View Full Version : geo-liquid

Fri Apr 07, 2006, 07:47 PM
Anyone uses this product?

I did some search on the web and it sounds like snake oil to me. It claims to do everything from de-chlorl to PH, de-tox and the list goes on and on.

Can this be true?


There is a version for Discus too.

I wonder if anyone here uses this product and a feed back would be great.

Always on the look out for things to easy my life :-)

Fri Apr 07, 2006, 11:01 PM

do a searh on the forum you will find its been discussed HEAPS!!

cheers :D

Fri Apr 07, 2006, 11:23 PM
I believe Geo Liquid is made from special Clay coming from Japan.

I have used it in the past but no longer as doing the good old fashioned water changes works for me.

It did "polish" the water extremely well but the fish seem No happy then with geo liquid than now with out geo liquid.

My advice would be to give it a try and come up with your own conclusions.


Mon Apr 10, 2006, 01:17 PM
I have done a bit of a trial as well. I tried it mainly because i was doing big water changes and still the water didn't have that clean, sharp look I wanted.
It worked really well, I did an waterchange one evening and added it - all was cloudy and a fine dust seemed to be settling on the driftwood, I cranked up the filter for a couple of hours and was surprised at how quickly it cleared
- I mean really, really clear water. Hubby said it was like putting on his glasses and everything coming into a sharper focus. The next day the water was a light tea or tanin colour which did seem to bring out the more natural colours in the tank. Decided it was too expensive to use each water change - 650lt tank with big water changes (new cycling or recycling phase happening) but still use it occasionally for a quick touch up if water changes alone aren't doing it for me. There's a little interesting fish shop off Police Road, I think its Springvale? turn off springvale road into Police anyway, he's got the geo liquid stickers on all his tanks I decided to try it after visiting this shop on a trip to town. BTW very ecclectic collection of fish. I'm now trying out the "miracle leaf"
tea bag things, and again very happy with the colour clarity of tank water
$10- for 6 bags which last a fortnight is probably too expensive - each bag does 150lt, so I have 4 going at once! HTH Vicki


Mon Apr 10, 2006, 11:27 PM
Interesting comments people

"I cranked up the filter for a couple of hours and was surprised at how quickly it cleared"

Vicki id say your water looks clearer becuase you cranked up the filter!

Tue Apr 11, 2006, 03:19 AM
Hey Nick. Sorry for the mis-communication. In my own defence I can only advise that I am a fully-imported European model and if that P. after your name has Grecian origins, we could be distant cousins LOL
What I meant to convey, was that I had the filter OFF during the water change/ filter media cleaning routine and that once back on we noticed a difference (from the usual results of these tri weekly chores) Further to that I can add, that it did not surprise me that this worked because our work has required the clearing of muddy farm dams etc. ( Don't go there - we do environmental restoration - including rainforests & wetlands and need to work with water a lot) The clay is charged and basically attracts all non- water particles to itself which then weigh enough to settle on the bottom. We simply assumed this is what Geo-Liquid was, couldn't see what else would do this job, this way. Dont think they actually tell you what it is, do they? Anywhere on the packaging? Anyway - This is Rich's (hubby) area of expertise and if you want more on anti-flocculants (?), be warned he used to teach it at TAFE for god knows how many hours per unit! Dead boring, for people like me who are the equivalent of happy to drive a car without needing to argue about how it works - Too busy, got places to go (grinning broadly) If you see what I mean.
Cheers, Vicki

Tue Apr 11, 2006, 04:45 AM
I'm with you Vicki. I don't need to know how the television works. I just turn it on and enjoy it.

Same thing with the geo liquid. If it works for you, and you like it, then use it.

And yes, our Nick is another European model, and you certainly could be distant cousins :wink:

Tue Apr 11, 2006, 05:18 AM
Thanks Guys/Gals for the help.

I think I will stay away from it due to the cost. My wife is already complaining how much I spent on the fish. I guess I will buy the more important things.

Tue Apr 11, 2006, 07:24 AM
aah lovely clarification ! thanks Vicki!

:D :D :D :D :D