Mon Mar 27, 2006, 05:49 PM
I just bought this one and installed it to my 125 g discus tank.
Cost: $68 plus $20 for s&h on e-Bay. You may want to add another $20 for a slower pump. Maybe few $ for connection tubes.
It comes with a pump, which is a bit too fast (350 gph) for it. I think the pump was intended for pond usage to control alge. I replaced it with a 127 gph pump because I read somewhere says that you want the flow rate to turn over your entire tank at least every two hours. I guess I'm a bit faster than that but I have a bigger wattage required for 125 g tank. It is rated good for at least 200 g tank (maybe more).
Installation was simple. I had to get some tubes to connect it. You can not put this one inside the tank so I put it on top of the tank. I cut two holes on the tank cover for in and out water flow. The unit is kind of big but it can hide behinde the light system that I have. The installation was really not as hard as I thought (mind you, I had trouble even install the flapper of the toilet in my house). No noise. I think most of the noise comes from the water pump and since the 127 gph pump was in the tank before this installation, there were no additional noise added. (I used it to move the water around)
This is a cheap unit and I will have to wait for few more months to see how it goes. So far no leaking and other problems. Since I put it on top of the tank, leaking may not be a serious problem as otherwise.
Some people would say you get what you pay for, which is correct. I just want some UV to kill the bad thing. How long it will last? I will let you know when it broke :wink: So far so good and it it way too short for a really good review.
Cost: $68 plus $20 for s&h on e-Bay. You may want to add another $20 for a slower pump. Maybe few $ for connection tubes.
It comes with a pump, which is a bit too fast (350 gph) for it. I think the pump was intended for pond usage to control alge. I replaced it with a 127 gph pump because I read somewhere says that you want the flow rate to turn over your entire tank at least every two hours. I guess I'm a bit faster than that but I have a bigger wattage required for 125 g tank. It is rated good for at least 200 g tank (maybe more).
Installation was simple. I had to get some tubes to connect it. You can not put this one inside the tank so I put it on top of the tank. I cut two holes on the tank cover for in and out water flow. The unit is kind of big but it can hide behinde the light system that I have. The installation was really not as hard as I thought (mind you, I had trouble even install the flapper of the toilet in my house). No noise. I think most of the noise comes from the water pump and since the 127 gph pump was in the tank before this installation, there were no additional noise added. (I used it to move the water around)
This is a cheap unit and I will have to wait for few more months to see how it goes. So far no leaking and other problems. Since I put it on top of the tank, leaking may not be a serious problem as otherwise.
Some people would say you get what you pay for, which is correct. I just want some UV to kill the bad thing. How long it will last? I will let you know when it broke :wink: So far so good and it it way too short for a really good review.