View Full Version : Planted Discus tank questions.
Mon Apr 03, 2006, 12:54 PM
I've read that an airstone should be kept running to keep the water well oxygenated, but i give CO2 to my water and airstone cannot be run all the time because it defeats the purpose of giving CO2 as CO2 escapes the from the surface. Now i'm running the airstone only when the light goes out, all night that is (about 14hrs). But i'm concerned about the pH swings, i've read at many places that pH swings are very bad for Discus.
Will the pH swings in my case be harmful to the fish?
Will the Oxygen given by the plants be enough during daytime?
picture of my tank to assist your answers.. (
I have 8 juveniles in my 55G now along with 4 kuhli loaches and 3 apple snails.
Mon Apr 03, 2006, 01:02 PM
I dont have discus although i run a heavily planted tank with t5's and a pH controller :lol: (pics on their way) anyway i have found that running an airstone at night will cause massive pH swings and you need a very good difusor to bring your pH back up. If you look at the co2 tables there is nearly a 1 unit difference bettween 30ppm(amount of co2 required for plants) and 5 ppm (amount in tank without co2) I believe you would be better off getting a solenoid at the least or even better pH controller,
Bad Inferno
Wed Apr 05, 2006, 10:58 AM
I have a planted tank with controller and run at 30ppm CO2 however my discus have to work that much harder if I turn the airstone off. You can see it in their gill movement.
Thu Apr 06, 2006, 10:51 AM
So, you keep the airstone running all the time along with your CO2?
will the CO2 not leave the water due to the airstone? :?
Can someone please explain to me a bit more elaborately. :?:
Thu Apr 06, 2006, 12:26 PM
Not sure about the specs of robs tank, but I dont run airstones at all and find the oxygen produced during the day is plenty enought o last overnight :lol: I just concentrate on maintaing a stable pH,
Bad Inferno
Thu Apr 06, 2006, 01:01 PM
Suppose it depends on how many fish and how many plants...I have 5 large discus in 200 litres and they know when the air stone is off.
What fish do you have in your tank matt
Thu Apr 06, 2006, 01:27 PM
Interesting, may have different plant loads and fish loads, also do your plants pearl?(indication of complete saturation of oxygen and co2 in water) I have a 4x2x2 which had 7x4ft flouros with co2, was heavily planted with 10 large congos, 2 angelfish, 10 rummynose, 5 synodontis eupterus and numerous b/n and ottos,
Just my experience,
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