View Full Version : Hello Discus Keepers

Mon Apr 10, 2006, 05:58 PM
I live in the US. Happy fish keeping!


Mon Apr 10, 2006, 09:09 PM
Hello brilliant,

Welcome aboard!!!

We are Aussies allright, but check our member List - we do have quite a number of Americans as members ( many other countries too!!).

We're a friendly bunch here so don't hesitate to jump in and join us in our discussions. We have some pretty smart people on our Forum who are only too pleased to offer advice or just join in a friendly chat.,



Mon Apr 10, 2006, 10:20 PM
Sounds good to me. I wasnt sure how it was here I just read the sticky about Au content. I would like to have a nice freindly person I could talk to about visiting some day! This can work out good. I know alot about the hobby but I am new to Discus keeping I will try to put in some good information from time to time mostly lurking. Thank you! :D

Oh yeah check out my website it has some pictures and my saga!

Mon Apr 10, 2006, 11:15 PM
hey on behalf of the advisors i would like to welcome you to DF.com!!!

this is an international board however we have a lot of australian members. you shouldnt have much trouble finding an american forum but please stick around here for a chat!!!!!!!! :D we have plenty of good and certainly accurate information to offer here!!!


Tue Apr 11, 2006, 01:17 AM
OK. Most of the forums I have been to seem to have been international. They dont deal with Discus too often. I googled for a new Discus forum and the first one I went to I spent an hour reading the stickies and left...this was the next forum I saw. I posted twice then realized it was from Australia. LOL. Thank you for welcoming me aboard. I cant wait to read more.

Sat Apr 15, 2006, 02:21 PM
Glad to have you here Brilliant. We have strong ties with our friends in the USA.

Look forward to hearing about you and your fish.

Mon May 22, 2006, 10:45 PM
Glad to have you here Brilliant. We have strong ties with our friends in the USA.

Look forward to hearing about you and your fish.

Thank you!
I have been noticing many visitors from Australia on my website.
18% on my most popular month!
Your beating Canada, UK and almost tied with US!!!!

I really like this forum. Ive read the local water quality is very good for you guys, I will keep any opinions about RO to myself and everything will be great! LOL!!! :lol:

I will look for the area and post somethings to share.

Thu Jun 01, 2006, 09:31 PM
I have to apologize for my first post. I misunderstood something before and took it the wrong way. You guys/gals are GREAT! and not just because you like my Discus LOL...

Thanks for being there!!!

I should read more before I stick my foot in my mouth.

Thu Jun 01, 2006, 11:06 PM
Heh, Searching around the net looking for a decent forum that seems to have some knowledgeable people. Thought I found a good spot here but now realized this is Australian.
i dont know how to quote yet

but yes it didnt sound to good.
lol you probably worded it wrong.
welcome. and im canadian. still love it here. :)

Fri Jun 02, 2006, 02:33 AM
Heh, Searching around the net looking for a decent forum that seems to have some knowledgeable people. Thought I found a good spot here but now realized this is Australian.
i dont know how to quote yet

but yes it didnt sound to good.
lol you probably worded it wrong.
welcome. and im canadian. still love it here. :)

Well...YAH I am sorry for that too. That instance was just worded wrong.