View Full Version : Aqua one noise

Fri Apr 07, 2006, 12:31 PM
Hi Everyone,
Can someone please tell me how to stop my Aqua 1 filter sounding like a freight train running through my lounge room, its so noisy.
Ashley :x

Fri Apr 07, 2006, 12:41 PM
What model is it, and how have you got the media placed. (asde from a dirty impellor I would be guessing your media is loose packed)

Fri Apr 07, 2006, 01:05 PM
Hi Proteus
Its the 4 ft model. The impella is ok thats not were the noise is coming from, its the outlet into the tank, and the water coming out of the tube into the baskets.

I have the white pads in the bottom of the baskets then the ceramic noodles on top of that then the black pads.

The water is probably squirting down 2 inches I guess before it hits the media.

Do you think I need to load the baskets up more? I have the outlet coming out at surface level to promote oxygen transfer.

Fri Apr 07, 2006, 01:14 PM
4ft model???

are you refering to a filter built into a tank or a canister filter.

if it is one of the complete tanks, you have the black filter pads on the bottom, then the ceramic noodles with the white pads at the very top.

(the white pads will silence the water trickling over the noodles)

Fri Apr 07, 2006, 01:39 PM
Sorry Proteus yes,
The all in one on top of the tank type. thanks for the advice. I will switch, the pads over.

Would you sugest putting the extention on the outlet to submerge the outlet under water to reduce the splashing or should I keep it at the surface?


Bad Inferno
Sun Apr 09, 2006, 12:25 PM
I was looking at the 5' aqua one however did ot really like the fact that there was no lid. you feed the fish through the filter return box ?

I do think the aqua one looks nice with the cabinet and rounded tank...

Does it now run silently ?
From memory the lights are only at the front...Is the back of the tank noticably darker ?


Sun Apr 09, 2006, 08:22 PM
Hi Bad Inferno
I feed the fish through a hole that is located at the return box end, not through the actual water return hole, I think the hole has been made for feeding purposes.

I purchased this tank, not for the ease of use but for the look of the whole setup I just love the look of these tanks.

No it doesnt run silently , however its a lot better than it was. I changed the filter media around as advised by Proteus(thanks Proteus), and stacked another layer of filter wool on top of what I already had in there, to reduce the fall of the water as it squirted out of the spray bar back into the filter.I am going to try a couple of more things to try to silence it some more.

There are 3 flouros that are staggered in the hood , the front light sits centred in the hood the next one back sits to the right and the third back sits to the left.The tank has a slight darker spot at the back right hand side and middle left but is is only slight and would not effect plant growth IMO.

When I do my maintanance I just slide the light hood to one side, do the vacing than side then slide it back the other way to do the other side ,it really isnt a big deal.
