View Full Version : Ultimate tankmates for discus?
Mon Apr 10, 2006, 02:08 AM
Have just had a run of inappropriate tanks mates which I've left behind in hubby's "aquatic garden" tank. The neon tetra's ended up preferring cooler than 29-30C, The pleco's might have ended up sucking on the slime and annoying the discus overnight. Two little albino catfish didn't stop tearing around at all and some of the larger discus kept thinking they were food ?
The dwarf gourami spent all day Chewing off bits of plant and making bubble nests which were trashed every time I did a water change and the level dropped a bit and the surface motion of the water broke up the bubble. The 2 mystery snails died, too warm?, they're growing/thriving in hubby's 26C.
I am trialling a pair of flying fox (Epalizeorhynchus siamensis) for algae and my book also suggests a pair of american flagfish for this purpose, but I haven't been able to get any locally yet.
In an ideal world, in a newly cycled 6x2x2 lightly planted tank (650L) with 13 discus (juv) what do the discus need, if anything, by way of tankmates??
Mon Apr 10, 2006, 05:10 AM
well i like large schools of cardinal or rummynose tetras, ottocinclus, bristlenoses, whiptails, apistogramas, glass catfish, angels *depends if they are quiet or not*, hatchet fish, farrowellas, clown plecos, elephant nose, bettas, black ghost knife fish, cory cats, gouramis and other various tetras. there is a lot more you can have in there thoagh.
Mon Apr 10, 2006, 05:42 AM
am trialling a pair of flying fox (Epalizeorhynchus siamensis)
How are you finding the flying fox's?
Mon Apr 10, 2006, 12:26 PM
Hi there and thanks for your help. Now gotta tell you I've done a quick bit of research (Sorry, not that I don't trust easily, just I'm an a bit of a librarian)
So, Golden-pidgeon are you keeping these fish successfully with each other and Discus? Because almost all require/prefer water temperature 25 or below, also some need GH 10, while others only GH 5. And there's also marked differemces in Ph preferences. I've read the Discus can survive at 25 -26, but I have never heard about them THRIVING there, most people are telling me to get closer to 30C. Now I forgot to mention that I did have a male betta in the original tank - he did get his fins nipped (naughty discus! must have thought it was more of the flake food or something) and Betta spent most of the day attacking his own reflection. he coped best with the higher temp's, but I left him behind because he really was insignificant in that big tank. I did have dwarf gourami (the ones from india, Colisa lalia?) but I'm over cleaning up after them - they just kept nipping off bits of plants which then float around and rot. I think the insectivores - glass catfish/ghost catfish are the same thing? Anyway again pref. temp is 21-25. Cory's I found well - MANIC. I read they like to be in groups of their own kind 20-26C as well, the 2 albino's never stopped. I killed off 2x Apistograna ramariz, thought they were dodgy to begin with, later learnt they preferred 25C so I suspect I pretty much cooked them slowly when I raised the temp to 31 to help ailing discus. I'd like to know what temp. Ph. GH your discus tank is at and which of your suggestions is happy there, might give that species a try. Thanks again Vicki
Hello Nick.P
I'm really enjoying the 2 flying foxes only about 2cm long ATM & seem okay in the 30C tank the Discus largely ignore them, even when they come to share Discus food. They do this cute syncronised swim routine and hubby says they're really wacky and will look wackier when they grow to 6." I dont have algae (to the naked eye) so I feed them the spirulina disc's which the Discus have decided are tasty and I have to hide them so the foxes get a feed. I think they'll be okay - time will tell (grin)
Cheers Vicki
Tue Apr 11, 2006, 01:54 AM
in my 40G planted discus tank, I have 4 juv discus[from 2.5"-4"] with two bristlenose, a whiptail cat, 4 black skirt tetras, one flying fox and an elephant nose.
temp is 29-31, kh about 3, ph stable at 6.6
had two yoyo loaches, but they were eating my plants, and im not cool with that, so they were removed.
in my last tank, with 3 discus, I had a large synodontic euryptus, about 6", two med[3.5-5"] clown loaches, and two bristlenose, with a team of three siamese flying foxes. they were all great, but the synodontis liked eating plants some...
just a thought...
Tue Apr 11, 2006, 02:19 AM
Hi ellwa and thanks for your tips.
I kinda have a "dedicated" discus tank now and really only wanted something to pick up the smaller bits of leftover food & of course, algae control. PS Just
heard that the best tetra's for 30C temp. are Congo and Emperor and you need a group made up of 3 for each Discus in the tank? Apparently, they school with the Discus and are great for getting all the tiny bits of fluff leftover from frozen brime shrimp feeds etc. The neon tetras didn't behave this way in my original tank, I suppose I'll have to steel myself for a trip to Melbourne after a ring around and go get some Congo or emperor ones to try. Anyone have any of these ?
Tue Apr 11, 2006, 04:54 AM
I have some columbians which are similar to congo but not as big or as colourful....I have two they swim around like crazy... they dont hassle the discus but they do grow to about 3 inches may take away from your discus if you have quite a few of them...
How about cardinals.. they look like neons but grow a bit bigger the way to tell the difference is the red stripe goes all the way along the body to the tail and is more prominent on the cardinal than on a neon and more suited to the 30degree temps... I have a school of about 10 - they are not as big as the congos .... also good at picking up all the tiny remnants of food etc... They are a couple of dollars more expensive than neons but are worth it ... Just an idea...
Tue Apr 11, 2006, 09:43 AM
Your traditional tankmates for discus are definately cardinal tetras. They are found together with discus in the wild. A school of 20 or more is an awesome sight.
Tue Apr 11, 2006, 11:05 AM
Big Male Umbiferums ?
Tue Apr 11, 2006, 11:33 AM
Channa argus ?
Wed Apr 12, 2006, 02:59 AM
Taksan and Mark, cut it out. Vicki probably still wants to keep all her fingers when she feds her tank :roll: :roll:
I can see I'm gonna have to speak very severely to you guys, and pull you back into line :whip
Wed Apr 12, 2006, 06:09 AM
Taksan, Oscarman - !! Thank you both so much for tuning me in to these species. O-scarman after hearing that they are distinguidshed by a long dorsal fin, small head, large mouth, big teeth, 1mtr length and weight of 7kg well !! I wanted a school for our ornamental lake. What lovely boys -
I'd like to shout you a weekend out here (BEAUTIFUL GIPPSLAND LAKES)
You'd love my ornamental lake - I'd let you go swimming there ALL day long !!
Wed Apr 12, 2006, 06:24 AM
Hmmmm seems like the boys have met their match :lol:
Go Vicki :wave2
Wed Apr 12, 2006, 06:37 AM
Hey ladyred,
Did I mention that we have 4 boys ! Three are older teens - So I'm very used to dealing with "those revolting stages they go thru" LOL
Wed Apr 12, 2006, 07:43 AM
*sits back with a big grin, waiting for the reply we all know will come*
Wed Apr 12, 2006, 01:19 PM
Hmmm an invitation to jump in a lake :shock: :shock:
And a severe talking too from LR :oops: :oops:
Just thought a fish that eats the food before it hits the water would solve the clean up issues.......
Hmmm what about Pygocentrus cariba, they are smaller and prefer warmer water. ( good eaters too )
They are also South American fish from memory :)
The boy's will really help you take care of them aswell.
Wed Apr 12, 2006, 01:24 PM
Yeah and just think, she'll never need a manicure again. What a saving on nail polish :lol:
There's just no controlling you boys, is there :roll:
Wed Apr 12, 2006, 01:32 PM
Yeah and just think, she'll never need a manicure again. What a saving on nail polish :lol:
Yep Vicki no nail polish it may poison the fish good point LR.
The RSPCA would be down on you like a tonne of bricks !!!
Wed Apr 12, 2006, 01:35 PM
LOL I know when I'm beaten. Over to you Vicki. :lol:
Thu Apr 13, 2006, 12:03 AM
Hello all - Well aren't you *cute* Mark.
Now you really must visit - it'll be so much fun - and very educational - You'll see how those ill-mannered fish got their black ears and that also witness the removal of tonsils with nails some thought to maincure a bit for me -
HYSETR Cheers Vicki
Tue Apr 25, 2006, 04:02 AM
Just updating to let you all know that I've ended up with 4x Congo tetra's,
10 x cardinal and 10x Emperor tetra's in this tank. I decided to try the main ones people pm'd me about even if they prefer Temps under 30. Will post and drama's that result. Thanks to all for contributions
Tue Apr 25, 2006, 03:14 PM
Sounds lovely Vicky. They are good choices for a discus tank, and should cope quite happily with the warmer temperatures.
Got any pictures of that lovely new tank yet ?
Tue Apr 25, 2006, 09:13 PM
In my 55G, I have three discus (two new), 25 cardinals, 10 rummy nose, 7 serpaes, 4 clown loaches, 5 cories, 1 betta, 1 pleco, 2 bosemani rainbows, 1 salmon red rainbow, and 1 german ram. Few hatchets would be cool, but I think I have too many fish in the tank. My tank works well other than the 2 new guys being bullied (little) by the old guy.
Fri Apr 28, 2006, 05:27 PM
yeah pictures will be good. . .
Wed May 24, 2006, 12:28 AM
Cardinal tetra A+++++
I have like 33 of them in my 90.
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