View Full Version : Seachem Purigen
Wed Apr 05, 2006, 01:01 PM
My turn to give APW a plug! :wink:
I just bought a 500ml container of seachem Purigen.
Thanks for the fast shipping!
I am giving this product a trial as it seems excellent in removing
impurities from the water!
If anyone else has used this product please let me know
as i would like to hear about your results!
Thu Apr 06, 2006, 11:28 AM
I have set up 75 ml pouches of this product in air driven corner box filters. (tanks are 2x18x18)
It has only been used for the last 24 hours and i have not tested the water as of yet.
Will keep updated on any results.
Thu Apr 06, 2006, 01:45 PM
$60+ for 500ml? They really up the price. I can get 2 250ml for about $11 each and about 1 L for $39.99
Thu Apr 06, 2006, 01:52 PM
US$ verses AU$ (US$1 = approx AU$0.70)
Plus it is made in the U.S. and shipped 10,000 miles to us.
Thu Apr 06, 2006, 02:36 PM
Yep, the 10,000 miles sure add up the cost.
I was just trying to feel your pain. Then again, you are blessed with soft water, which most people in US do not have. I guess we are even then. :-)
Thu Apr 06, 2006, 10:31 PM
Yep, the 10,000 miles sure add up the cost.
I was just trying to feel your pain. Then again, you are blessed with soft water, which most people in US do not have. I guess we are even then. :-)
You also need to factor in good old supply and demand. We have a population of approx 20 million, compared to the 360 million + in the U.S.
As for soft water, I hear things arent too bad up in the North West, but I know what you mean. Friends of mine in Ohio, California, Georgia, Colorado etc etc are always commenting on how hard the water is.
Sat Apr 15, 2006, 03:38 AM
A week and a half later the Purigen is doing a good job.
I was getting a Reading of 20+ PPM nitrates.
Even though this is an ok reading I wanted to get it down below 5PPM.
It took a few days for the reading to stay down but it finally has. As I mentioned above I have it running in small air driven corner box filters so the amount of water running through and exposed to the Purigen is limited.
A better application would be to use the Purigen in some sort of filtration device like a canister or internal power sponge filter. Nether the less it still worked well and done the job it was intended to do.
Over all I give it the Ben's thumbs up with a rating of 8.2/10
Wed Apr 19, 2006, 07:29 AM
ben do you know anything about this stuff? technically how it works i mean
some of the data that goes with it is rather vague, then most advertising is
it states it is an adsorbent, right so it draws stuff to it and binds it rather than leaving it in the free water column
it then goes on to suggest it is not a mix of resins ion exchange or adsorbents ?! what ? is that a typo or have i just gotten confused
it sounds , simply by the fact that it can be regenerated that it is some sort of ion exchange type resin
my biggest concern with all of these things is that most chemical reactions are reversible at particular set points temperature, pH etc etc
what happens if the reaction doea reverse in the tank?
secondly all these resins tend to allow lazy maintainence habits to develop, regular water change and tank maintainence is imo the single most important factor for healthy fish
maybe i'm way off mark
and if anyone has a better idea of how this product works i would love to know
Wed Apr 19, 2006, 10:04 AM
Good questions Andrew!
Check this link out:
It will answer some questions.
I am not sure about the workings of this product
but it wood be a great question to ask the seachem
support crew.
Wed Apr 19, 2006, 10:31 AM
Are you using this on fry tanks or breeders or what ?
Any difference in growth rates ?
Wed Apr 19, 2006, 11:06 AM
Grant, i am just using it on 2 pairs of breeders.
I wanted to see what results it gives me, so far i have nill readings of amonnia, nitrite and nitrates.
(which the product is made for)
as far as better and more frequent spawns i have not yet come to a conclusion.
Wed Apr 19, 2006, 01:25 PM
I've used purigne in the past not for keeping the three nasties low but to polish the water. For that it is great.
I suppose Purigen has the added benefit of changing colour unlike carbon where your usually unsure when it has been exhausted.
No it is not a substitute for good tank maintenance but as a replacement for carbon its not too bad besides the cost.
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