View Full Version : New Discus Leaning 45 deg.
Mon Apr 24, 2006, 06:24 PM
I got two new discus this past Wendesday for my lone discus in my 55G. My old guys has been in there for alomst a year. I have lots of other fish in the tank such as cardinals, rummy noses, and etc. Two new ones are little bit smaller: .5 and 1" smaller. The new guys are being chased by the old guy, but nothing serious, I don't think. The new guys aren't really eating, but appears to be OK (good color). Now, I see new guys often staying near the bottom in 45 deg. angle. Is this normal or sign of some issues? I've never had any issues with my single guy, so not familar with how discus would behave when ill or stressed. Thanks!
Mon Apr 24, 2006, 10:30 PM
You really should add another discus or two if possible as with 3 discus there is alot of fighting...
I got two new discus this past Wendesday for my lone discus in my 55G. My old guys has been in there for alomst a year. I have lots of other fish in the tank such as cardinals, rummy noses, and etc. Two new ones are little bit smaller: .5 and 1" smaller. The new guys are being chased by the old guy, but nothing serious, I don't think. The new guys aren't really eating, but appears to be OK (good color). Now, I see new guys often staying near the bottom in 45 deg. angle. Is this normal or sign of some issues? I've never had any issues with my single guy, so not familar with how discus would behave when ill or stressed. Thanks!
As long as the discus are showing good colour they should be fine...try re'arranging the tank so that each fish is givin a chance to establish territory.... :)
Most discus go to the bottom and lay on a angle when stressed...and as you have only had them a few days that should be expected and as they are being bullied... :wink:
Tue Apr 25, 2006, 07:32 PM
I am planning to add at least 2 more when I come across good quality specimen. It's very hard to find good ones at the LFS and don't want to buy them online. Anyhow, mine are still leaning at 45 deg angle sometime and swimming around the other. Not really eating still, but again, color looks good. Thanks for the response.
Wed Apr 26, 2006, 11:12 PM
OK, here are some pics of my two new guys. They are still not really interested in eating. It's been a week. Please take a look and let me know how you think they are doing. The red turquoise guys has something on his eye. It's not cloudy eye or pop eye, but it's a white streak. You can kinda see it in the picture... Thanks for the help.
Tue May 23, 2006, 06:12 PM
Well, the pigeon blood didn't make it. But my red turquoise guy is still alive. The old gus doesn't seem to bother him that much and I see them hanging out together from time to time. Sometimes, when the old guy comes near the new guys he turns almost pale. Not sure whether its normal or not. Anyhow, if the two get along well, I just may stick with two for a time being.
Tue May 23, 2006, 09:53 PM
somthing isnt right,, I suspect a water quality issue, what are the parameters??
its natural for discus to stress a bit when moved and placed into a new tank. It can even take some time, but to have a fish die, have others lose colour , I really suspect more.
Sat May 27, 2006, 12:19 AM
i am new to the forum, but i have a fish tht has the same discolouration as the pigeon blood...some1 has told me this is called 'peppering', but on my fish its not tht bad, and nothing els is wrong, no unusual behaviour etc. could it be water quality? its a red snkeskin tht was imported from thailand or singapore, and the discolouration was only present (seemingly) as soon a s i got it home. the trip home was about an hour, but the fish is recovering in a sterile tank with an angelfish for company...anything i should do???
Sat May 27, 2006, 12:24 AM
i probably would not keep it with any angel. though I have no experience of keeping discus with angels, a lot of other people say it carries parasites that are harmful to discus.
Sat May 27, 2006, 12:47 AM
i have had no probs. with angels, and have had them with my discus for a year, and the angel tht is with the dicoloured discus is around a tenth of the size of the discus, so im not worrying... even some say tht discus wont eat enough with angels in the tank, but my discus usually eat more than the angels, so i gess im going well...i knew a breeder who bred both discus and angels and kept them in the same display tank, but anyway...
thnx for the advice
Sat May 27, 2006, 01:21 AM
the discus will be fine with the angel. turqgirl1 it sounds like the snakeskin has been crossed with pigeon somewhere in its genes.
Sat May 27, 2006, 01:28 AM
thnx david, is pigeon blood kind of like a cross breed...not as valuable,etc. ? dont mind if it is, coz i luv my fish all the same, but just wondering. only really interested in the joy of keeping them, not breeding or anything...tho it would be nice...
Sat May 27, 2006, 01:37 AM
im not sure how pigeon blood was created. the peppering is not a desirable feature for the discus to have as many people think it makes the fish look dirty. i dont mind a bit of peppering on the fish but i dont keep any pigeons with a huge amount.
in a competition the fish would be markeddown for lots of peppering.
beauty is in the eye of its beholder.
Sat May 27, 2006, 09:59 AM
Hi all, sorry tp be a bit off topic, but thought I'd mention that I've got a juvenille ocean green which has been peppering (tiny black dots appearing as he grows) and I've noticed that the peppering seems to lessen when Ph is lowered (6) & comes back with higher Ph - My tap water is almost 8 after 24 hrs at the moment and water changes increase it bit by bit etc. Anyone else
notice the peppering come & go like this?
Wed Jun 07, 2006, 01:05 PM
somthing isnt right,, I suspect a water quality issue, what are the parameters??
its natural for discus to stress a bit when moved and placed into a new tank. It can even take some time, but to have a fish die, have others lose colour , I really suspect more.
The surviving red turquoise turns pale when the bigger guys comes near and bully him. Otherwise, the color is fine. Also, I don't think the two paired up, but they generally seem to leave each other alone. Can two discus co-exist in a tank without being paired up?
Thu Jun 08, 2006, 01:56 PM
i would dim the lights temporarily and try to get some live food that can wiggle around to make them want to eat more, and if necessary, move out the tough guy temporarily... this is the fragile stage, after a while they shuld be ok if they make it....
Thu Jun 15, 2006, 06:22 PM
Added two more brown discus (I think). After that, the guy who's been hiding this whole time for two months came out swimming and actually trying to bully the new guys. Pretty funny. It appears that all 4 would do OK in the tank. I am thinking of getting 4 more juvies and then upgrade my 55 to either 75 or 90.
Thu Jun 15, 2006, 08:32 PM
10 g per adult discus is the rule people use.
Discus do better with 6 or more. There is less fighting with more discus.
Thu Jun 15, 2006, 09:35 PM
10 g per adult discus is the rule people use.
Discus do better with 6 or more. There is less fighting with more discus.
Yup, that's why I am planning on getting more discus and upgrading my tank. :)
Fri Jun 16, 2006, 01:21 AM
Ha Ha - now you're hooked, just like the rest of us on this Forum. Funny how our tanks are never big enough.
How are your Fish going now?
Mon Jun 19, 2006, 06:11 PM
Been hooked for a while. I have a 125G for my africans and looking for a bigge tank. I have three tanks (which is not considered many at all), and I want to at least double the size of all my tanks. Come to think of it, triple would be even better. Only if I had the money....
Mon Jun 19, 2006, 06:19 PM
Join the Club, I just need that little Lotto win - then wahoo !!! .
. Like I said in another post, maybe I can move the bed out of my bedroom and replace it with a single bed - then I could squeeze a few more tanks into that room - and there would be an added bonus, me being an Insomniac of 12 years - I could count Discus instead of Sheep!! :shock: :shock: :shock: .,
Tue Jun 20, 2006, 11:50 AM
Well Marg, at least Discus come in pretty colours! they're a much more enjoyable thing to count! :D
I want a bigger house, a bigger tank, (well, a bigger house so I can -have- a bigger tank, in part)
I don't think it's limited to Discus-people, I discovered Discus when my friend took me to the Launceston Fish Farm, where I've bought almost all of my fish from since. Fantastic spot. Anyway, I was into Angels at the time, and the 3-footer (which was an upgrade from a 2-footer less than 3 months prior) was suddenly not large enough.
From things I've read in other topics, the paleness of the Discus when the older one -can- come along as part of their stress thing, naturally if the bigger fish is bullying him, he'd associate stress with this larger fish.
Tue Jun 20, 2006, 11:46 PM
Another one for you Dcarmau :
"if it aint' wrong, don't fix it!!"
I'm like you - I'd like a bigger house with more room so I can fill the rooms with Fish.
Don't want people in the rooms, just Discus, Discus, Discus!!
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