View Full Version : Metronidazole - Please help me!
Thu Apr 27, 2006, 08:02 AM
Sigh! Its been a long few weeks that i have gone through and 2 of my discus are still not eating and I am in dire straits! They are in desparate need for Metronidazole as they are showing obvious signs of Hexamita.
Metronidazole - Why is it so so hard to get this medication when its so easily available as "Fish Zole" etc outside of Australia? This is so frustrating. I have called a few vets and they all have charge crazy consultation fees and what is more troublesome is they need me to bring in the fishes and they will perform a few test. Its so very troublesome.
Has anyone tried getting Fish Zole shipped from overseas? Do they receive it successfully? This will be too late a measure for me though.
Is anyone kind enough to spare me some tablets for the treatment?
Someone, please help... :(
Thu Apr 27, 2006, 08:47 AM
hey where do you live?
can you take a picture to your vet?
Thu Apr 27, 2006, 09:05 AM
If u have any realy good mates that work at the hospital ask them they might be able to get some you.Its the same thing they used when my mum got out of hospital, so give it a go
Thu Apr 27, 2006, 10:51 AM
in NZ its really hard to get too, vets wana see your fish and charge a consultation fee (not that theyd know what to look for) and often wont even give it to you then (like youve seen) doctors might if your on good terms with your one or know anyone in either of those industries. i managed to get some off a guy who was good mates with his vet, the vet just gives him whatever he needs cause he knows he has fish.
apparently shipping in meds can get you some big fines if customs pick it up, ive been told it costs thousands to register meds even if other countries use it sucessfully :S
good luck and i hope you manage to find some! if all else fails maybe get a fellow aussie to send you some?
Thu Apr 27, 2006, 05:35 PM
Imation, what state do you live in. There is a listing of fish friendly vets in this forum. Most of them will prescribe metro (flagyl) for your fish if you take a copy of the sticky post here on HITH.
Bill T.
Thu Apr 27, 2006, 10:54 PM
Where abouts do you live? If in Melbourne, I may have another suggestion.
Fri Apr 28, 2006, 12:07 AM
Thankfully an old fish buddy has a few spare tablets and will be passing them to me. Sigh! :cry: another 24 long hours for 2 of my discus to get through not eating and hopefully they would recover from the upcoming metro doses in the next few days.
I live in the Hills District in Sydney. I have called a couple of vets who are around me and they said that they do not do fish :shock:
I called the following vet from Waterloo.
Alex Rosenwax 9319 6111
Waterloo - Website:
Initial consultation $61. Fish/water must be brought in to the vet for examination.
One of our members: In this thread, Trebs went through a hefty $130 bill :( Not sure if they are referring to the same vet.
Dr Alex used to work in the following veterinary:
Maroubra Veterinary Hospital
88 Bunnerong Road Pagewood NSW 2035
PH : 9344 8722
Monday - Friday 8.00am - 7.30pm
Sat 9.00am - 6.00pm
Sunday 9.00am - 12.00pm
Vet : Adam Gordon
and I called them asking for Adam Gordon and they referred me back to Dr Alex.
Metro is proving harder and harder to get when symptoms of hex in discus are so obvious.
I really wish there would be more reasonable vets around who can understand that the cost of a consultation shouldn't be more than the patient.
My only hope now is that my two discus will survive...
Fri Apr 28, 2006, 01:46 AM
go to the doctor at the hospital they might be able to give u some 4 free
Fri Apr 28, 2006, 01:48 AM
Don't know if this will help at all, but here's a thought. If you have any critters, you might consider asking your friendly vet for the prescription, even if they don't deal with fish? I quite accidentally found out my vet's big into fish, so when I needed some Met. for bloat, he just filled out the prescription in my dog's name. The other vets at the clinic hid when I took a fish fecal in for analysis; they really don't deal with fish!
Good luck!
Fri Apr 28, 2006, 01:58 AM
Just go to your local GP and explain your situation with your pets and that you would like to get a prescription for flagyl (metro).
Most GP's are pretty understanding and will help out.
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