View Full Version : Discus swiming on an angle
Mon Apr 03, 2006, 04:09 AM
i got 6 juvis on the weekend, 5 of them look fine but one of them, its colours have faded quite a lot and its eyes are not very red more a dull dark red. and time to time it floats around at the back of the tnk on a bit of an angle.
what should i do?
ph 7 ammonia 0 nitrate 0 temp 29-30
its not eating the color bits only brine shrimp
Bill T.
Mon Apr 03, 2006, 07:01 AM
Porr little fella must have got quite a shock being moved.
How close to his previous water specs is your tank?
If all the other fish are doing fine, then I reckon just keep your fingers crossed & the little fella might pick up.
If it dies, which does happen, then you should keep a very close eye on the others, just in case they all have some bug which is yet to be declared.
Mon Apr 03, 2006, 07:15 AM
the water paramters are really close except the ph in the previous tank was 6.8 so theres a .2 difference but i wouldnt think that would make too much of a difference.
dont worry i have all my fingers crossed!
Tue Apr 04, 2006, 01:15 AM
Nathan, how is the little guy looking today.
As Bill said, it sounds like he got pretty stressed being moved. He could have a bit of swim bladder disorder, but that should sort itself out in time.
Adding a little salt to the water, 1 heap teaspoon per 40 litres of water, will help with the stress factor, and reduce the bacterier in the water.
The fact that he's eating is a good sign. I know he's only eating brine shrimp at the moment, but at least he's still eating. You can gradually change his diet when he's fully recovered.
Wed Apr 05, 2006, 02:14 AM
hes looking worse, startn to tilt more and is also devoloped a white sort of peel on its skin, and has been flickering its fins and been extremely shy since i got him, i thought it might be body flukes, does this sound right?
any suggestions?
p.s i posted a topic in the illness section of the same thing, so feel free to remove it! also what type of salt could i add?
Wed Apr 05, 2006, 08:39 AM
Just normal cooking salt, or rock salt, from the supermarket (don't get table salt, it's got other stuff in it to make if flow).
He could be developing something Nathan. The peeling skin is a reaction to something irritating the skin. Could be flukes, and it could be the water.
Can you isolate him in a hospital tank, and treat him there, cos you plants won't like the salt.
Can you take a photo of him?
Might help with diagnosis.
Wed Apr 05, 2006, 10:29 AM
nah dont have any other tanks at the moment which is a bugger!
heres another picture, hes not looking as bad tonight swimming around a lot more but definitely doesnt look well!
the white stuff isnt as noticable but the skin still doesnt look normal to me, but im not sure
Wed Apr 05, 2006, 10:40 PM
I'd try to get another tank and isolate him if I was you - he doesn't look well.
Try Clints' or one of the cheap warehouses - they usually have them in stock.
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