View Full Version : Loaches with Discus
Sat Apr 08, 2006, 08:10 PM
I'm new to these boards, hoping to find some answers. I'm not new to fish keeping but these will be my first discus and I have a pond snail problem in my tank right now.
I currently have pristella tetras, otos, and amano shrimps in a densely planted setting with driftwood. Tank is finished cycling. Looking to add a bushynose pleco, and some bottomfeeders before getting discus.
Originally I was planning to get cory cats, but I think I might want to try something new and that's when the loaches caught my eye, since they would also get rid of the snails.
So my question is, do you guys have any experience or problems keeping either kuhli loaches or yo yo loaches with discus?
Sat Apr 08, 2006, 11:45 PM
I don't know anything about Kuhli or Yo Yo Loaches, but I have a large clown loach which I bought as a baby in my community tank with my Discus, Tetras, Rams etc., and he gets on well with the Discus.
He's a bit of a greedy guts so I feed at both ends of the tank and he definately keeps the snail population at zero.
I accidently made the mistake of putting a couple of my Mystery Snail in with him (didn't know any better at the time), and he made short work of them the rotter!!.
Hope this helps.,
Sun Apr 09, 2006, 05:58 AM
Kuhli loaches are great to keep with discus. they do not bother them at all and clean the un eaten food at the bottom efficiently after lights out. IMO kuhli loaches are exellent companions for discus. :)
Sun Apr 09, 2006, 11:24 AM
ive heard good and bad things bout khulis being in with discus, the only bad thing was they didnt like the higher temps? but they are certanly peaceful little things, i dont see mine out much apart from the odd peek out from around the rocks but they do come out at night (i spy on them with the torch hehe). i dont notice any uneaten food but they must find somethin as theyre not skinny and have been around for 2 years now :)
Mon Apr 10, 2006, 01:39 AM
Hi, we had 10 baby Kuhli loaches in a 650Lt tank with 10 juv. discus and they wriggled around all over the glass for the first day or two then disappeared. 2 were found in the filter media during a cannister clean and occasionally we see see a couple (which doubled in size within 2 months) wriggling around now. I dont think they bothered anyone, they must dig into the gravel or something? not sure. Really wouldn't know they were there these days.
HTH Vicki
Mon Apr 10, 2006, 02:18 PM
Cool, thanks for sharing your experience with kuhli loaches and discus.
I'm definately picking up either Kuhli or Yoyo loaches to deal with the snails (depending on which one is available at the pet shop).
I'm also picking up either a bushynose or pit bull pleco, since they stay small. Thanks.
Wed Apr 12, 2006, 11:06 AM
khulis have never eaten any of my snails, if you want a snail eater get some clown loaches, guarenteed theyll eat em lol.
to richvic- i know what you mean abut never seeing them, i only see them a couple of times a week unless i spy on them in the dark hehe, apprently they do bury themselves a bit, id imagine like fire eels or something, they do bury themselves a bit when you try catch em thats for sure! i dont think catching them in a planted tank is really an option lol
Wed Apr 12, 2006, 09:14 PM
I have a zibra loach. It does not bother the Discus.
I was tryint to take him out before I put in the Discus. He was just too fast for me so I left him in there. Mind you, you can only keep one in there. Otherwise they fight all the time.
Thu Apr 20, 2006, 07:57 AM
hi sorry this is not relivant but VICKY
can you please tell me where this photo is on the net????
is this a site?
that is an amazing tank!!!!!!!!
Mon Apr 24, 2006, 11:58 PM
Here's where you can find the picture of it:
Back on topic: I don't think I am going to be able to get a hold of any khuli loaches. Do you guys think Yoyo Loaches will be too active for a discus community tank?
vanessa messig
Thu Jan 15, 2009, 05:41 AM
Hi, I have just been reading up about yo yo loaches and have found some stories about them being too active and attacking discus.
Thu Jan 15, 2009, 07:15 AM
yoy's were never a problem for my discus but they do like to eat, i'd often see my largest adult male discus chasing them away from food, i dont keep them with discus anymore.
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