View Full Version : Rough Crowd.....

Thu Mar 30, 2006, 12:15 AM
I CANNOT get my discus to eat a balanced diet....

Twice a day I have been giving a mixture of the following frozen foods:

Hikari Blood Worms
San Fran Bay Brine Shrimp
San Fran Bay Cichlid Chow (Discus Delight)

I have had these discus for two years and have been a discus owner for about five years total. I was introduced to them by a friend that had a few old girls they could not take care of any more. The old girls have since died (RIP) and the new have taken their place.

Water conditions are ideal and they receive DI water changes weekly, and I vacuum the gravel on a bi-weekly schedule.

PH - 6.5
Temp: 80-82
Nitrate/Nitrite always very low
Ammonia always very low

I use an Aquarium Pharmaceutical DI Tap Water Filter and add the proper electrolytes. I am using Peat in the filter and driftwood to soften the water naturally.

I CANNOT get these fish to eat any food other than frozen. Any ideas? What do you all use as a main staple? I am having a problem where I do not see any growth..(obviously) with just frozen foods...

Darn things are driving me crazy.

Thu Mar 30, 2006, 01:03 AM
I'm no expert. I gave the flake food in the morning, nothing esle. They kind of know after a while that nothing for them to eat till in the afternoon. After a few days, most of them started to eat the flakes except one or two.

I use different flakes. Some OSI Vivid color, some other discus flakes. I also gave them some frozen BW and BS.

Thu Mar 30, 2006, 12:06 PM
you say yoour ammonia/nitrite is very low? not sure if ya worded that wrong, you probably did but they should both be 0.

apparently you can just offer them that until they eat or feed them that in the morning when they will be most hungry. you can also mix small bits of new food in with the old food and slowly take that out until its all the new foods? just some things ive read about being done