3 footer. This tank is quite bare, only 2ft, holding 80 litres. 4 discus, 2 blue diamonds (braveheart and slyvester), and 2 tangerines (brando and tango). I think I will start the automatic water changer project with this tank though, but hope not to stress them.
Fri Jul 30, 2004, 09:07 AM
lets answer the Q & A first
aquasonic is great, they are wholesale so you would need to be a LFS to buy but it is great for ideas!
1. the digital timer is a "piggy back" style like in the shot, go buy one and learn all about them
2. you want a small pond pump (submersible) with as little head as possible. "head " is the reference that companys use when they mearsure the flow rate from a pump at a certain height ie: the pump has a 1000lt per hour flow at 1 metre head.
read it and you should undersatnd the concept (i think)
P.S like the fish names , take note flukes hes already got the other half onside.
he should try your water change system ha ha ha
Fri Jul 30, 2004, 12:51 PM
mate i got enough DIY projectson the whiteboards too keep me busy till next christmas..But ill get around too the auto W/C's soon...
Fri Jul 30, 2004, 10:05 PM
my joke went over everyones head (i think)
still gives me a laugh
Sat Jul 31, 2004, 04:45 AM
opps :oops:
Sat Jul 31, 2004, 10:48 AM
Well, I have a bit of reading to do.
I might try to put together a basic design with pen n paper, or maybe even microsoft visio, as it has a fluid power equipment shapes.
Many thanks.
Sun Aug 01, 2004, 06:32 AM
let us knowhow you go
Thu Aug 05, 2004, 02:29 AM
This weekend I will go to the hydroponics store and pick up a submersible pump, a rio I think. Will start playing with it.
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