View Full Version : Wanting To Care For My Discus Better !
Sat Apr 29, 2006, 08:30 AM
I have beenr eading the posts online for some time and must say I have learnt alot. My discus are well cared for but I must be doing something wrong as they hide alot. After to talking to local breeders etc in my area they all suggested the same thing:
There question:Do you have plants in your tank?
My Reply: Yes at the back.
There reply: thats why; discus insticntivly will hide in the darkest area.
My plants are fake but still look ok. However I want to go for the full planted tank look. So how can I bring my discus out more if this does not work?
Add more :lol: ? lol
Sat Apr 29, 2006, 08:32 AM
if you add some bigger fish like bolivian rams they swim at the front, and sometimes the rams actually bring the discus out from hiding. worked for me!
Sat Apr 29, 2006, 09:06 AM
Discus are very shy fish...
When i first got my discus, they didnt come out at all for the first week at least..
If your lights are too bright you may have trouble bringing the discus out as they dont like bright lights...
You could try getting some dither fish ( Fish to make your discus more comfortabe )
Neons or cardinal tetras would be best IMO as they are schooling fish and look great in a discus tank...The discus watch them and if they look comfortable the discus feel more comfortable...
Its kinda weird but as long as the tetras are swimming about it signals to the discus everything is safe...
Post some pictures of you tank if possible and it may help determine the best way to encourage the discus to come out...
Sat Apr 29, 2006, 03:44 PM
Hey guys, the tank was fully stripped and cleaned loads. I added a coupleank if they do I will hopefully be adding some more. The discus are obviously out now constantly but come to the front of the tank :D Theres two that I have not had a good look at since I bought them (about 3 monthes ago) and they are stunning. There colours are better and have grown in size. The discus are shoaling but theres been a bit of showing off (displaying) and chasing so I presume they are trying to establish a pecking order. However I have become worried as there is the one discus which is the runt of the group and he/she has not grown but the others have. So Now i would like some help figuring out how to have the tanks et out; so that there are as little hiding places as possible.
In this tank there is an albino bristlenose plec and a breeding pair of German blue rams. 5 DISCUS :D
Tank is only 33 gals but actually looks empty due to the discus only being juvi's.
Thank You
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