View Full Version : NLS Food for SA Dwarfs?
Sat Apr 01, 2006, 06:07 AM
Over on that "other forum" :D there has been a lot of discussion about NLS food for cichlids, any one tried it on Apistos? Anyone tried it for their other fish (if you have any). Anyone have an opinion on it other than its expensive?
Mon Apr 03, 2006, 12:32 AM
Hi stpeh,
i just got my little baenschi boy few days ago... and i have been feeding it the NLS for cichlids. The little boy seem to go for it without hesitation and its easy for them because its only like 1mm sining pellets...
I have two female rams in there with him and they chow that down like its out of fashion too but then again i've never seen a fussy ram before...
Im hoping that NLS for cichlids would start turning the orange rim into a vibrant red rim around his tail fin pretty soon... the blue tinge on his body is starting to speckle through...
Mon Apr 03, 2006, 04:49 AM
Sorry to be blunt, but NLS foods, especially there so called "specialty" foods are one thing I stay well clear of. Have used them in the past (the Discus, Marine & Grow varieties) and were not impressed. There are many much better products available out there that for the most case are cheaper and contain much better ingredients.
For Dwarf Cichlids personally I recommend Hikari Micro pellets, any of the Omega branded foods, the Mike Reed foods that Xtreme now carry plus the Azoo Dwarf Cichlid formula.
If I had to pick one out of the bunch I would say Omega One foods, I mean all you have to do is look at the ingredients list, you will only find food grade ingredients (that means it is graded high enough for human consumption).
The Omega One Facility is located on the wild and rugged coastline of Baranof Island in Southeast Alaska. We located our facility here in this remote location because it is the hub of a rich commercial fishing network. We are able to purchase our seafood ingredients directly from commercial fisherman. This is the only way to be competitive with such superior raw materials.
The salmon, herring, shrimp, and other seafood ingredients we use are food grade. The high levels of omega 3 & 6 fatty acids greatly enhance the immune system and make for incredible palatability. The skin on our whole salmon are rich in natural beta carotenes for outstanding color enhancement.
We harvest our own kelp, by hand, along the pristine Alaskan shoreline, far removed from any area of human habitation. Rich in vitamins and minerals, nothing can compare to this level of freshness.
Using fresh, cold water marine proteins and kelp, as ingredients, instead of fishmeal and a whole lot of starch (like everyone else) puts Omega One light years ahead of any other fish food on the market. It truly is the “Best Fish Food in the World”
Foo, if you want good colour, start using a food that is loaded with Krill & Salmon, that is where most colour enhancers are derived from naturally anyway.
In regards to NLS, if it was so good, why is there so much need for distributers and importers to keep banging the drum. I am one that believes in quality, and let the product speak for itself. If it didnt get tiring I would promote Omega One and JBL and several other barnds in every post I make, but it gets old very quickly...
ok, rant over
Mon Apr 03, 2006, 05:00 AM
There has been an awful lot written about NLS foods lately, but when you look back at the originator of the post, it usually turns out to be one of the two people who are retailing the stuff.
Just a word to the wise. They can make just about any claims on the internet, but don't be gullible enough to believe everything you read. Sure someone who is selling the stuff is going to tell you how terrific it is, and how it made all his fish bigger and better than anything else. But he's selling the stuff, and just trying to boost his sales. Nothing wrong in that, it's called marketing, unless it's done in an underhanded way, then it's just BS.
If you want a good food for your fish, read some of the labels of the food that has been out there for a very long time, and has passed the test of time with tens of thousand of fish keepers, not just some hype from a 'fish food salesman'.
Just my 2 cents :wink:
Mon Apr 03, 2006, 05:25 AM
I have to agree with Ladyred. Everytime a discussion / debate comes up over this brand of food, the majority of poeple shouting it's praises seem to have vested interests. I've tried the stuff, along with alot of other foods, and can't honestly say it's any better or worse than the other products. One food I do keep as a staple for my dwarfs ( west african and Tanganyikan) is Omega one super veggie. The list of ingredients speeks for itself. I find the colour of my fish to be much more intense while feeding this product. I've had numerouse large succesful spawns, and it works out a damn site cheaper than some of the so called "speciality" foods.
Just my opinion though :wink: .
Tue Apr 04, 2006, 08:11 AM
Personally I wouldnt use NLS even if someone paid me, and to be fair, I dont like Sera or Hikari either.
I have tried the omega food and it was good however with my rams and apistos i use the azoo and hbh foods.
Tue Apr 04, 2006, 09:39 AM
Ok guys 'n' gals i dont want to be shot down for saying this, but frontosas keepers cannot give this food enough praise..
If u would like go onto,
and read through some of the posts and almost every member from the US,scotland etc love this food... :o
Its suppose help with growth,colour and overall to get it clear I'm dont sell this food, and have never used it...but just thought i would let you know just to keep things fair... :)
It may be different for discus,dwarf cichlids but for fronnies it seems to work miracles.. :shock:
Sam... 8-)
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